
M7 caught fire, "husband, brother, and 2-year-old son were killed→"!

author:896 car FM
M7 caught fire, "husband, brother, and 2-year-old son were killed→"!

Recently, it was reported that a Wenjie M7 vehicle in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province had a traffic accident and caught fire after hitting a maintenance vehicle, and people on the car were killed. Today (April 28), AITO Automobile's official Weibo posted a response to the previous Shanxi Expressway M7 car accident.

AITO said that at around 16:34 on April 26, a Wenjie M7 Plus had a serious traffic accident in Yuncheng, Shanxi. According to the national platform data access management regulations, it was learned that the vehicle was operating at a speed of 115km/h when the accident occurred, the airbag was opened normally, and the characteristics of the power battery pack were normal. "We are actively cooperating with the local traffic police department to carry out the accident investigation, providing all necessary data to restore the cause of the accident, and providing all possible support to the family. The specific investigation results are subject to the follow-up report of the traffic police department. ”

M7 caught fire, "husband, brother, and 2-year-old son were killed→"!

According to the online video, a few days ago, a Wenjie M7 collided with a road maintenance vehicle on the high-speed fast lane, and the front of the Wenjie M7 caught fire, and the whole car was shrouded in flames. After the accident, a number of well-wishers at the scene participated in the rescue and tried to break the window with a hard object to rescue the people in the car.

M7 caught fire, "husband, brother, and 2-year-old son were killed→"!

The reporter learned from social platforms that a netizen who claimed to be the sister of the party involved in the accident posted that at about 3 noon on April 26, his brother drove a Wenjie car at high speed in Xia County, Shanxi, and collided with a high-speed watering truck, with her husband and 2-year-old son sitting in the car. After the rear-end collision, the vehicle exploded, killing his brother, husband and son, who died directly in the fire.

According to the netizen, the car driven by his younger brother is the six-seat rear-wheel drive intelligent driving version of Huawei's new M7 Max purchased in January this year. The netizen raised two questions about this, one is whether the maintenance vehicle occupies the fast lane, whether the speed is compliant, whether there is water in the maintenance vehicle, whether it has the ability to rescue and extinguish the fire in time, and whether it should be held responsible. The second is whether the AEB automatic emergency braking function, GAEB special-shaped obstacle automatic emergency braking, ternary lithium battery, flame retardant materials and thermal runaway protection technology impact and airbags that have been advertised by the vehicle have played a role at the time of the accident.

On April 28, the reporter called and contacted the above-mentioned netizens through text messages several times, but did not receive a reply as of press time.

On the same day, the reporter confirmed from the customer service staff of the AITO Automobile User Care Center that the accident occurred on the Yuncheng Expressway in Shanxi Province on April 26, and the vehicle involved was Wenjie M7, but the specific version is not known for the time being. Regarding the casualties of the accident, the customer service staff also said that please refer to the notice of the traffic management department.

"We have set up a task force for the first time to investigate and understand the scene, check the relevant data, and the specific cause of the accident is subject to the report of the traffic police department. After the follow-up investigation of the matter is clear, Cialis will also issue relevant announcements. The customer service staff said.

It is reported that safety has always been an aspect of the AITO series. A few days ago, at the Beijing Auto Show, Cialis released the Cialis Rubik's Cube platform, which focuses on "panoramic security", which can realize more than 200 safety functions and cover more than 150 security scenarios. According to the official publicity, AITO has sold nearly 300,000 units, and the battery has maintained a record of zero spontaneous combustion.

Whether the fire accident is related to the battery is inconclusive. Some industry insiders pointed out that judging from the initial fire site, the possibility of a range extender fire cannot be ruled out. Journalists will keep a close eye on the incident.

Source: Southern Metropolis Daily Editor: Hu Yiyi Editor: Lai Ting Review: Lu Hongmei

M7 caught fire, "husband, brother, and 2-year-old son were killed→"!
M7 caught fire, "husband, brother, and 2-year-old son were killed→"!

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