
Allen Guo is on the cover of FIBA again, which is really amazing!

author:Sanzhiqua said sports
{"info":{"title":{"content":"不服不行!郭艾伦又上了国际篮联的封面,真是了不起啊!","en":"Allen Guo is on the cover of FIBA again, which is really amazing!"},"description":{"content":"不服不行!郭艾伦登上国际篮联封面,中国篮球的骄傲!近日,国际篮联官方发布了一期新的封面人物,令人惊喜的是,中国篮球的佼佼...","en":"Guo Allen is on the cover of FIBA, the pride of Chinese basketball! Recently, FIBA officially released a new cover character, and what is surprising is that the best of Chinese basketball..."}},"items":[]}