
was thrown into the trash by her biological father at birth, and now she has become a popular actress, and her father asked for 50 million



was thrown into the trash by her biological father at birth, and now she has become a popular actress, and her father asked for 50 million

虽然节目里没有点出那个女明星是谁,但是种种细节已经表明,这个男人所控诉的女明星正是凭借电视剧《三十而已》一炮走红的演员毛晓彤。 生父的公开控诉给毛晓彤的演艺生涯造成了很大的影响。很快,毛晓彤的原生家庭就被扒了出来。原来,毛晓彤的亲生父亲名叫李超,不但重男轻女,而且嗜赌如命。在很多人家中,女儿是掌上明珠,但在李家,毛晓彤出生后便没有受到过父亲的半点关爱。

was thrown into the trash by her biological father at birth, and now she has become a popular actress, and her father asked for 50 million

李超不但好赌,而且酗酒,一个大男人不但不出去工作,反而靠妻子卖汤圆赚钱。有一次他喝醉了,竟将几个月大的毛晓彤毫不留情地扔进了垃圾桶,要不是母亲及时发现,幼小的毛晓彤恐怕要生不测。 这件事后不久,母亲就带着毛晓彤和李超离婚,并将毛晓彤改成和自己姓。 从那时起,母亲独自一人将毛晓彤养大成人,不得不说,作为一个女人这是非常了不起的。她虽然吃尽了苦头,好在苦尽甘来。毛晓彤是一个非常有志气的女孩,靠着自己的努力在演艺界打出一片天。她现在可以说是娱乐圈中比较成功的了,当然这其中有母亲的功劳,但和她的父亲没有任何关系。

was thrown into the trash by her biological father at birth, and now she has become a popular actress, and her father asked for 50 million


was thrown into the trash by her biological father at birth, and now she has become a popular actress, and her father asked for 50 million


was thrown into the trash by her biological father at birth, and now she has become a popular actress, and her father asked for 50 million


was thrown into the trash by her biological father at birth, and now she has become a popular actress, and her father asked for 50 million


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