
These 2 inadvertent changes in menstruation represent the onset of menopause and menopause

author:Dr. Ren Health Talk

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Li Xue is a 45-year-old woman who works as a human resources manager for a foreign company. Recently, she has noticed some changes in her menstrual cycle, with longer periods and a noticeable increase in menstrual blood than before.

These 2 inadvertent changes in menstruation represent the onset of menopause and menopause

At first, she thought it was just a temporary disorder and didn't pay much attention to it. But the abnormal performance for two months in a row still made her feel a little anxious.

On a weekend afternoon, Li Xue decided to go to the gynecology clinic of the hospital to seek professional advice from the doctor.

After describing her symptoms to the doctor on duty, Dr. Wang pondered for a moment and said to her, "Ms. Li, based on your age and the characteristics of your menstrual changes, this is likely to be a sign that menopause is coming. "

These 2 inadvertent changes in menstruation represent the onset of menopause and menopause

Li Xue was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and asked with some puzzlement: "Menopause?" I'm only 45 years old, will it be too early?" Dr. Wang explains with a smile, "Women generally enter menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, which is a normal physiological process.

As we age, ovarian function gradually declines, estrogen levels decline, leading to menstrual cycle disorders, and increased or decreased menstrual blood flow are common manifestations.

In addition, some women may also experience symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings, which are normal reactions of menopause. "

These 2 inadvertent changes in menstruation represent the onset of menopause and menopause

Seeing that Li Xue was still a little worried, Dr. Wang comforted her and said, "Don't worry too much, this is a natural process of women's physiological development." But in order to rule out the possibility of other diseases,

I recommend that you do some examinations, including gynecological ultrasound, six sex hormones, etc., so that we can have a more complete understanding of your physical condition. "

These 2 inadvertent changes in menstruation represent the onset of menopause and menopause

Li Xue nodded and accepted the doctor's advice. A week later, the test results came back. Dr. Wang carefully examined Li Xue's indicators and said to her:

"From the test results, your ovaries are smaller than your peers and your estradiol levels are low, which is consistent with your current age and clinical presentation, and is indeed a sign of menopause. "

These 2 inadvertent changes in menstruation represent the onset of menopause and menopause

Li Xue breathed a sigh of relief, although she was still a little uneasy in her heart, at least she knew that her body was fine. She asked the doctor, "How will my period change in the future, and how long will it last?"

"Every woman's menopausal process is different, but in general, menstruation gradually decreases and the cycle becomes irregular until it stops completely, which is what we often call menopause," Dr. Wang patiently explains.

The entire menopause can last for several years, and menopause means the end of ovarian function and the loss of fertility, an important turning point in a woman's life course. "

These 2 inadvertent changes in menstruation represent the onset of menopause and menopause

Li Xue nodded thoughtfully, and she began to realize that she was going through a new stage in her life. Dr Wong continued, "In the face of the discomfort of menopause, you should pay attention to lifestyle adjustments, maintain a healthy diet, exercise moderately, and reduce stress.

If the symptoms are severe and interfere with daily life and work, we can consider appropriate hormone replacement therapy to relieve discomfort. But the most important thing is to face this special period with a positive and optimistic attitude, as long as you are willing to accept your changes, you will be able to successfully pass menopause and welcome a new chapter in your life. "

Li Xue felt a lot relieved after listening to the doctor's words, she realized that although menopause will bring some challenges to the body and mind, it is an inevitable stage in women's physiological development, and changes in her body are normal things, so there is no need to panic.

These 2 inadvertent changes in menstruation represent the onset of menopause and menopause

After the doctor's guidance, she made up her mind to pay more attention to her physical and mental health from now on and learn to live in harmony with menopause.

When she left the hospital, Li Xue's mood had calmed down a lot. She secretly told herself to look at this stage of life from a new perspective, as an opportunity for self-growth and transformation.

She plans to start experimenting with yoga and meditation, which will not only help relieve the many discomforts of menopause, but also nourish her mind. At the same time, she also plans to talk more about menopause with her girlfriends, support and encourage each other, and meet the challenges of this special period together.

These 2 inadvertent changes in menstruation represent the onset of menopause and menopause

Li Xue's story reflects the life experiences of countless women of her age. Menopause, as an inevitable natural phenomenon in the development of women's lives, will bring some physical and mental discomfort, but as long as you deal with it with a positive attitude.

If you adjust your lifestyle and seek professional help from your doctor if necessary, you will be able to get through this special period and welcome a new chapter in your life.

Every woman should face up to and accept the arrival of this special period, and embrace the changes in life with wisdom and courage. Menopause is not the end, but a new beginning, which marks the continuation and transformation of a woman's life, heralding the beginning of a more mature and abundant stage of life.

These 2 inadvertent changes in menstruation represent the onset of menopause and menopause

As long as you embrace this stage with an open and positive mind, listen to your body's voice, and explore your inner needs, you will be able to rediscover and define yourself in the process of menopause, and live a more wonderful and comfortable life.

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