
When the apprentice died, the master wanted to marry the apprentice's wife, and in the evening the apprentice's wife prepared food and drinks

author:Arvin Film & TV Clip XVLM
{"info":{"title":{"content":"徒弟去世,师父要娶徒弟之妻,晚上徒弟之妻准备了酒菜","en":"When the apprentice died, the master wanted to marry the apprentice's wife, and in the evening the apprentice's wife prepared food and drinks"},"description":{"content":"徒弟去世,师父要娶徒弟之妻在一个古老而神秘的国度里,有一位德高望重的老者,人称“风尘道人”。他精通各种奇门遁甲之术,为人...","en":"When the apprentice dies, the master wants to marry the apprentice's wifeIn an ancient and mysterious country, there is a respected old man, known as the \"Wind and Dust Daoist\". He is proficient in all kinds of Qimen Dunjia techniques, and is a person..."}},"items":[]}