
Xie Xian: Good news again? The sword is not old, and even his son Nicholas Tse is ashamed of himself!

author:Winter without you
All information stated in this article has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable

Text/Editor/Winter without you

Xie Xian: Good news again? The sword is not old, and even his son Nicholas Tse is ashamed of himself!

Back to the top: Xie Xian's legendary life

In the entertainment industry, who can be as beautiful as Mr. Xie Xian?

From a small rich man to a big star, and then from the top to the bottom, and then back on his feet, this is simply more exciting than the plot of the movie!

Xie Xian: Good news again? The sword is not old, and even his son Nicholas Tse is ashamed of himself!

When he was a child, he was the pearl of the family, a model of the rich second generation, and he overturned the entire Xie family, he could do whatever he wanted, and life was a feast of wine and wine.

Xie Xian: Good news again? The sword is not old, and even his son Nicholas Tse is ashamed of himself!

Can you imagine the kind of luxury that a small child can enjoy? Hey, that's how crazy it was when I was a kid!

But there is always a turning point in life, isn't it? He was initially ready to take over the family's casino business, but who knew that his family wanted him to pursue a "decent" career, so he embarked on the road of acting. This change is nothing short of a life change!

Xie Xian: Good news again? The sword is not old, and even his son Nicholas Tse is ashamed of himself!

From being cynical to becoming the focus of the film and television industry, there are thrilling stories along the way.

Xie Xian, the Hong Kong actor of the 70s, right? His acting career is in full swing, his salary is getting higher and higher, and he has become the darling of the film industry and has attracted much attention. But! Fate played a joke on him, and he lost a gambling mess, and his wealth was wiped out overnight. This time he beat him to pieces, and the giants were gone.

Xie Xian: Good news again? The sword is not old, and even his son Nicholas Tse is ashamed of himself!

Fortunately, there are good brothers, and Xie Xian has a friend of the gambling king Stanley Ho, who proudly reached out and pulled him out of the quagmire. Since then, he has been unwilling to be ordinary, reinvigorated himself, and established his own film company. Wow, this self-help ability is too fierce!

Xie Xian: Good news again? The sword is not old, and even his son Nicholas Tse is ashamed of himself!

On the emotional road, there are also ups and downs. The scandals with the actresses are entangled, and the final marriage is not very happy. But even so, he did not give up the pursuit of happiness, and his life can be described as ups and downs, quite dramatic.

Xie Xian: Good news again? The sword is not old, and even his son Nicholas Tse is ashamed of himself!

Old? How's that! Xie Xian's later years were full of vitality and fighting spirit. Although he is old, his enthusiasm for acting is still undiminished.

Xie Xian: Good news again? The sword is not old, and even his son Nicholas Tse is ashamed of himself!

In a movie called "Deus Ex Twilight", his performance is a classic and even won the Academy Award for Best Actor! This scene is simply tearful!

Xie Xian: Good news again? The sword is not old, and even his son Nicholas Tse is ashamed of himself!

followed him on stage with his son Nicholas Tse, who is also a figure in the entertainment industry. But at this Academy Awards, he lost to his father! Is this a joke? But he is quite proud, and he is glad and proud of his father's success.

Xie Xian: Good news again? The sword is not old, and even his son Nicholas Tse is ashamed of himself!

Yes, Xie Xian's life is like a drama, with twists and turns, joys and sorrows. But he has always persevered and written a legend with his strength and courage. He is a master of the film industry, and his story will be told forever.

Xie Xian: Good news again? The sword is not old, and even his son Nicholas Tse is ashamed of himself!

"Lao Xie is really a legend, from a little rich man to a big star, all the way up and down, it's so emotional!"

"Seeing Lao Xie win the award again, I was so excited that this is the best reward for his life's hard work!"

"It's not easy for Nicholas, but Lao Xie's achievements are really admirable, and he is a legend in the film industry!"

Xie Xian: Good news again? The sword is not old, and even his son Nicholas Tse is ashamed of himself!

On this stage of life, everyone is playing their own role, and Mr. Xie Xian is the brightest star in this play. His story will be told forever.

Xie Xian: Good news again? The sword is not old, and even his son Nicholas Tse is ashamed of himself!

What do you think is the most touching part of Mr. Xie Xian's life?

Is it his tenacity, or is it his saga?

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