
Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man


01. 一个女子正在参加一个外国人举办的比赛,竟然脱光了面对评委,简直不可思议

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

02. 1917年,第一次世界大战期间,一群法国士兵,在一面破损不堪的法国旗帜跟前,拍下了这张合照。当时德国工业化程度更高,军事实力更强,法军为了打败德军,大批青壮年男子被派到了战场上,每10个年轻人里,就会有3人因为战争阵亡。

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

03. 1947年,在农村的集市上一位老者正在蹲在地上看农具

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

04. 在过去,骷髅作为背景用于拍照被视为一种充满神秘和吸引力的浪漫表达方式

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

05. 本组图片拍摄于1932年,再现民国时期烟台的真实影像。

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

06. 一名日军鬼子在河中抓到了一条大鱼,在镜头下显得还挺得意!

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

07. 这是一家供销社,此时的售货员和顾客正在商讨今后的销售方式

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

08. 送水的男子晒得全身黢黑

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

09. 攻占成功的日寇 ,城墙已经被他们炸毁。

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

10. 这是广州郊区的一处公社,在河边的林荫小道上有很多行色匆匆的行人

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

11. 被俘虏的八路军战士将被送到集中营,接受F非人的虐待

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

12. 你们见过晚清的皇陵吗?看着真冷清

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

13. 刽子手妻整理门前无人领的头骨,

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

14. 民国时期的城市居民。

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

15. 晚清贵族人家的蒙古女儿出嫁的盛况

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

16. 日军手拿抗日英雄的头颅

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

17. 底层女子沦落烟花之地,赚钱不容易

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

18. 而当八国联军入侵紫禁城时,原本应该是清王朝定海神针的慈禧和光绪皇帝却连夜出逃,将紫禁城的宫女太监留下吸引视线,将整个北京城的百姓安危抛诸于脑后,以至于百姓遭受这动荡局势的压迫和侵袭。

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

19. 女子好奇掀开了英国士兵的裙子.

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

20. 小女孩物尽其用,用报纸当围兜

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

21. 百年前清末老照片揭示,拉洋片风靡一时,满足时人好奇心,成为一时之时尚。

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

22. 母亲带着孩子拍照,表情很丰富

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

23. 长颈族的女人,脖子上一圈圈都是铜圈

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

24. 颐和园内的铜亭,古朴典雅,熠熠生辉,彰显着皇家园林的非凡气韵与独特魅力。

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

25. 流浪汉捡到一根烟赶紧抽起来.

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

26. 58年,声势浩大的扫盲运动展开,妇女在“扫盲班”!

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

27. 满族母亲怀抱幼儿,哺乳温情浓

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

28. 侵华日军正趴在地上

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

29. 当时的妇女,甚至还以此为荣,据说在当时,只有生过儿子的人,才能够正大光明地将其放出来。

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

30. 上联:一山一水一包烟 下联:评论区你来对

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

31. 搬运者的艰辛旧时东亚街头的重物搬运场景

Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man


Rare old photos of shame: a woman who has been molested, a naked woman standing in front of a man

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