
BYD executives: Most of Huawei's and Xiaomi's mobile phones are produced by BYD

{"info":{"title":{"content":"比亚迪高管:华为、小米手机大部分是比亚迪生产的","en":"BYD executives: Most of Huawei's and Xiaomi's mobile phones are produced by BYD"},"description":{"content":"比亚迪高管:华为、小米手机大部分是比亚迪生产的中国新闻网2024-04-2719:32发布于北京中国新闻网官方账号中新网...","en":"BYD executives: Most of Huawei's and Xiaomi's mobile phones are produced by BYD's China News Network2024-04-2719:32Published on the official account of China News Network in Beijing..."}},"items":[]}