
The 91-year-old man was seriously ill and bedridden, and none of his six children wanted to take care of him, so the old man had no choice but to prepare for the funeral by himself

author:Lin Huaili
{"info":{"title":{"content":"91岁老人重病卧床,6个子女谁也不愿管,老人无奈自己准备后事","en":"The 91-year-old man was seriously ill and bedridden, and none of his six children wanted to take care of him, so the old man had no choice but to prepare for the funeral by himself"},"description":{"content":"标题:孤独终老:一位91岁老人的孤立与坚强在这个喧嚣的世界里,孤独并非稀罕之事。每个人都可能会有一段与孤独搏斗的时光。然...","en":"Title: Loneliness: The Isolation and Strength of a 91-Year-Old In this noisy world, loneliness is not uncommon. Everyone may have a time wrestling with loneliness. Correct..."}},"items":[]}