
It's a big deal, the new appointment, and there is no one left for Yang Shumian! I didn't expect the comment area to fry

author:Catch fun in the sea

In the hot summer, there is always something quietly playing in the streets and alleys of the city, that is, the little thing that is jokingly called "poplar cotton".

It's a big deal, the new appointment, and there is no one left for Yang Shumian! I didn't expect the comment area to fry

These seemingly harmless flying flotsam not only make it difficult for people to breathe, but also may bring hidden dangers to our health, travel and the environment!

Health hazards: poplar cotton has become an "invisible killer"?

When spring comes, the poplar flotsam is like snowflakes fluttering in the sky, light and beautiful.

However, these seemingly harmless flying flotsams hide a threat to health.

It's a big deal, the new appointment, and there is no one left for Yang Shumian! I didn't expect the comment area to fry

According to reports, the fly floc emitted by poplar cotton is not just a natural phenomenon of plants, they can be a potential killer of health.

These tiny flotsams are often overlooked, but they are not harmless.

First of all, poplar cotton is prone to allergic reactions, and for those who are allergic to pollen, poplar fly in spring is even more of a nightmare.

It's a big deal, the new appointment, and there is no one left for Yang Shumian! I didn't expect the comment area to fry

Allergic reactions may manifest as nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing and other symptoms, causing a lot of inconvenience to patients.

More seriously, these flyings can carry germs and contaminants.

When flyings enter people's respiratory tracts, they can carry various bacteria and contaminants such as dust, mold, etc., which can pose a greater health risk to the elderly, children, and people with respiratory diseases.

It's a big deal, the new appointment, and there is no one left for Yang Shumian! I didn't expect the comment area to fry

Especially in the urban environment, poplar cotton adsorbs a large number of air pollutants and becomes an invisible vector, which exacerbates the deterioration of air quality and has a non-negligible impact on people's health.

Travel dilemma: poplar cotton into an "unmanageable" trouble?

In this season, every time you go out, it is like a fight against poplar cotton.

They are like a pervasive spell, bringing a series of inconveniences and troubles.

It's a big deal, the new appointment, and there is no one left for Yang Shumian! I didn't expect the comment area to fry

First of all, breathing seems to be a challenge in the face of poplar cotton.

They flutter in the air, light and playful, but they put a heavy burden on people's respiratory systems.

Each inhale is as if you are going through a mist of cotton wool, making it difficult to breathe, as if you are struggling in a deep pile of cotton.

It's a big deal, the new appointment, and there is no one left for Yang Shumian! I didn't expect the comment area to fry

In addition to breathing difficulties, poplar cotton flotsam can also unexpectedly enter people's eyes, noses and mouths, causing a lot of discomfort to pedestrians.

The eyes are irritated by the flying flotsam, the nose is blocked by the flying flotsam, and the mouth is infested by the flying flotsam, making it impossible for people to walk in the streets and alleys with peace of mind.

What's even more troublesome is that these hateful flying flakes still like to stick to clothes and cars, and they can't be washed off for a while, so people can't get rid of this trouble.

It's a big deal, the new appointment, and there is no one left for Yang Shumian! I didn't expect the comment area to fry

Pedestrians were dressed in white clothes, but they were stained with a layer of dust by poplar cotton, and the car shone metallicly in the sun, but there were traces of poplar cotton.

Urban environment: poplar cotton becomes a "nightmare of the green belt"?

The beauty of the city seems to have faded from its brilliant colors overnight, becoming dull and heavy.

The poplar cotton flotsam became the "rebel" of the city, ruthlessly tearing apart the beautiful picture and dyeing the earth with a gray haze.

It's a big deal, the new appointment, and there is no one left for Yang Shumian! I didn't expect the comment area to fry

A large number of flying wool is piled up on the ground, in the green belt and in the river, like abandoned cotton wool piles, losing the tenderness and vitality of spring.

They no longer flutter lightly, but weigh heavily on the shoulders of the city, becoming a sight to ignore.

On the road, under the street trees, and beside the river, there are those stubborn flying flotsam, as if telling people some kind of unspeakable suffering.

It's a big deal, the new appointment, and there is no one left for Yang Shumian! I didn't expect the comment area to fry

However, these flyings don't simply affect the aesthetics of the city, they can also cause a series of problems.

Sewers are clogged with flying flotsam, paralyzing the drainage system, preventing rainwater from draining smoothly, and greatly increasing the risk of urban waterlogging. The green space is covered by flying flocculents, the soil is polluted, the growth of plants is hindered, and the ecological environment is seriously damaged.

In the face of such a situation, the sanitation workers are busy, they shuttle through the streets and alleys of the city, vigorously sweep the flying flakes on the ground, and strive to maintain the cleanliness and tidiness of the city.

It's a big deal, the new appointment, and there is no one left for Yang Shumian! I didn't expect the comment area to fry

However, the flying flotsam of poplar cotton seems to be endless, the efforts of sanitation workers seem to be just a drop in the bucket, and the beauty of the city is still difficult to recover.

Fire Hazard: Poplar Cotton as a "Potential Tinder"?

Fires were once thought to be disasters caused only by human factors, but the reality tells us that the presence of poplar cotton may also make fires the norm in cities.

It's a big deal, the new appointment, and there is no one left for Yang Shumian! I didn't expect the comment area to fry

These seemingly harmless plants hide unexpected dangers. Poplar cotton is dry and flammable, which becomes an accelerant for fires.

In the event of an open flame or high temperature, they act like powder kegs and are in danger of starting a fire at any time.

The carelessness of a cigarette butt or a hot weather can cause a catastrophic fire.

It's a big deal, the new appointment, and there is no one left for Yang Shumian! I didn't expect the comment area to fry

Poplar cotton flakes flutter in the air, scattered around like sparks, bringing a huge threat to the safety of the city.

In recent years, there have been frequent fire accidents caused by poplar cotton, which has caused people to worry about the safety of the city.

The fire not only caused huge damage to property, but more importantly, threatened people's lives.

It's a big deal, the new appointment, and there is no one left for Yang Shumian! I didn't expect the comment area to fry

Especially in the dry and hot season, the risk of fire is more prominent, and every poplar cotton fly may become the fuse that triggers the disaster.

Call to action: Let's change the troubles caused by "poplar cotton" together!

Indeed, we cannot sit idly by, but should actively call on relevant departments to take effective measures to strengthen the governance of poplar cotton.

It's a big deal, the new appointment, and there is no one left for Yang Shumian! I didn't expect the comment area to fry

Methods such as pruning branches and spraying inhibitors can effectively reduce the production of poplar cotton and reduce its impact on the city at the root.

In addition, it is also a feasible option to plant more tree species that produce no or less flyout in urban planning.

Through these measures, the urban environment can be effectively improved and many problems caused by poplar cotton can be reduced.

It's a big deal, the new appointment, and there is no one left for Yang Shumian! I didn't expect the comment area to fry

However, in addition to the efforts of the government and relevant departments, the active participation of the general public is also crucial.

After all, it is not only the responsibility of the government to change the environment, but also the obligation of everyone.

We can start with ourselves and reduce the disturbance of poplar cotton.

For example, plant some plants that are not easy to produce fly floc at home, clean up the surrounding environment regularly, and try to avoid poplar cotton entering the room.

It's a big deal, the new appointment, and there is no one left for Yang Shumian! I didn't expect the comment area to fry

In addition, education and publicity activities can also be used to raise public awareness of environmental protection and encourage everyone to work together to create a cleaner and healthier future.

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