
Suddenly, Yang Xiaoming, the father of the new crown vaccine, was arrested, and the comment area fell

author:Black Shield Front Rock
{"info":{"title":{"content":"突发,新冠疫苗之父杨晓明被抓,评论区沦陷","en":"Suddenly, Yang Xiaoming, the father of the new crown vaccine, was arrested, and the comment area fell"},"description":{"content":"根据新闻的报道,开发国内首款新冠疫苗的杨晓明,因为涉嫌违纪被抓了。视频加载中...杨晓明才华过人,在疫情紧张的时候,开发...","en":"According to news reports, Yang Xiaoming, who developed the first new crown vaccine in China, was arrested on suspicion of violating discipline. Loading... Yang Xiaoming is talented, and when the epidemic is tense, he developed..."}},"items":[]}