
Self-Help in Impostor Gods: Do You Want to Witness Miracles? Then go to the miracle and complain that it is a poison god helps the self-helpers of the Heavenly Path to be unrelated, often with good people "to pray for others." ”

author:The first person to entertain

Author: Jingzhi

Those who are lazy will suffer poverty, and those who are diligent will be enriched. Self-helpers, God help. - The Bible

"Counterfeit Gods" is a movie about faith. Faith is meant to be practiced, but people often turn it into nothingness. The pursuit of the satisfaction of the spiritual world should be to better devote oneself to life. Once upside down, it becomes superstition. Faith is the self-encouragement of the brave, and superstition is the self-hypnosis of the coward.

"Counterfeit Gods" is starring Kim Carey. The beautiful and elegant Jennifer Aniston as the heroine, although the role is not much, but Grace, a kind and considerate good woman image, is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so that fans can see the other side of "Rachel". As for the most brilliant role in this film, it is the God played by Morgan Freeman: the kind smile, the deep eyes, and the magnetic voice line are highly acclaimed, directly setting the signature "God" Figure for Morgan Freeman.

<h1>Complaining is a poison</h1>

Bruce is a news reporter who, like many little people, lives an ordinary and trivial life every day. Bruce complains about everything: going to work without getting enough sleep, and having a bad breakfast. Even his girlfriend donated blood out of love, and he had to tease a few words. He went out to interview, and in the middle of the live broadcast, he found that his colleague Evan had actually become a TV host, and he and his female partner had a wordless joke about himself. Bruce finally broke out.

It was the last straw that crushed his fragile dignity. Bruce used the live broadcast as a cathartic outlet, and he mocked the TV station, only to mess up the program and be swept out of the house. When he met a little bullying a beggar, he saw the courage of the righteous but was beaten up. Bruce takes his emotions home and gets into a fight with his girlfriend. Driving out, under the ashes of all thoughts, he remembered God, he picked up the wishing bead sent by his girlfriend, expecting a miracle to appear, but he did not expect to hit the light pole.

Bruce's crushed by a succession of unpleasant encounters, and he began to curse God and complain about the injustice of fate. Until an unexpected phone call changed his fate.

"I have a job for you."

In a building, all the instructions of the room index point to the 7th floor, perhaps a metaphor for the seven days of Genesis. God is here, the boss, the electrician, and the part-time janitor. I don't know if this is a hint of the "Trinity" idea. The doorman asked Bruce to help mop the floor, and Bruce laughed and casually teased: I have time at 7 o'clock on the 7th. But soon, he couldn't laugh. The old man in front of him exhibited a series of incredible abilities, and Bruce realized that he had really met God.

"You think you'll do better than I do, I'll give you my job, out of this door you'll have all my abilities."

<h1>God helps self-helpers</h1>

Faced with an adventure, Bruce went through a process from shock, doubt, and acceptance. He confirmed that he could do what he wanted, to separate the tomato soup in a restaurant like Moses in the sea of dividends, and he finally realized that he had really taken over God's work.

There are only two conditions: one cannot reveal one's identity as God; one cannot interfere with man's free will.

Bruce said to God, "May I ask why?" God excitedly replied, "Sure, that's the beauty of it (free will)!"

Bruce used his divine power to live the life of a winner in life: he used his power to break the water pump on the street in the air, just to experience the thrill of power; he used the wind to lift the skirts of beautiful women and feasted on his eyes; he got designer clothes and luxury cars without spending a penny; he randomly decorated the stars at night, bringing the moon closer to the earth, creating a romantic atmosphere with his girlfriend; he created all kinds of big news for his interview work, making colleagues ugly, and smooth sailing in the workplace. He even created a god's version of the computer system to fulfill all the prayers of the people of the jurisdiction...

But the results were not ideal. The tidal gravitational anomaly brought by the big moon caused floods, and the meteorite event led to a widespread power outage; Bruce was successful in his work, gaining the favor of the opposite sex, but ignoring his girlfriend, resulting in a relationship breakdown. He fulfilled everyone's prayers, resulting in tens of thousands of people winning the first prize in the lottery, resulting in only $17 for each person, angry bettors taking to the streets to protest, breeding riots...

Bruce, unable to quell all this without interfering with man's free will, had to resort to the true God. He returned to the building where he had met, and it was exactly 7 o'clock on the 7th, and he and God dragged the ground clean. "It's good," Bruce said heartily, feeling joy in labor for the first time.

"I just want to help them achieve their wishes."

"Yes, but when did people really understand what they wanted?"

God put his arms around Bruce's shoulders, like a kind old man, and taught his children, "Child, separating a bowl of soup is not a miracle, it is just a magic trick." It is a miracle that a mother can practice football with her children in addition to two jobs; it is a miracle that teenagers can reject drugs and receive education. People ask me to fulfill any wish for them, but they never realize that they themselves have the ability to fulfill their wishes. Do you want to witness miracles? Then go and do miracles. ”

<h1>The way of heaven has no relatives and is always with good people</h1>

After that night, God left Bruce. Bruce said almost pleadingly, "I need you, what if I have problems later?"

God said, "That's your own problem, and that's everyone's problem."

In fact, God never left. Bruce went from being in control to having nothing, but instead truly understood the importance of self-struggle.

Bruce no longer relies on divine power to evacuate congested roads, but to actively help the owner of the anchor. Receiving a blessing of "God bless", a different kind of joy rose in his heart; he resigned from the host job obtained through despicable means, sincerely blessed his colleagues, and chose to return to his original post and work hard to provide joy for people; he no longer relied on divine power to drive the dog, but trained the dog to urinate outside with his own heart, and the sense of achievement was indescribable.

But the only thing that made him feel powerless was Grace. Grace was still deeply in love with him, and she cried and prayed to God: I still love him, but I don't want to love him anymore, I don't want to be hurt anymore. Bruce, who was also deeply in love with Grace, stood outside the window and was touched by the scene, tearful, praying to God in the middle of the road, but was hit by an oncoming truck.

<h1>"Pray for others." </h1>

Bruce met God in heaven. God retrieved the bracelet bruce had thrown away, hoping he would pray, sincerely. Bruce said Grace's name.

"Do you want her to come back?" God asked.

"No, I want her to be happy, whatever that means. I want her to meet someone who can heal him, who can give her all the love she has, and that's exactly what I owe her. I wish she could meet someone who would look at her with the same look in my eyes as I did at this moment. ”

"Yes, this is the prayer..."

Eventually, God allowed Bruce to survive a car accident. Bruce saw in the hospital room that the blood transfused for him was his girlfriend's blood type. Since then, he has changed his understanding of blood donation, taken the initiative to donate blood, and was enthusiastic about public welfare in his journalistic career. At the end, he and his girlfriend finally become a family, putting life back on track. And the beggar standing in the distance is actually God.

The vein of the whole film is sublimated from seeking God to self-help to persuasion. I don't know if it's a good work professionally, but it's at least a "good work." Albert Einstein said: "After religion has been cleared of superstition, it has left behind this important source of cultivating moral behavior."

From this point of view, we don't have to be too harsh on some of the non-scientific elements in "Counterfeit Gods". The so-called "fake god", one refers to the protagonist Bruce, and the other also has the meaning of self-deprecation, setting the tone of comedy and telling everyone not to be more truthful. Such a film, it is worth it to gain joy and understand at the same time.

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