
The commonality of a well-behaved woman: selfishness in three ways

The commonality of a well-behaved woman: selfishness in three ways

If you look closely at life, you will find that women who live happily often show a little selfishness in certain areas.

Such selfishness is a healthy manifestation that allows us to understand ourselves better, better adjust our lives, and allow us to have a richer and happier life.

This type of person always maintains a clear awareness and deep insight.

They know what they want and how to achieve it, because the clearer the goal, the stronger the ability to act and execute. They are in charge of their own lives. No matter what kind of interpersonal relationship you are in, you can deal with it skillfully, and you will not let yourself bear the grievances, but only pursue your own happiness.

If a woman is in control of her life and has the ability to take responsibility for her choices, then she should have a voice and a choice, whether she is single, in a relationship, or married. She can live the life she wants without being subject to the eyes or opinions of others. It's a proactive attitude to life, and it can give her more freedom and happiness in life.

This is the key to women's continued growth and progress.

In general, such women tend to have similarities, especially in the following three areas, where selfishness is most evident.

The commonality of a well-behaved woman: selfishness in three ways

1. Be selfish in your relationship and understand the importance of self-love

In the emotional world, selfishness is not the same as pleasing or pandering to anyone, but rather focusing on self-love and self-esteem.

Jane Eyre is a world famous book, and its heroine, Jane Eyre, is undoubtedly a very attractive woman. Despite the fact that she was an orphan and had nothing, she did not look inferior in the slightest in the face of such an upper-class aristocrat as Mr. Rochester. Her temperament and spiritual nobility are impressive. This story presents a powerful female figure that deserves our deep consideration.

She has never felt inferior because of her ordinary background, and she is still full of confidence.

She firmly believes that everyone is created equal, and that differences in wealth, social status, and ancestry should not affect our respect and equality with each other.

Because of her high level of respect for her personality and dignity, she was respected and revered. This attitude not only makes her proud, but also makes her a role model for everyone.

If women can be a little selfish in their relationships, not always thinking about others but thinking about their own needs, they will be able to get the love of others because of their love for themselves. This is an important life lesson that we should cherish and put into practice.

The commonality of a well-behaved woman: selfishness in three ways

Two: Be selfish in interpersonal relationships and know how to say goodbye to useless socialization

Everyone is familiar with the word good old man.

The term good old man literally means a person who is generous and considerate of others. Such people should be welcome, but unexpectedly, such people are often troubled and dissatisfied.

The pursuit of deep causes begins with a lack of respect, a lack of an attitude to truly see them.

People are often deceived because they are too kind. If you don't have principles and bottom lines, then you will become docile and harmless, and it will be easy to be pushed down. In this case, people may not care much about how you feel. In other words, if you want to live more independently, you must have your own principles and bottom line.

As a human being, don't be too kind. Sometimes, the more kind you are, the more others will perceive you as easy to be bullied. We should take care to protect ourselves and not let kindness become our weakness to be hurt.

Thinking about yourself at the center of your relationships can actually lead to a happier life. When you learn to say goodbye to useless social relationships and start caring about your own feelings instead of blindly conforming to others, in this case, you will live more freely.

The commonality of a well-behaved woman: selfishness in three ways

Three: Be selfish in life choices and know how to live for yourself

From a certain perspective, your life depends on the choices you make. In fact, there are a few key choices that can determine the trajectory of your life. It's a simple yet profound truth to think carefully about how each choice affects you to ensure that you can live the life you want.

For example, decisions about which city to go to, what major to choose, what career to pursue, or who to marry will shape who you become and what your future will be.

When it comes to making life decisions, choosing to be selfish means valuing your feelings more and following your own ideas. This is a legitimate and natural thing to do.

Only by knowing what you want and dedicating yourself to living for yourself can you avoid neglecting your heart by caring too much about others.

From a life perspective, your life is your own. Only when you feel comfortable and satisfied yourself is really good. Other people's opinions are not so important.

The commonality of a well-behaved woman: selfishness in three ways

Those women who live selfishly are not really selfish, but know how to love and care for themselves. When you put your happiness and value first in life, then happiness is not far from you.