
In-depth analysis, why is "Luo Xiao Black War" well received a good reputation, but the box office looks very general?

author:Xiaoye loves anime

In recent years, with the rise of national comics, many excellent national comic works have also been presented in front of everyone's eyes, among them, some netizens have evaluated the "Five Elements of the Misty Mountains" with a score of 9.8, and there are also continuations of the classic "Return of the Great Sage", these animations have undoubtedly achieved great success, not only in terms of word of mouth, but also in the film box office is also very optimistic.

In-depth analysis, why is "Luo Xiao Black War" well received a good reputation, but the box office looks very general?

However, there is a national comic, which has a high evaluation, but the box office looks ordinary, it is "Luo Xiao black war", a national comic with word of mouth but no box office.

"Luo Xiaohei War" is a 2D animation film produced by mainland independent animation producer MTJJ and his studio, "Luo Xiaohei" is the animation image created by director Wood in 2011, the series has been serialized since 2011, and has been updated for a total of 32 episodes in 10 years (28 episodes + 4 episodes). In 2019, a movie of the same name was released, telling the story of Luo Xiaohei's previous years, which is four years ago in terms of time.

In-depth analysis, why is "Luo Xiao Black War" well received a good reputation, but the box office looks very general?

The plot of the film version is very simple, through the conflict between the "demon" and the "man", telling a story of balanced symbiosis between nature and modernization. If you have not seen "Luo Xiaohei Zhan", I believe that at least you have seen Luo Xiaohei's vivid image of the emoji!

In-depth analysis, why is "Luo Xiao Black War" well received a good reputation, but the box office looks very general?
In-depth analysis, why is "Luo Xiao Black War" well received a good reputation, but the box office looks very general?

However, when we open the box office list of domestic animation films, we will find that the box office of "Luo Xiaohei" is the ninth in the box office list of animated films in the same year, and the box office is only a pitiful 296 million! Is it because this film has a reputation and is actually not very good?

In-depth analysis, why is "Luo Xiao Black War" well received a good reputation, but the box office looks very general?

In order to clarify the above problem, let's first look at an old proposition: is there a direct relationship between the box office and the quality of the film?

Let's go back to "Luo Xiaohei" itself, which may not be good for audiences who pursue high-quality and high-element elements. However, for most people who like animated movies, "Luo Xiao Black War" has a unique personality, if the film setting itself is slightly old-fashioned, but the rhythm of storytelling is all controlled. The main point is that "Luo Xiao Black War" is very good in the current 2D animation!

In-depth analysis, why is "Luo Xiao Black War" well received a good reputation, but the box office looks very general?

Therefore, the main reason why "Luo Xiao Black War" is blown up by people is that the peak of two-dimensional animation, smooth storyboarding, every frame can be used as a screensaver screens, healing stories, pleasing characters, plus advanced and customized laughs, and finally sublimated the theme. It can be said that if it is only for those who do not pursue perfection, "Luo Xiao Black War" is a very good movie, which has a lot of viewers after watching it are crazy to their friends Amway!

Therefore, to sum up, there is no evidence that there is a direct relationship between the quality of the film and the box office of the film. The box office of a movie is related to a variety of elements, and it is definitely related to the quality of the movie, but it is definitely not directly related!

In-depth analysis, why is "Luo Xiao Black War" well received a good reputation, but the box office looks very general?

I have to admit that "Luo Xiao Black War" is an animation feast for fans, but for passers-by, it may be a road trip with more elements, it is not very friendly to passers-by, which determines the general box office, even if the reputation is good, it is only the carnival of fans.

That is to say, the reputation of "Luo Xiao Black War" is based on fans, and if there is no small circle of fans, there is no way to stand out in the big circle. Compared with "Nezha" in the same year, the total box office exceeded 4.7 billion, and with the widely circulated Journey to the West as the basis, it is natural to attract countless people to enter the cinema and watch an animated movie that evolved from the classic.

In-depth analysis, why is "Luo Xiao Black War" well received a good reputation, but the box office looks very general?

Secondly, if we paraphrase Japanese anime, "Luo Xiao Black War" is a theatrical version of the animation, not an independent animation film. Although the theatrical animation is also an animated film in a broad sense, in general, the theatrical animation is only part of the entire animation series, so if we want to appreciate the charm of the theatrical animation, we must see the works related to it. For many passers-by, if you want to understand the "Luo Xiao Black War" movie, it is best to watch the 28 episodes of animation and the comic "Lanxi Town" to have a deeper understanding.

Finally, I would like to say that there are also many shortcomings in "Luo Xiaohei Zhan", for example, in terms of setting, "Luo XiaoheiZhan" is very old-fashioned, in addition, for many viewers, Luo Xiaohei's "retro" painting style has also dissuaded people. Director Wood also said on Weibo that there are still many places in the work that are not good enough!

In-depth analysis, why is "Luo Xiao Black War" well received a good reputation, but the box office looks very general?

As an original animated film, "Luo Xiao Black War" can almost 300 million box office results are already very good. According to Wood, if the box office of the movie is in the early 100 million, it can return the cost, and now it has broken 300 million, which has earned money and further expanded the audience base, laying the foundation for the later IP, in fact, it has been very successful!

We can't compare "Luo Xiaohei Zhan Ji" with "Magic Boy Nezha" and "The Return of the Great Sage", because as an original animated film, "Luo Xiao Hei Zhan Ji" is too niche, and it is normal that the box office is not as high as them! "Luo Xiao Black War" from the drama to the animated movie, although the speed of update is very slow, but each step is very stable, but also a good animation to grow up healthy!

In-depth analysis, why is "Luo Xiao Black War" well received a good reputation, but the box office looks very general?

Well, the above is all the content of this issue, so what do you think about the animated movie "Luo Xiao Black War"? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

A good animated film does not have to cater to everyone's tastes, it has its own ideas, has a unique charm, and this is already a very good animated film!

In-depth analysis, why is "Luo Xiao Black War" well received a good reputation, but the box office looks very general?

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In-depth analysis, why is "Luo Xiao Black War" well received a good reputation, but the box office looks very general?

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