
It will move back, it turns out that it is not only the hairline!

author:Yunnan Association for Science and Technology

Age of exposure

More than just a receding "hairline"

And the "gum line" in the mouth


"Receding gum line" has become a hot topic on the Internet

It is known as the new troubles of contemporary middle-aged people

It will move back, it turns out that it is not only the hairline!

Some netizens said

With age

I found that my teeth had become longer

Actually, the teeth look longer

It may be that there is a "receding gum line"

Does "receding gum line" reveal age?

What are the symptoms of periodontal that I should be wary of?

Let's take a look!

Look in the mirror

Do you see your teeth "getting longer"?

Middle-aged people are not only worried about the receding hairline and baldness, but also worried about the "receding gum line" and "teeth seem to be getting longer", is this considered a "trace of age"?

Doctors say that "receding gingival line" is clinically known as "gingival recession" and is a concomitant lesion of periodontitis.

It has been found that the incidence of gum recession is very high in older people, but gum recession is not an age-increasing change, that is, a person may have this problem in their fifties and sixties, or they may appear in their thirties and forties.

According to the fourth national epidemiological survey, less than 10% of people in the 35~44 age group are periodontal healthy. That is, if periodontitis occurs at this age, gum recession occurs to a greater or lesser extent.

Clinically, the most common causes of gum recession are as follows:


The most common type of gingival recession in clinical practice is actually traumatic. For example, excessive brushing force, the use of too hard toothbrushes, and improper use of dental floss and oral irrigators may cause gum trauma or gum recession.


Misaligned teeth or occlusal trauma can also lead to gum recession, and there is also an iatrogenic trigger. For example, in orthodontics, when there is an unequal force of the teeth during movement, it can also cause the gums to recede. In addition, the orthodontic process can also lead to periodontal inflammation, which in turn can cause gum recession.


Periodontitis is one of the main causes of gum recession. Periodontal disease is generally mild at a young age, most of which will manifest as simple gingivitis, if treated in time and carefully brushed, it will not lead to gum recession, but with age, periodontitis is not effectively controlled, gum recession will occur.


Anatomical factors of the oral cavity. Gingival recession is most likely to occur in the bend of the dental arch, such as the canines and premolars, because the bite force in this gingival area is larger, the tooth root is more prominent, and the labial (buccal) side bone plate is thinner, so the relative support is weaker. Add to that the fact that there is more friction in the corner, just as the corner of a wall or table is more susceptible to trauma, and the gum recession is more likely to occur in this area.

Therefore, gum recession is not an age-related change, but it is also related to age. As we age, the combination of these triggers can make gum recession more likely.

It will move back, it turns out that it is not only the hairline!

The hand of the dentist, who is demonstrating how to brush his teeth properly. Clean your teeth and mouth.

Membranous gingival surgery is available

Improves gum recession

Compared to a receding hairline, a receding gum line has a much greater impact on health. When gum recession occurs, it may mean that periodontitis is more severe.

Exposed tooth roots can easily cause tooth root surface sensitivity, making patients sensitive to hot and cold stimuli; When accompanied by gingival papilla recession, the gap between the teeth will increase, which can easily lead to food impaction, and if the impacted food is not cleaned up in time, it is easy to lead to tooth root caries.

So, what are the clinical treatments for gum recession?

First of all, it is necessary to target the cause and correct some bad habits. For example, if mechanical trauma is caused by improper brushing or flossing, the patient needs to be educated to correct the wrong way to clean their teeth to avoid further aggravating the trauma. ”

For patients who have developed gingival recession, it can be clinically improved by membranous gingival surgery. By performing a soft tissue augmentation surgery on the gum area, the receding gums can grow back.

In this surgery, a piece of gum tissue from your own body is taken, transplanted to the receding area, and then sutured, and the soft tissue grows in about two weeks. If the patient is afraid of the pain and bleeding caused by the wound of the grafted gum, there are now artificial biomaterials instead, which can also achieve soft tissue augmentation.

Doctors remind that during oral treatment, such as orthodontic treatment, there will also be risks and hidden dangers of gum recession. Sometimes, even though the orthodontist is doing a very good job, the patient will also experience gum recession due to gum thickness and anatomy, and a periodontist will need to intervene again.

Because the gums and alveolar bone are generally thin in Asians, it is necessary to fully consider the possibility of gum recession during the orthodontic process, so it is necessary to evaluate before orthodontics. If bone and soft tissue are insufficient, gum thickening is done preventively to avoid the risk of gum recession during orthodontic procedures.

Excessive brushing and scaling

It can hurt the gums

Gum recession due to improper tooth cleaning is also common in clinical practice. Doctors emphasize that improper brushing force or saw-sawing horizontal brushing can easily cause mechanical trauma, which can lead to gum recession.

Therefore, for most people, if you want to prevent "receding gum line", you should start with the right way to clean your mouth.


Avoid horizontal brushing and stick to the Pap brushing method, the main point is to place the toothbrush at the junction of the teeth and gums, with the tip of the toothbrush bristles facing the gum margin, at a 45-degree angle, slightly pressurized, vibrate horizontally in place several times, and then move the toothbrush to the adjacent teeth, covering 2-3 teeth each time.

Dental floss:

Many people do not have a good grasp of the strength when using dental floss, and the movement is a bit violent, which can easily lead to soft tissue trauma. It is recommended that when flossing, try to look in the mirror and let the floss zig through the contact point between the adjacent teeth, and watch the floss enter the gingival sulcus.

Attach the dental floss to one side of the tooth surface, rub it along the tooth surface, and then pull it upwards so that the plaque and soft scale on the adjacent surface of the tooth can be brought out by the dental floss. When the dental floss enters about 0.5~1 mm below the gums, it cannot be deeper.

Oral irrigator:

Nowadays, many people will use oral irrigators, also known as "water flossers". Some people feel that the stronger the water rush, the cleaner the wash, and often choose the maximum water pressure to rinse, but in fact, too much water can also cause soft tissue trauma. Your dentist will recommend choosing a softer setting, as if your gums are sore when rinsing, it means that the force is too high.

When flushing the surface of your teeth with a dental irrigator, a gentle setting is sufficient to flush away large amounts of food debris, and when flushing between adjacent teeth, you can turn up the frequency slightly but not in the direction of the gums to reduce irritation to the gums.

All in all, it is important to avoid soft tissue trauma during daily oral cleaning, and stop as soon as the gums become painful.

These periodontal symptoms should be taken seriously

The doctor reminds that in addition to adhering to the correct oral cleaning habits, if there is periodontitis, we must pay attention to it and control the inflammation as soon as possible.

There are actually a lot of people with periodontitis, and because periodontitis basically has no obvious symptoms, it is often easy to be overlooked. Doctor's advice: Try to do periodontal care 1~2 times a year.

As long as the periodontal care is done properly and the teeth are brushed carefully, even if there is a transient trauma when flossing or irrigator, it will not cause gum recession. In fact, periodontal inflammation is the main culprit of gum recession.

Periodontitis is basically painless, and once the tooth is painful, the periodontitis is already very serious. The doctor reminds that if the following conditions occur during the usual periodontal, it is important to pay full attention to it!

Bleeding gums: Even a small amount of bleeding gums should be taken into account when brushing your teeth or biting into something a slightly hard food, such as apples.

Bad breath: Some people don't feel it themselves, but they can smell it with relatives and friends. Many people think that this odor is caused by gastrointestinal diseases, but in fact, most of them are periodontal disease.

Loose teeth: When the teeth are loose and displaced, chewing is weak, and the teeth may slowly fall out. It is also one of the main symptoms of periodontal disease.

Stuffed teeth when eating: It is easy to stuff teeth when eating, which also indicates periodontitis.

Doctors say that because these symptoms are so common, many people take them for granted and take them for granted, but if periodontal inflammation is not controlled, not only will gum recession occur, but it will also affect the health of the whole body.

Source: Guangzhou Daily