
单词联想cloak croak

author:Forest after the rain sunny655


English /klɒk/ American /klɑːk/

n. Clock, clock, time clock, odometer ;(race) timer, time period (the clock), speedometer (the clock), <英>fluff head (especially dandelion), <, informal > face, (computer) electronic device for initiating and synchronizing internal operations

v. Reach, record (certain time, distance, speed), record (time, speed), punch in, <, pay attention > informally, <非正式>beat, beat, call back odometer cheating, win (win), take time

【名】 (Clock)(英)克洛克(人名)



n. Cloaks, cloaks, covers, covers, <英>cloakrooms, luggage storage

V. 笼罩,覆盖;隐藏,掩饰

He donned his cloak and gloves.

He put on his cloak and gloves.


English /krəʊk/ American /kroʊk/

vi. 呱呱地叫;发牢骚;死

vt. Say in a hoarse voice: death

n. 呱呱叫声;低沉沙哑的说话声

Sure, I know... I'm not going to croak yet, "I managed to get out."

"Of course, I understand...... I can't die for a while. I reluctantly said a word.

I had a sore throat and could only croak.

I had a sore throat and could only speak in a hoarse voice

Tiller moaned and managed to croak, "Help me."

Tiller groaned, barely saying in a low, hoarse voice, "Help me."



v. moaning, whimpering<非正式>, whining, whining, whining, <文>lamenting, mourning

n. <文>(especially the wind) whistling, squeezing, moaning, whimpering, <非正式>disgruntling, whining

【First Name】 (Moan) (French) Moan (personal name)

Internet whimper / lament / wail /


English /ɡrəʊn/ American /ɡroʊn/

v. Moaning, sighing, grunting, whining, whining, crunching, piling up, ...... weigh

n. Moaning, sighing, whining, whining, muffled sounds

Internet sigh / Pain and sound / Complain /



n. Loan, borrow, borrow, loan, trail <苏格兰>(especially to open field), milking pasture (uncultivated).

v. Lend, lend

Online Loan / Lease / Loan /



v. (门、木地板等)嘎吱作响;(过劳或紧张)显得虚弱

n. Crunch

She heard a floorboard creak upstairs.

She heard the creaking of the upstairs floor.

The door was pulled open with a creak.

The door creaked open.


English /breɪk/ American /breɪk/

v. breaking, breaking, tearing, tearing, breaking, bleeding, breaking bones, breaking records, interrupting, interrupting, terminating, severing, breaking, violating, violating, ...... Abandonment of habits, rest, pause, pause, break through, break free, destroy, weaken, break heart, reveal, spread, tell bad news, domesticate, tame, score (below or above the required total), exceed, disperse, start, storm, slap on the shore, splash, thicken (boy's voice), change pitch (by agitation), decipher, decipher, open (banknotes), slow down, break serve (in tennis), turn around, fly in curves, plunge, dash, start running, occur, develop, (heat) decrease, fever

n. Breaks, naps, recesses, pauses, pauses, interstitial announcements (radio or television programs), short vacations, opportunities, opportunities, ends, breaks, escapes (especially prison breaks), cracks, gaps, fractures, voice abrupt changes (due to emotional effects), <文>dawn, dawn, weather abruptness, return to serve, succession of hits, arc flight (of the ball), offense (especially for players or teams), helpful things, buds, buds, breaking carts<史>Convertible carriage (same as brake)



n. Freaks, freaks, <非正式>fanatics, deformed people (or things), weird things, <古>sudden ideas

V. <非正式>(使)吃惊,不安,恼怒

adj. Perverse, weird



vt. Causing (great damage or injury);



n. Streaks, streaks, character traits (especially bad), (successful or lucky) for a while, for a while, <非正式>running naked in public, drawing lines (for bacteria on solid media), strands (for light hair), one (for bright light)

v. Moving quickly, moving quickly, striping (on the surface), running naked (in public places), dyeing (hair) different colors, highlighting them, drawing lines (on the surface of solid media with a needle or swab) (inoculating bacteria)

Web streaks / streaks / streaks / markings