
The patient is going to die in a day or two, how does the doctor know? The doctor tells you the truth

author:Little Chinese Medicine Notes

The fragility of life and the boundaries of medicine

In the temple of medicine, doctors are the night watchmen who guard the light of life, however, even in the light of modern medicine, the fragility of life is still embarrassing; sometimes, doctors will tell families that their loved ones may die within a day or two; such predictions are not groundless, but based on in-depth understanding of the disease and the accumulation of clinical experience;

The patient is going to die in a day or two, how does the doctor know? The doctor tells you the truth

A glimmer of life and the brink of despair

The story of fan Xiao Zhang unfolds in this context: his wife, a gentle mother and wife, is suddenly diagnosed with terminal cancer, the doctor's words are like a thunderbolt from the sky, which makes Xiao Zhang's world collapse in an instant, and he can't accept why his wife, who was still busy in the kitchen yesterday, is facing the end of her life today;

Xiao Zhang's family conflicts intensified, the quarrels between husband and wife, the children's incomprehension and the worries of the elderly, the pressure of life was like a mountain pressing on his shoulders;

The intersection of Chinese and Western medicine

In this difficult journey, Xiao Zhang was exposed to two different treatment methods: chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which can temporarily alleviate the condition, but the side effects are huge and cause great harm to the patient's body, while the gentle conditioning of Chinese medicine, although the effect is slow, can improve the quality of life of patients to a certain extent;

The patient is going to die in a day or two, how does the doctor know? The doctor tells you the truth

Medicine and food are of the same origin, the power of life

In the prescription of traditional Chinese medicine, Xiao Zhang learned about the miraculous effects of astragalus and wolfberry; astragalus can enhance the body's immunity, while wolfberry has the effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys, and benefiting the shrewd purpose; under the guidance of the doctor, Xiao Zhang began to cook medicinal meals for his wife, such as astragalus wolfberry chicken soup, which can not only supplement nutrition, but also enhance physical strength;

The patient is going to die in a day or two, how does the doctor know? The doctor tells you the truth

In addition, the doctor also suggested that Xiao Zhang prepare some dietary remedies for his wife, such as making tea with hawthorn and cassia seeds, which can not only help digestion, but also clear away heat and detoxify, but the doctor also emphasized that the use of these herbs must follow the doctor's instructions and should not be excessive, so as not to cause adverse reactions;

Exercise & Wellness

In addition to medicinal diet and dietary therapy, proper exercise is also an important part of health preservation, and the doctor recommended that Xiao Zhang's wife practice gentle Tai Chi, which can not only help her relax her body and mind, but also promote blood circulation and enhance her physical fitness.

The patient is going to die in a day or two, how does the doctor know? The doctor tells you the truth

The dignity of life and choice

Faced with the fragility of life, Xiao Zhang began to reflect on the dignity of life and personal choices, and he realized that instead of letting his wife struggle in pain through endless treatment, it was better to let her enjoy life and feel the love of her family in her limited days.

Your story, our voice

Dear readers, have you had a similar experience?Do you feel helpless and lost in the face of the fragility of life?Leave your stories and experiences in the comment area, and let's explore how to find hope on the edge of life, and how to find the dignity of life at the boundary of medicine;

Remember that every human life is unique, and we, as guardians, should give them the respect and choice they deserve;

At this moment, I would like to say that every life is precious, every decision deserves to be deliberate, as doctors, we are always in a race against time, we are battling the disease, but sometimes, the outcome is not always the way we want, have you ever faced a difficult choice or a story you want to tell?

While you are reading this article, if you feel a little resonance, or have any ideas you want to share, please leave a message in the comment area, let's discuss and support each other together;

In addition, if you find this article helpful, or if you think it can be an inspiration to your friends and family, please do not hesitate to like and share;

Finally, I would like to say that no matter what life brings us, we should face it with the strongest mind, life is fragile, but at the same time tenacious, let's cherish every moment together, care for the people around us, and let life be filled with more warmth and love, thank you for taking the time to read our article, if you have any questions or need further help, please feel free to contact us, I wish you all the best!