
was bitten off by her best friend's dog and eaten by the flesh on her face, she asked for compensation, and her best friend turned against her for many years!

author:Gonzo on the set

Kelly never expected that she would just go to her best friend's house on the weekend to talk about her sisterhood, but she almost couldn't come back.

45-year-old Kelly has been getting along with her best friend for many years, and this Friday she missed her best friend again, so she put aside other things and ran to her best friend's house. The two talked happily with each other, and they toasted to the depths of their love.

The friendly atmosphere permeated the living room, and the two sat on the floor of the living room, enjoying their food and constantly reminiscing about the past they had experienced together.

The best friend's sausage dog shook his head and tail very obediently, rubbing between the two, and expected to reward him with a piece of meat and bone to gnaw.

was bitten off by her best friend's dog and eaten by the flesh on her face, she asked for compensation, and her best friend turned against her for many years!

It's not the first time Kylie has come to her best friend's house, this dog is very kind to her, and this time, the dog also showed a very welcome look.

Kelly sat on the floor, chatting with friends and petting the dog.

The sausage dog kept being coquettish in Kelly's arms, exposing her belly for Kelly to rub, and it kept arching her with its little furry head, making Kelly think that she liked her very much.

Kelly was very happy and felt that her charm had completely conquered the puppy, but the unexpected happened.

The moment Kelly turned her head, it suddenly changed its face, opened its mouth to show its sharp fangs, jumped up from Kelly's arms, and bit Kelly's face with a thunderous bite.

was bitten off by her best friend's dog and eaten by the flesh on her face, she asked for compensation, and her best friend turned against her for many years!

Kylie was terrified, screaming and waving her hands to get the dog away. At this point, she could feel the dog's sharp teeth digging deep into her flesh, and feel the burning pain as her skin was torn open.

Fear, pain, and despair make Kelly collapse instantly, and she struggles while calling out to her friends to help. The friend quickly ran over and grabbed the collar around the dog's neck and tried to pull the dog away.

But the dog bit her face and didn't let go, until he bit off a piece of meat on her face, then jumped back to the floor, and then proudly ate the piece of meat in front of her.

Kylie screamed as she covered her bleeding face with her hands.

was bitten off by her best friend's dog and eaten by the flesh on her face, she asked for compensation, and her best friend turned against her for many years!

Poor Kelly

Kelly staggered to her feet, but before she could stand up, the dog pounced again, this time biting her arm hard, and Kelly shook her arm desperately to shake the dog away.

Kelly quickly ducked into her friend's room and bolted the door, fainting as she looked at her bloody face in the mirror.

Trembling, Kelly called the emergency services, but the emergency center told her to be patient when they learned of the situation.

was bitten off by her best friend's dog and eaten by the flesh on her face, she asked for compensation, and her best friend turned against her for many years!

Kelly looked at her bleeding face, and she feared that she would die from blood loss, so she called another friend.

The friend told her to find some medicine to clean the wound first. In a panic, the ambulance arrived late, and she went to the hospital to dress her wounds before returning home.

The next morning, the hospital called her again and told her to go back to the hospital for surgery. During the surgery, doctors removed a piece of skin from her neck and transplanted it onto her face.

The operation lasted a full five and a half hours, with more than 40 stitches in total. When she woke up, she found that her face was stitched with bandages and a seven-inch scar on her collarbone.

was bitten off by her best friend's dog and eaten by the flesh on her face, she asked for compensation, and her best friend turned against her for many years!

Seeing that she was seriously injured, the hospital called the police on her behalf, and after the police learned about the situation, they rushed to her friend's house to catch the dog and euthanize it.

The disaster took a lot of physical and mental damage to Kelly, and she often had nightmares and yelled in the middle of the night.

And she has basically been disfigured, she is afraid to go out, she is afraid to socialize, and she can no longer work.

was bitten off by her best friend's dog and eaten by the flesh on her face, she asked for compensation, and her best friend turned against her for many years!

Later, she learns that the dog had already injured two people before this. When she heard the news, she was very angry, she didn't understand that her best friend knew that her dog hurt people and kept it at home.

Moreover, her best friend did not inform her that the dog was hurting, so she misjudged that it was a docile dog.

Angry and sad, Kelly sued her friend in court and asked her friend to compensate her for her losses, and her girlfriend relationship for many years instantly turned into a plastic relationship.