
Why do many people over the age of 50 have pain and swollen fingers, but they can't find the cause?

author:Sharp-eyed life

Aunt Li usually likes to yo-yo. But recently, Aunt Li feels that something is wrong with her body, it always hurts here and there, and her fingers are swollen like a steamed bun. I went to the hospital several times, and the doctor said that there was no problem, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Aunt Li muttered in her heart: "Why do I have a body full of problems as soon as I turn 50? My fingers are swollen like something, and my whole body hurts as if I have been beaten, but why can't the hospital find out why?"

Why do many people over the age of 50 have pain and swollen fingers, but they can't find the cause?

It's a bit mysterious to say. Aunt Li's body is actually related to her usual living habits and eating habits. But what is going on, I really have to invite a professional to talk about it.

Hey, isn't it strange for you to say that Aunt Li's situation? Why is it that when you are over 50 years old, your body is prone to these small problems?

Why do many people over the age of 50 have pain and swollen fingers, but they can't find the cause?


Joint pain caused by osteoporosis

One of the main causes of body aches is osteoporosis. As we age, bone density gradually decreases, and estrogen levels in women decline after menopause, accelerating bone loss, leading to bone pain and an increased risk of fragile fractures.

Why do many people over the age of 50 have pain and swollen fingers, but they can't find the cause?

It is recommended to go to the hospital as soon as possible for dual-energy X-ray examination, and take medication according to the doctor's instructions after diagnosis, combined with physical therapy or oral analgesics to relieve pain.

Pain from osteoarthritis of the hand

Hand osteoarthritis is an inflammatory disease that affects the joints of the fingers and is associated with hand labor and metabolic diseases.

It is common in middle-aged and elderly women and may cause symptoms such as finger joint pain, joint stiffness, and bony nodules. It is recommended to relieve pain with regular exercise, heat therapy, massage, etc., and seek medical attention as soon as possible if you find features such as hand joint pain and joint bony hypertrophy.

Why do many people over the age of 50 have pain and swollen fingers, but they can't find the cause?

Body aches and pains caused by fibromyalgia syndrome

Fibromyalgia syndrome is an unexplained chronic generalized pain symptom that is often accompanied by sleep disturbances, fatigue, and psychological stress.

Women are more likely to have this symptom after menopause, which may be related to psychosocial factors and neuroendocrine dysfunction. In terms of treatment, pain can be relieved through publicity and education, exercise, adequate nutritional intake, etc., and drug treatment needs to consult a professional doctor.

Menopausal syndrome

Menopause is a stage that every woman needs to go through, accompanied by menstrual changes, vasomotor symptoms, psychoneurological symptoms, etc. Women should recognize this stage correctly, accept it, and overcome it psychologically.

Why do many people over the age of 50 have pain and swollen fingers, but they can't find the cause?

During menopause, it is important to fully communicate with family members, stay calm, and avoid getting angry over trivial matters. Proper cultivation of personal hobbies and moderate exercise can help promote metabolism and improve physical fitness.

How can I relieve joint pain and physical discomfort?

Rational feasting

Increasing your intake of calcium and vitamin D can help maintain bone health.

Controlling salt and sugar intake can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis and arthritis.

Exercise appropriately

Exercise helps to strengthen the stability of muscles and joints, reduce the burden on the joints, and relieve joint pain.

Why do many people over the age of 50 have pain and swollen fingers, but they can't find the cause?

Choose an exercise that suits you, such as swimming, yoga, walking, etc., and avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time.

Maintain a healthy weight

Controlling your weight can help reduce stress on your joints and reduce joint pain.

Eating a healthy diet and exercising in moderation are key to maintaining a healthy weight.

Have a regular schedule

Adequate sleep helps the body to repair and recover, reducing physical discomfort.

A regular schedule helps maintain the body's body clock and reduces feelings of fatigue and pain.

Why do many people over the age of 50 have pain and swollen fingers, but they can't find the cause?

Psychological adjustment

A positive and optimistic attitude can help relieve physical discomfort and reduce pain.

You can try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, etc., to relieve physical and mental stress.

Regular medical check-ups

Regular check-ups can help identify and treat potential health problems early and reduce complications.

Why do many people over the age of 50 have pain and swollen fingers, but they can't find the cause?

Through a reasonable diet, appropriate exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, regular work and rest, psychological adjustment and regular physical examination, it can effectively relieve joint pain and physical discomfort and improve the quality of life.