
Don't look at its small size, it helps to stabilize blood sugar! Eat a few pills a day and add oil to your body~

author:Longnan Xi and released

At the turn of spring and summer every year, a fruit begins to be on the market in large quantities! It has thin and juicy skin, sweet and sour taste, and is called "crystal pearl" and "treasure among fruits"!

That's right, it's the grape we love! As the saying goes, "the fragrance of spring and summer grapes is like the tonic of cordyceps". Although it is a bit exaggerated, grapes are indeed rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals, resveratrol, anthocyanins and flavonoids and other very valuable nutrients, which have many benefits for the human body~


Five benefits knock on the door

"Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica" records: "Grape flavor is sweet and flat, the main muscles and bones are damp and paralyzed, invigorating qi, doubling strength, strengthening ambition, making people fat and healthy, resistant to hunger and wind and cold." Eat for a long time and light the body, not grow old and prolong life, and can be used as wine".


Reduces cardiovascular disease

Known as the "king of antioxidants", grapes are rich in resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that scavenges free radicals in the body and lowers serum cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the amount of blood lipids in the blood. It can also dilate blood vessels and help protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels.

Grape seed contains oleic acid and linoleic acid, which help reduce blood cholesterol and protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Eating grape skins and grape seeds together is beneficial for the health of people with ischemic heart disease and atherosclerotic heart disease.

Scientific research has also shown that grapes are more effective than aspirin in preventing thrombosis, and can reduce serum cholesterol levels and reduce platelet cohesion, which has a certain effect on the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.


Stabilize blood sugar

Most people find this fruit to be sweet and high in sugar. You don't have to worry about the negative effects of grapes on blood sugar. On the contrary, there are many substances in grapes that can lower blood sugar and prevent diabetes!

Don't look at its small size, it helps to stabilize blood sugar! Eat a few pills a day and add oil to your body~

According to numerous studies, resveratrol, an ingredient in grape skins, can increase insulin sensitivity, improve glucose processes in the body and lower blood sugar levels. In addition, it can effectively regulate blood sugar levels, reduce insulin resistance and inhibit chronic inflammation.

However, everyone should pay attention to the fact that resveratrol is an antioxidant present in grape skins, so when you eat grapes, you really don't spit out grape skins, so that grapes can exert their blood sugar lowering effect!

Don't look at its small size, it helps to stabilize blood sugar! Eat a few pills a day and add oil to your body~



Grape skins also contain powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins. It is antioxidant, anti-aging, and has antioxidant properties 50 times higher than vitamin E and 20 times higher than vitamin C.

The darker the grape, the more anthocyanins it contains. It is recommended to eat more purple grapes.


Moistens the lungs and dispels phlegm

Grapes themselves have the effect of replenishing lung qi and moisturizing the lungs. If the lung qi is deficient or the lung function is impaired, it is easy to cough, phlegm, asthma and other symptoms, eating some grapes at this time can moderately alleviate the symptoms.

In addition, grapes are rich in vitamins and anthocyanins needed by the human body, which can achieve antioxidant and improve resistance.


Relieves fatigue and strengthens the brain

The glucose, organic acids, amino acids, and vitamins in grapes have an excitatory effect on the brain nerves, and regular consumption is also beneficial to people with neurasthenia and excessive fatigue.

In addition, grapes are a fruit with a particularly high sugar content, and the glucose contained in it is easy for the body to absorb and utilize, and when the human body has low blood sugar, if you can eat a few grapes or drink grape juice in time, it can be quickly relieved.


Strengthens the spleen and stomach

Grapes contain a variety of fruit acids, and eating more grapes in moderation can help digestion and promote the spleen and stomach.


Different varieties have their own specialties

Fang Yulin, vice president of Northwest A&F University and professor of the School of Wine, summarized the differences between different grapes:

Jufeng: anti-inflammatory and lipid-lowering

The ripe Kyoho grape fruit is purple-black, the skin is thicker, the flesh is softer, the taste is sweet and sour, it is rich in resveratrol, which has the effect of assisting in lowering blood lipids and anti-inflammatory.

Rose fragrance: strong antioxidant

The fruit of the rose grape is purple-black, sweet but not greasy, and has a strong rose aroma. Its skin is rich in proanthocyanidins with strong antioxidant properties, which help to eliminate free radicals and fight aging.

Mare's milk: supplemented with sugar

The glucose it contains is easily absorbed by the human body, and when the human body has hypoglycemia, if you drink mare's milk grape juice in time, it can help relieve the symptoms quickly.

Red grape: Maintains blood vessels

When ripe, the red grapes are red or purplish-red, delicate and juicy, sweet and delicious. It contains enzymes that have been shown to help increase the toughness of blood vessels.


Grape trivia

Buying tips

Look at the fruit stalks: Fresh grape stalks are bright green, and the adhesion between the fruit and the stalk is firm, and no fruit will fall when the grape bunch is carried by hand.

Look at the hoarfrost: Fresh grape peels have a layer of hoarfrost that will fall off when touched with your hands, and the thicker the hoarfrost, the better the quality. (Hoarfrost on grapes is a sugar alcohol secreted by fruits and vegetables themselves, also known as fruit powder, which is a natural substance that is biosynthesized.) Such compounds are insoluble in water and there is no need to wash them off. )

Look at the fruit: good quality grapes, bright color, dark color, close distribution of fruits, uniform size, full and compact appearance, no wilting, no spots on the surface.

How to store

Friends who eat grapes often know that they are difficult to preserve, and if you don't finish them, they will spoil in 1-2 days, which is a pity. You might as well try the refrigerator method~

Don't look at its small size, it helps to stabilize blood sugar! Eat a few pills a day and add oil to your body~

Uneaten grapes can't be put directly in the refrigerator, we need to deal with them first. After buying home, don't wash it all, wash as much as you eat.

First of all, cut the grapes that need to be preserved, pay attention to the need to leave a little stalk on the grapes, and do not cut the pulp. (Check the grapes, if there are particularly soft or spoiled grapes, pick them out in time to avoid affecting other grapes)

Then prepare a clean and dry crisper with a layer of clean paper on the bottom, then put the grapes in it, and put another layer of clean and dry paper on top when sealing. Then put the crisper in the refrigerator and store it.

Cleaning method

First cut off the grapes one by one with scissors, pay attention to leave some stems, do not cut the pulp, put them in the basin, and then add a little salt and flour, salt can sterilize and remove pesticide residues, and flour can adsorb the dirt on the surface of the grapes, and then rinse it several times with water, so that the grapes can be washed thoroughly.

How much to eat each day is appropriate

Grapes should not be eaten too much, and the daily limit should be 200~350 grams (about 20~30 pieces). However, people who are often constipated and have spleen and stomach deficiency should eat less, and the elderly with kidney dysfunction should eat with caution.

It is best consumed between meals and not on an empty stomach before or immediately after a meal.

Within 1 hour after eating grapes, it is not advisable to eat marine fish, shrimp, crab, milk and other foods rich in protein and calcium at the same time, because grapes contain fruit acid, which will not only affect the absorption of protein, but also stimulate the stomach and intestines in severe cases, followed by abdominal distention, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and other discomforts.

Source: Traditional Chinese Medicine Health WeChat Public Account (ID: zyys099)

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