
Nine consecutive defeats, Nuggets 101−99 defeat Lakers, the culprit exposed, thoroughly see the five facts

author:Target Xiao Wu



Lakers (0-2): James 26 points, 8 rebounds, 12 assists, 2 steals and 2 blocks, thick eyebrows 32 points, 11 rebounds and 2 assists, Reaves 9 points, 6 rebounds and 2 assists, Russell 23 points, 3 rebounds and 6 assists, Hachimura 3 points and 5 boards, Prince 6 points and 3 boards
Nuggets (2-0): 27 points, 20 rebounds, 10 assists and 2 steals, Porter 22 points, 9 rebounds and 2 steals, Gordon 14 points, 7 rebounds and 3 assists, Pope 6 points and 3 assists, Murray 20 points, 3 rebounds and 5 assists, Braun 10 points and 2 boards


1,詹姆斯‬‬(评分:8分)全场出战38分03秒,投篮19投9中,砍下26分8板12助攻,今天化身控卫詹?不要一直拿着球,把球给浓眉打吧,那个背着人二加一上篮真的令人震撼。 Plus or minus +2

Nine consecutive defeats, Nuggets 101−99 defeat Lakers, the culprit exposed, thoroughly see the five facts
Nine consecutive defeats, Nuggets 101−99 defeat Lakers, the culprit exposed, thoroughly see the five facts

2,浓眉‬‬‬‬‬(评分:10分)全场出战39分01秒,投篮19中14,拿下32分11板2助攻;巅峰‬时刻‬,园区‬大侠‬,浓眉半场把约老师打爆炸了快,上半场12中11,爆砍24分6篮板,真是球球打约老师啊,谁是玩具啊,啊,啊...... If it weren't for the 10-point limit, I'd give him an 11. In the end, he became the background emperor. Positive or negative value 0

Nine consecutive defeats, Nuggets 101−99 defeat Lakers, the culprit exposed, thoroughly see the five facts
Nine consecutive defeats, Nuggets 101−99 defeat Lakers, the culprit exposed, thoroughly see the five facts

3,拉塞尔‬‬‬‬‬(评分:8.5分)全场出战38分56秒,投篮16中8,三分‬11中‬7,拿下23分3板6助攻;终于等到你‬,终于‬准一回‬了‬,‬只有拉塞尔投顺了,湖人才有可能赢,而不是湖人顺了拉塞尔能投进,已尽力。 Plus or minus +4

Nine consecutive defeats, Nuggets 101−99 defeat Lakers, the culprit exposed, thoroughly see the five facts

4,穆雷‬(评分:10分)全场出战39分30秒,投篮24中9,拿下20分3板5助攻;一切‬问题在‬绝杀‬面前‬都‬显得‬苍白‬无力‬,你牛‬。 Plus or minus−2

Nine consecutive defeats, Nuggets 101−99 defeat Lakers, the culprit exposed, thoroughly see the five facts
Nine consecutive defeats, Nuggets 101−99 defeat Lakers, the culprit exposed, thoroughly see the five facts

5,约基奇‬‬‬‬‬‬(评分:9.5分)全场出战41分24秒,投篮16中9,拿下27分20板10助攻大号‬三双‬;太厉害了‬,首节‬砍下‬两双‬数据‬‬,这家伙‬真的‬不知道‬怎么防守‬‬,让他‬随便‬发挥吧‬,虽然‬上半场‬被‬浓眉‬当玩具耍‬,但‬感觉‬像‬猫捉‬老鼠‬,就是‬跟你玩‬,关键‬你害怕‬啊‬‬。 Plus or minus +1

Nine consecutive defeats, Nuggets 101−99 defeat Lakers, the culprit exposed, thoroughly see the five facts

今日总结: 本场罪魁祸首—穆雷‬,可怜‬,湖人‬发挥‬成‬这样了‬,都是因为你‬,最后‬输了‬,真的‬就是‬小火‬慢炖‬,大火‬收汁‬啊‬。

