
The peasants are not allowed to farm, shouting that they do not understand the law, and shouting: either give money or get out. It's really lawless

author:Brave elves


In Shuangsheng Village, Jianhua Township, Kailu County, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, a dispute over land contracting is unfolding. Lao Zhang, an ordinary farmer, was confused and helpless in the face of sudden demands from the town government and the village committee. The original 30-year contract, which had not yet expired, was threatened with additional fees and contract termination. This is not only Lao Zhang's personal predicament, but also a microcosm of the common problems existing in the current rural land contract system.

The peasants are not allowed to farm, shouting that they do not understand the law, and shouting: either give money or get out. It's really lawless


1. Overview of the event

The 30-year land contract signed by Lao Zhang and the village committee took effect on March 20, 2004, and all contract funds have been settled by 2022. However, during the critical period of farming, the village committee demanded an additional fee of 200 yuan per mu per year, which was a sudden financial burden that Lao Zhang could not bear. The village committee's resolute attitude of terminating the contract without paying the money has aroused widespread concern in society.

The peasants are not allowed to farm, shouting that they do not understand the law, and shouting: either give money or get out. It's really lawless

2. The legal basis for land contracting

According to the Rural Land Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, once a contract is signed, it has legal effect and both parties should abide by it. The modification or termination of the contract shall be based on the terms of the contract or the provisions of the law. The village committee's unilateral proposal for additional fees lacks legal basis and clearly violates the spirit of the contract and the provisions of the law.

The peasants are not allowed to farm, shouting that they do not understand the law, and shouting: either give money or get out. It's really lawless

3. Protection of peasants' rights and interests

Lao Zhang's predicament reflects the weak position of the peasants in the process of land contracting. They have invested huge sums of money to improve the land and increase the use value of the land, but they are faced with unreasonable demands from the village committee. This not only harms the legitimate rights and interests of peasants, but also affects the stability of agricultural production and the harmony of rural society.

The peasants are not allowed to farm, shouting that they do not understand the law, and shouting: either give money or get out. It's really lawless

4. Social impact and public response

This incident has aroused strong repercussions in society, and the public is generally concerned about the protection of peasants' rights and interests and the improvement of the rural land contract system. Many netizens expressed their support for Lao Zhang and called on relevant departments to intervene to deal with the matter in accordance with the law and protect the legitimate rights and interests of farmers.

The peasants are not allowed to farm, shouting that they do not understand the law, and shouting: either give money or get out. It's really lawless

5. Expert opinions and suggestions

Agricultural law experts believe that the village committee's practice is inappropriate, and suggest that Lao Zhang protect his rights and interests through legal channels. At the same time, the experts also called for strengthening publicity and education on the laws and regulations on rural land contracting, raising farmers' awareness of the law, and preventing the occurrence of similar incidents.

The peasants are not allowed to farm, shouting that they do not understand the law, and shouting: either give money or get out. It's really lawless


Lao Zhang's experience is not only his personal misfortune, but also a reflection of the problems existing in the current rural land contract system. We hope that the relevant departments will handle this matter in accordance with the law and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of farmers, and at the same time, we also call on all sectors of society to pay attention to the issue of rural land contracting and jointly promote the improvement of relevant systems.

The peasants are not allowed to farm, shouting that they do not understand the law, and shouting: either give money or get out. It's really lawless

Call to action

We encourage readers to pay attention to the issue of rural land contracting, understand the relevant laws and regulations, and speak out for the protection of farmers' rights and interests. At the same time, we also invite readers to share their views and suggestions, and discuss how to better protect the legitimate rights and interests of farmers and promote the harmony and stability of rural society