
Follow-up to the contracted land in Kailu County: village cadres forced farmers to pay money, and the government intervened, which aroused heated discussions among netizens!

author:Brave elves

Introduction: In Shuangsheng Village, Jianhua Town, Kailu County, Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, the horn of spring ploughing has been sounded, but farmers have encountered unexpected obstacles. The obstruction of village officials has deserted the fields that should have been busy, the agricultural machinery is idle, and the farmers are anxiously waiting. This is not only a controversy over land use rights, but also a profound reflection on the rural governance model.

Follow-up to the contracted land in Kailu County: village cadres forced farmers to pay money, and the government intervened, which aroused heated discussions among netizens!


  1. Summary of the incident: On April 22, when farmers in Shuangsheng Village were preparing for spring ploughing, they were blocked by village cadres. This behavior has aroused widespread public attention and discussion, and the plight of farmers and the importance of spring ploughing have become the focus of heated discussions.
Follow-up to the contracted land in Kailu County: village cadres forced farmers to pay money, and the government intervened, which aroused heated discussions among netizens!
  1. Fruits of land improvement: Twenty years ago, the land was a barren saline land. Farmers have worked tirelessly to transform it into fertile farmland. Their story is one of perseverance and hope, but now they face new challenges.
  2. Obstruction by village officials: Citing the rising value of the land after the improvement, the village cadres demanded higher rents from the peasants. This action has sparked discontent among farmers and public skepticism, and it seems that the farmers' hard work is not being respected as it should be.
Follow-up to the contracted land in Kailu County: village cadres forced farmers to pay money, and the government intervened, which aroused heated discussions among netizens!
  1. Public reaction: Online discussions are in full swing, with the public expressing sympathy for the plight of the peasants and indignation at the actions of the village cadres. At the same time, there are also voices calling on the county government to intervene and provide just solutions for farmers.
Follow-up to the contracted land in Kailu County: village cadres forced farmers to pay money, and the government intervened, which aroused heated discussions among netizens!
  1. Investigation and Reflection: The county government responded quickly and set up a task force to investigate. This action is not only to resolve the immediate conflict, but also to explore and improve the rural governance model to ensure that the rights and interests of farmers are protected.
Follow-up to the contracted land in Kailu County: village cadres forced farmers to pay money, and the government intervened, which aroused heated discussions among netizens!

Conclusion: Through this incident, we have seen the hard work of farmers and the challenges of rural governance.

Follow-up to the contracted land in Kailu County: village cadres forced farmers to pay money, and the government intervened, which aroused heated discussions among netizens!

The rights and interests of farmers need to be respected and protected, and the rural governance model needs to be constantly improved and updated. We hope that the working group of the county government can come up with effective solutions, and at the same time, we hope that all sectors of society will continue to pay attention to the plight of farmers and jointly promote the progress of rural governance.

Follow-up to the contracted land in Kailu County: village cadres forced farmers to pay money, and the government intervened, which aroused heated discussions among netizens!

Call to Action: We encourage readers to stay tuned to this event and think about how they can support farmers and improve rural governance within their own communities. Whether it's through social media or participating in local community events, everyone's efforts can contribute to improving the lives of farmers and the development of rural areas.

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