
Autumn is easy to dry, Chinese medicine recommends lung-moisturizing recipes to help you spend autumn comfortably!

author:Hot-blooded doctors talk about popular science

Autumn, this cool season is usually accompanied by a less pleasant companion – dryness. The dry climate not only makes our skin feel tight, but also directly affects our respiratory system. Cough, sore throat, dry skin, and other related symptoms are more common at this time. But did you know that TCM has its own unique solutions that can help us stay healthy and comfortable during this season? Moisturizing your lungs is the key, it's not just a word, it's an art, a science, and it can make your autumn life better.

Autumn is easy to dry, Chinese medicine recommends lung-moisturizing recipes to help you spend autumn comfortably!

Autumn health preservation from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine: mastering the art of nourishing the lungs

Traditional Chinese medicine teaches us that the lungs are closely related to autumn and are the focus of autumn recuperation. In TCM theory, the lungs are regarded as the "main qi" organs, which play a role in regulating the body's breath, and the dry autumn is prone to lung qi. Therefore, moisturizing the lungs is not only beneficial to the health of the respiratory system, but also enhances the body's ability to adapt to the dry environment outside.

The basic principles of moisturizing the lungs in autumn

First of all, autumn health preservation focuses on "nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness". During this season, TCM recommends reducing the intake of spicy, hot foods, which deplete the body's yin fluid and exacerbate feelings of dryness. Instead, add ingredients that nourish the lungs, such as pears, honey and sesame seeds, which are gifts from nature and can effectively alleviate autumn dryness.

Adjust your lifestyle to accommodate the changing seasons

Lifestyle adjustments are also a non-negligible part of autumn regimen. TCM recommends maintaining proper indoor humidity and avoiding excessive use of air conditioning and heating, which can exacerbate the temperature difference and dryness between indoor and outdoor areas. At the same time, increasing indoor air circulation and keeping the airways moist can be achieved by using a humidifier or placing a basin of water in your home.

Strengthen your body's defenses and prepare for winter

In addition to directly combating dryness, autumn regimens should also focus on the strengthening of the body's defenses in preparation for the coming winter. Autumn and winter are the most common periods of lung diseases, and through moisturizing the lungs and maintaining health in autumn, we can effectively improve the body's ability to resist diseases and reduce the incidence of respiratory diseases in winter.

Autumn is easy to dry, Chinese medicine recommends lung-moisturizing recipes to help you spend autumn comfortably!

The selection and efficacy of lung-nourishing ingredients: a must-have for lung protection in autumn

In autumn, when the weather becomes cooler and drier, TCM believes that the lungs and large intestine are the same as the corresponding season. At this time, the human lungs are particularly susceptible to dry damage, so it is important to choose the right ingredients to nourish and protect the lungs.

1. Pears: Natural lubricant for the lungs

Pears are a highly recommended lung-nourishing ingredient in autumn, rich in water and vitamins, which can effectively relieve itchy and dry throat and enhance the body's immunity. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that pears have the effect of clearing heat and moistening the lungs, generating jin and quenching thirst, and are suitable for eating in the dry autumn season.

2. Honey: Sweet and moisturizing health products

Honey has been known as a natural health product since ancient times, and it has a good effect on relieving cough and phlegm caused by dryness in autumn. It moisturizes the lungs, relieves cough and detoxifies, while the antioxidants contained in honey also strengthen the resistance of lung tissues.

3. Black Sesame Seeds: The Secret Weapon to Nourish the Yin of the Lungs

Black sesame seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E and a variety of minerals, which can effectively nourish the lungs and fight autumn dryness. In traditional Chinese medicine, black sesame seeds are also used to treat dry coughs without phlegm or with blood in the sputum.

Autumn is easy to dry, Chinese medicine recommends lung-moisturizing recipes to help you spend autumn comfortably!

Practical Lung Diet Recommendations: A delicious solution for autumn health

Autumn isn't just about choosing the right ingredients, it's also about knowing how to make them into dishes that are both delicious and lung-friendly. Here are a few simple and practical recipes to moisten your lungs.

1. Sydney Honey Drink:

Ingredients: 1 pear, honey to taste.


a. Wash the pears, peel them and cut them into cubes, put them in boiling water and cook until the pears are soft.

b. Remove the soft pears, put them in a blender and puree them, then pour them back into the pan.

c. Add an appropriate amount of honey, stir well, boil and serve.

This drink not only clears the lungs and moisturizes the lungs, but also beautifies the skin, and is suitable for drinking in the morning and evening in autumn.

2. Sesame walnut soup:

Ingredients: 30 grams of black sesame seeds, 30 grams of walnut kernels, appropriate amount of rock sugar.


a. Stir-fry the black sesame seeds and walnut kernels separately and grind them into powder.

b. Put the sesame powder and walnut powder into a pot, add an appropriate amount of water and rock sugar, and cook over low heat until sticky.

This soup can effectively nourish the lungs and yin, reduce the feeling of dryness in the throat, and is suitable for a small bowl every day.

Autumn is easy to dry, Chinese medicine recommends lung-moisturizing recipes to help you spend autumn comfortably!

3. Heat-clearing and lung-nourishing soup:

Ingredients: 1 pair of sheep lungs, 30 grams of lily, 15 grams of wolfberry.


a. Wash the sheep lungs and cut them into pieces, and put them in a casserole with lilies and wolfberries.

b. Add plenty of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hours.

c. When eating, add salt to taste.

This soup has a very good heat-clearing and detoxifying effect and moisturizing the lungs, and is suitable for cough problems caused by dryness in autumn.

These recipes are not only nutritious, but also highly practical and operational, which can help everyone effectively maintain lung health in autumn. Through reasonable diet therapy and appropriate lifestyle adjustment, you can well resist autumn dryness and maintain good health.

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