
He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

author:Ren Jiyan
All of the statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are reproduced at the end of this article


Wang Jian is a concentrator of contradictions, with some praising him as a "warrior who dares to sacrifice his life for science" and his courage and ambition, while others see him as a businessman who "nibbles on human blood steamed buns" and accuses him of taking advantage of the pandemic to make a profit.

In his body, there is not only the aura of being praised as a "god man" by Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei, but also the huge profits in the epidemic that have attracted a lot of criticism.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

Why is he able to move between business and science, and what kind of conviction supports his bold claim that he will live to be 120 years old?

"God-man who is greedy for life and afraid of death"

Exploring the mysteries of life and continuing the genetic dream may be the most appropriate summary of Wang Jian's life pursuit and contribution.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

As a well-known biomedical expert and scientist in the industry, his obsessive desire for longevity attracts attention, why is he said to be a "god man"?

Because he actually put a unique "tombstone" on his desk, which reads - Wang Jian: 1954-2074, wonderful life, which all proves his inner fanaticism and rational ideal of life.

The expectation of this 120-year-old life is not groundless, Wang Jian is convinced that with the advancement of science and technology, human beings may one day be able to control birth, old age, sickness and death, far from the laws of nature.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

Although others questioned him as just a dream, he always had a firm belief that he would live to be 120 years old, and this unprecedented arrogant attitude prompted him to make a series of bold moves.

Back in the early 1990s, the United States took the lead in proposing the "Human Genome Project", an epoch-making scientific project that ignited the ideal fire of exploration for Wang Jian at that time.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

At that time, Wang Jian was still a biomedical researcher in the United States, and he was determined to introduce this cutting-edge technology to China and establish an exclusive "Chinese Biomedical Association".

Although his approach was discouraged by his colleagues, "geniuses are crazy", which did not shake his resolve, but prompted him to devote himself to the cause after returning home.

Wang's research was not all smooth sailing, and he was plagued by a lack of funds, which forced him to start a small biotech company to earn start-up capital for his research venture.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

He established "BGI", and boldly announced at an international conference that he would lead a team to participate in the human genome project and undertake 1% of the gene sequencing tasks.

This unexpected decision undoubtedly caused an uproar at the time, and was regarded by many skeptics as a dream.

Wang Jian did not stop there, and after the team's hard work, the goal of 1% genome sequencing was finally completed in 2000, which not only amazed the world, but also marked the beginning of China's sail in the field of genetic science.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

This achievement was featured on the cover of the journal Nature, demonstrating China's important position in this field to the world.

Wang Jian's life experience

Wang Jian's upbringing experience can be described as bumpy and legendary, he is a native of Hunan, and his family conditions were okay, but after he went to the countryside at the age of 14, his life began to become a mess, and he often starved, but it was that special experience that made him indomitable.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

After returning to school, Wang Jian showed an unusually diligent and studious spirit, and was admitted to Wuhan University with excellent grades and high scores.

Like a sponge, he frantically absorbs knowledge of biology, often immersed in cutting-edge theories and practical skills.

After graduating from university, Wang Jian decided to go abroad for further study, and with his outstanding grades and scientific research ability, he got the opportunity to study for a doctorate at a top university in the United States.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

In the United States, Wang Jian was exposed to the most advanced scientific research equipment and rich research resources, which gave him a lot of insight and broadened his horizons.

Through unremitting exploration, Wang Jian began his journey of genetic research and learned valuable knowledge and experience.

In 1991, Wang Jian and his team realized the great potential of genetic science research, and they decided to bring their research results back to China to better serve the development of their motherland.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

In the years that followed, Wang Jian and his team continued to move forward on the road of genetic research, and they made remarkable achievements in the fields of gene editing, gene therapy, and genetic disease research.

These achievements have not only enhanced China's international status in the field of genetic research, but also made important contributions to the global life sciences.

The road of genetic research is full of challenges and unknowns, but Wang Jian has always believed that only through continuous exploration and innovation can greater breakthroughs be made in this field, and he has devoted himself to the "road of no return" of genomics without hesitation.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

In 1999, Wang Jian and his team established Huashi Biotech R&D Center in China, starting a new page in his career.

Non-canonical names

The SARS epidemic in 2003 swept through China like a black whirlwind, and the country was shrouded in panic.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

The streets of the city were deserted, the doors of schools were crowded, businesses were closed, people even pinched a cold sweat when they walked out of their homes, and in those days, rumors were rife that banlan root and white vinegar were once sold out, and prices skyrocketed.

The state urgently deployed various epidemic prevention departments to take action, patients were treated intensively, and the production of masks accelerated, but the epidemic is still spreading rapidly.

At this critical moment, Wang Jian stood up and saw the heavy blow that the epidemic had brought to the country and the people, and Wang Jian awakened his inner sense of mission.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

He was eager to contribute to this battle against death, so he took the initiative to ask Ying to participate in anti-epidemic research, but was turned away because he was unknown.

But Wang Jian did not give up, he cared about the safety of the people, obsessed with contributing to the cause of science, although the opportunity was missed, he still did not let go, a "deviant" strategy gradually took shape in his mind - pretending to be an epidemic prevention officer, infiltrating the virus research team.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

In this way, Wang Jian disguised himself as an epidemic prevention worker and successfully blended into the team of experts, who at that time had disagreements within the research team, and the experts had their own opinions, which put the laboratory in a predicament.

At this critical moment, Wang Jian loudly announced that as long as the virus sample was handed over to him, he would be able to crack the whole genome sequence of the SARS virus within 36 hours.

These bold words made everyone present dumbfounded, and they were speechless for a while, and in the end, they were moved by Wang Jian's determination and self-confidence, and agreed to give him a chance to try.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

After getting the valuable samples, Wang Jianli returned to the research institute and rolled up his sleeves to work hard, leading the team to work day and night, racing against time.

With tenacious will and technology, they finally completed the whole genome analysis of 4 SARS virus strains within the 36-hour deadline, a breakthrough achievement that cleared the way for the development of diagnostic kits.

Then they put into the research and development of the kit in full swing, and soon, Wang Jian's team developed the SARS diagnostic kit as scheduled and quickly put it into production, with this key weapon, the epidemic prevention and control was effectively strengthened, and many lives were saved.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

When the crisis was resolved, the media reported on Wang's deeds, and overnight, he became a hero in people's hearts.

Wang Jian's courage and intelligence won the heartfelt admiration of the people of the whole country, and he jumped from an ordinary scientist to a household name.

Of course, Wang Jian's contribution is much more than that, after that anti-epidemic struggle, he has been working tirelessly in the field of genetics, and has made one remarkable achievement after another.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old


With the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020, in this extraordinary period, countless scientific research teams have come forward, including the gene science team led by Wang Jian.

On the occasion of the New Year, when most people were still immersed in a festive atmosphere, Wang Jian had already led the team to the front line of the epidemic in Wuhan and started an arduous "genetic battle".

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

At that time, Wuhan was already under lockdown, and it was difficult for unrelated personnel and materials to enter, so they had to communicate and were finally allowed to enter the city.

In just 5 days, BGI under the leadership of Wang Jian built a high-throughput nucleic acid testing laboratory known as the "fire eye".

After being put into use, the detection capacity of this equipment can be increased tenfold, which has injected important impetus into the prevention and control of the epidemic in Wuhan.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

With this breakthrough, Wang Jian's team did not stop, and they then replicated the "Fire Eye" model across the country and quickly expanded the scope of assistance.

This model relies on advanced nucleic acid detection technology, which can efficiently screen and diagnose the new coronavirus.

Since then, "Fire Eye" laboratories have sprung up across the country, not only deployed in many places in China, but also extended this model to many overseas countries and regions to help the global anti-epidemic work.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

In cooperation with the World Health Organization, Wang Jian's team has established dozens of "Fire Eye" laboratories in Africa, Asia and other places, which have become important support for the local fight against the epidemic.

Government officials and health experts in many countries have expressed their gratitude for BGI's support, believing that their skills and experience have played a crucial role in controlling the spread of the virus.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

At the same time, gene technology companies, including Wang Jian, have also achieved sustained rapid growth during the epidemic, and in just two years, Wang Jian's personal wealth has soared from 8.72 billion yuan to 31 billion yuan, becoming a new generation of wealthy people.

The greater the fame, the easier it is to have problems, and the contribution of Wang Jian's team in the epidemic is obvious to all, standing up and taking the initiative in times of crisis, fully demonstrating the power of scientific and technological innovation, but some people even questioned its "difficulty in making a fortune".

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

Didn't these people think that if there was no Wang Jian, the epidemic might be more difficult to control, and there might be more people who died because of the new coronavirus.


Throughout Wang Jian's legendary life, he has revealed a courage and perseverance to move against the tide, and his expectation of life dreams is the inexhaustible driving force that drives him all the way.

He was called a "man of God" by Ren Zhengfei, and he made 22.2 billion yuan from the two epidemics, and even threatened to live to be 120 years old

In the face of social skepticism and many challenges, he ignored them, and the road to exploring the mysteries of life is a long way to go, and Wang Jian will eventually go down in the annals of science and become a pioneer and pioneer of breakthroughs in China's genetic science.

If you have different opinions, please leave a message in the comment area!

Information sources:

Beijing News - BGI Wang Jian: Gene Maniac or Marketing Master?

Yangtze River Business Daily - Wang Jian's controversy is riddled with wealth, and his wealth has shrunk by 25.6 billion, and he urgently needs to build a strong moat, and BGI's dividend has gradually receded, and the deduction has not dropped by 49%, and he has fallen into a whistleblowing storm again

Beijing News - "Huada Speed": Develop the kit for the first time and build the Huoyan laboratory in 5 days