
Osteoporosis, liver and kidney deficiency, Chinese medicine teaches you dialectical conditioning


Osteoporosis, liver and kidney yin deficiency, how to regulate?

Osteoporosis, liver and kidney deficiency, Chinese medicine teaches you dialectical conditioning

Many people start to have backache at a young age, walk a little far, they will have leg pain, knee soreness, and the hospital examination will find that it is osteoporosis, and Western medicine will tell you to eat calcium tablets, bask in the sun, and supplement vitamin D, which is not completely useless, but the back pain will continue, and osteoporosis has not been solved. What's going on here?

Osteoporosis, liver and kidney deficiency, Chinese medicine teaches you dialectical conditioning

In fact, this is caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency. In traditional Chinese medicine, the main bone of the kidney is the marrow, when the kidney deficiency can not nourish the bones, there will be osteoporosis, bone hyperplasia, backache and leg softness, today I will share with you the famous prescription Qing'e Pill to strengthen the waist and bones, which has the effect of tonifying the kidney and strengthening the waist, treating kidney deficiency and low back pain, and has a good effect on back pain such as fractures, inflexible waist, and back pain.

Clinically, it is often used to treat lumbar muscle strain, osteoporosis, lumbar hypertrophy, postpartum low back pain, and some functional decline in men.

Osteoporosis, liver and kidney deficiency, Chinese medicine teaches you dialectical conditioning

The compatibility of frog moth pills has four flavor medicines, namely eucommia, psoralen, walnut kernel, garlic, among which eucommia is a gentleman's medicine, which can tonify the liver and kidneys, strengthen the waist and knees, strengthen the muscles and bones, and can relieve pain, and psoralen can tonify the kidneys, strengthen bones, and help yang, which is a subordinate medicine. Walnut kernel tonifies the kidney and helps yang, invigorates the lungs and moistens the intestines and laxatives, as an adjuvant, garlic can promote the cold and drive away the cold, stagnate and pass the channels, strengthen the waist and relieve pain.

If you have osteoporosis problems, you can take this medicine under the doctor's syndrome. However, this Chinese patent medicine is not suitable for the use of this medicine, such as yin deficiency and fire, and external cold and dampness. If you have back pain for a long time and can't be cured for a long time, you might as well find me for dialectical analysis.

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