
A 37-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank

author:Möngke talks about health

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"You say I'm so healthy, why do I suddenly have terminal lung cancer?" was the first thing Huang Li said to her attending doctor, and the 37-year-old accountant was shocked when she learned that her lung cancer was in an advanced stage.

Huang Li, a general accountant who has never smoked or drank, lives a regular life, and lives in a busy city. Her life seems ordinary, and her daily work is to deal with books and financial statements, calm and orderly. However, it was such a woman who seemed to have no health risks who was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer.

A 37-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank

In the hospital's treatment room, Huang Li looked confused and frightened. Faced with her confusion and panic, the doctor began to inquire about her lifestyle habits in detail, hoping to find the underlying cause. At this time, Huang Li mentioned three of her favorite things to do in her daily life, which may be potential triggers for her condition.

A 37-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank

First of all, Huang Li mentioned that she loves cooking. But the problem is that Huang Li's kitchen is not well ventilated, and the oil fumes from long-term cooking expose her to higher concentrations of harmful substances. Harmful substances such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide contained in kitchen fumes can greatly increase the risk of lung cancer if inhaled for a long time.

A 37-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank

Secondly, she loves houseplant care and has a home full of plants. The plant itself has certain benefits for improving indoor air quality, but Huang Li's excessive planting habits lead to excessive humidity in the home, which is easy to breed mold. Mold spores can be airborne and inhaled into the lungs, and long-term exposure to these conditions may also increase the risk of lung disease.

A 37-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank

Finally, she also has a habit of using aromatherapy to improve the living environment. Although aromatherapy can provide a soothing atmosphere, aromatherapy products often contain volatile organic compounds and other potentially harmful substances that can be extremely detrimental to lung health when inhaled over a long period of time.

A 37-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank

Huang Li was shocked when she heard this, she never imagined that these daily preferences would pose such a serious threat to her health. The doctor explained in detail how these activities might be related to her condition and advised her to make some necessary adjustments later in life.

"So what should I do now?" asked Huang Li worriedly.

A 37-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank

The doctor found some previous examination reports from her medical records, and continued to start from the doctor's review of Huang Li's previous medical records. The doctor explained while looking at it: "You see, according to your previous examination report, your lung function has not been particularly good, which has a lot to do with your living environment and habits. Let's talk more about these details of your life that may affect your health. ”

A 37-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank

First of all, on the problem of kitchen fumes, the doctor put forward a more scientific suggestion: "You can consider changing the cooking method, such as using steaming and boiling instead of frying and frying, which can greatly reduce the production of fumes." Also, installing a more efficient exhaust fan to keep the kitchen ventilated, can be very helpful in reducing your risk of inhaling harmful substances. ”

A 37-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank

Then, in response to the problems that may be caused by too many indoor plants, the doctor analyzed: "Although the plants are good, too many will cause the indoor humidity to increase, and it is easy to breed mold. ”

As for the use of aromatherapy, doctors caution more seriously: "Although aromatherapy brings a sense of relaxation, long-term exposure to certain chemical components may irritate the lungs and even cause long-term damage. ”

A 37-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank

Huang Li's face showed a thoughtful expression, and she seemed to be reevaluating her lifestyle.

Subsequently, Huang Li asked a question about future treatment and life adjustment: "Then what else do I need to do to combat this disease in addition to changing these lifestyle habits in the future?"

A 37-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank

The doctor replied, "First of all, we will develop a suitable plan for your specific situation. In addition, it is recommended that you have regular medical check-ups, especially lung examinations, so that we can keep abreast of changes in your condition. ”

"It's crucial to maintain a good mindset because stress can have an impact on the body's immune system. Learning to relax and stay optimistic is also beneficial for recovery. ”

A 37-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank

Huang Li felt relied on by the doctor's words, knowing that although the road ahead may be challenging, she can fight the disease with lifestyle adjustments and aggressive treatment.

What do you think about the prevention of lung cancer?

A 37-year-old woman with advanced lung cancer never smoked or drank