
The 55-year-old uncle has high blood lipids I heard that celery lowers lipids, a plate of celery a day!

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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On a spring-like afternoon, 55-year-old Uncle Li sat in the doctor's office, his face wrinkled with a hint of concern.

He recently read on a health forum that celery is effective in lowering blood lipids, so he started a daily diet plan with celery.

"Uncle Li, I read your test report, and your total cholesterol has decreased, which is good news. The doctor looked up at Uncle Li and smiled.

The 55-year-old uncle has high blood lipids I heard that celery lowers lipids, a plate of celery a day!

"Celery is rich in dietary fiber, which really helps to lower blood lipids. However, in addition to eating celery, we can also pay attention to the way we cook it. ”

Uncle Li is a taxi driver, and because he is busy with work and has irregular eating habits, he often eats out.

The 55-year-old uncle has high blood lipids I heard that celery lowers lipids, a plate of celery a day!

After learning about the benefits of celery, although he began to stick to it, it was often simply boiled celery without much variation. "Actually, celery can not only be boiled. "You can try stir-frying a little in olive oil with a little minced garlic and a pinch of salt, which preserves the nutrients of the celery and adds flavor.

The 55-year-old uncle has high blood lipids I heard that celery lowers lipids, a plate of celery a day!

In addition to this, celery can also be made into a salad with apples to add variety to the food. "Studies have shown that a balanced diet and moderate exercise are more effective in controlling blood lipids than a single food intake.

A long-term study involving 5,000 adults showed that consistent exercise and a varied low-fat diet reduced blood lipid levels by more than 15% on average.

The 55-year-old uncle has high blood lipids I heard that celery lowers lipids, a plate of celery a day!

While talking about healthy eating, doctors also make a unique point that people don't usually associate with health: moderate music therapy can also help lower blood lipids. The doctor explained that the quality of the mental state can directly affect the body's metabolic function, and music can effectively relieve stress, thereby indirectly helping to regulate blood lipids.

The 55-year-old uncle has high blood lipids I heard that celery lowers lipids, a plate of celery a day!

"In fact, some mental health studies have pointed out that people who are in a relaxed state of mind for a long time have lower blood lipid levels than those who are constantly nervous. The doctor explained in detail how music affects the brain to release chemicals that in turn optimize the body's metabolic processes.

The 55-year-old uncle has high blood lipids I heard that celery lowers lipids, a plate of celery a day!

Subsequently, the doctor also recommended several light music tracks suitable for listening to while driving, and suggested that he do simple stretching exercises between work to improve his overall health.

A few months later, Uncle Li followed the doctor's advice and not only changed his eating habits, but also added a moderate amount of exercise and music therapy.

The 55-year-old uncle has high blood lipids I heard that celery lowers lipids, a plate of celery a day!

At the next check-up, Uncle Li was excited to find that his blood lipid levels were not only stable, but also his overall health was better than before. He thanked the doctor for the comprehensive treatment advice and thought it had changed his lifestyle.

"Doctor, I've heard that eating too much celery can affect thyroid function, is this true?" Uncle Li couldn't help but ask.

The 55-year-old uncle has high blood lipids I heard that celery lowers lipids, a plate of celery a day!

The doctor replied with a smile: "It is true that celery belongs to the cruciferous family, which contains a certain amount of thiocyanate, and excessive consumption may affect the normal function of the thyroid gland.

Still, as long as you're not eating a lot every day, but as part of a balanced diet, you won't have much of a problem. Proper diet and lifestyle changes are key to maintaining good health. ”

The 55-year-old uncle has high blood lipids I heard that celery lowers lipids, a plate of celery a day!

In this experience, Uncle Li deeply understood that whether it is to treat health or anything, we should not go to extremes, but should pursue balance and diversity. This is not only a story about lowering blood lipids, but also a deep reflection on the attitude and way of life.

What do you think about the benefits of celery?

The 55-year-old uncle has high blood lipids I heard that celery lowers lipids, a plate of celery a day!