
Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

author:Mo Zizhai's diary
"Originally, I was not wrong, they were all wronged, as for some people who clearly saw it and deliberately did not testify against me, the matter will have to be clarified sooner or later. ”

In "South to North", Ma Kui and Wang Yongge are a pair of very good friends, the two are not only neighbors, but also colleagues, working together on the railway line.

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

Once the truck was robbed by 3 thieves, Ma Kui, who was a police officer, immediately launched a pursuit.

At this critical moment, one of the thieves jumped out of the window and died.

Now, in the absence of eyewitnesses, Ma Kui was framed by the other two accomplices.

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

And when he was taken away, he found that there was his friend Wang Yongge in the same carriage, but he was indifferent to what happened to Ma Kui.

Obviously, the relationship between the two is so good, why does Wang Yongge refuse to testify for Ma Kui?

It wasn't until ten years later that Wang Yongge finally told the truth......

So what is the secret behind this?

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

Ma Kui and Wang Yongge have been good brothers for many years, they live in the same village and work in the same place, and they are inseparable every day.

They work on a railway line, Ma Kui is a police officer who mainly protects the safety of trucks and passengers, and Wang Yongge is a train conductor.

The two of them work on the same train and have a very close relationship.

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

And one day in 1968 changed the trajectory of the lives of the two of them, especially Ma Kui.

On that day, a thief suddenly appeared on the moving train, and 30-year-old Ma Kui immediately launched a chase after discovering it, because this is his duty and obligation.

What he didn't expect was that before he could do anything, the thief fell out of the car window and fell to his death on the grass outside.

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

Ma Kui, who had caught up, hurriedly poked his head out, but it was too late, and she saw the thief lying motionless on the ground, and she couldn't do anything.

Just when Ma Kui was stunned, the accomplices of the two thieves next to him shouted out directly, pointed at Ma Kui's nose and said that the murderer was him.

In such a situation, Ma Kui couldn't say it, facing the two mouths opposite, Ma Kui had no chance to defend at all, let alone win.

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

In this way, after the train stopped, Ma Kui was forcibly taken away by the police.

At this moment, he had nothing to love, because he really couldn't argue, so he had to follow the police.

And at this moment, he suddenly saw from the window of the train that there was a good friend Wang Yongge in the carriage he was in just now.

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

Suddenly, he had hope, because he believed that Wang Yongge would definitely testify for him.

However, no matter how he looked at that window, Wang Yongge was indifferent, and even deliberately avoided it.

When Ma Kui saw this scene, his heart instantly chilled, he was not only framed, but even ignored by his friends.

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

In desperation, Ma Kui was sentenced to twelve years in prison.

It wasn't until ten years later that Ma Kui finally cleared his grievances and was released.

In the past ten years, Ma Kui has had a hard time, and he has constantly written letters to his superiors to prove his innocence.

But each time, to no avail, finally on this day ten years later, his innocence was made public, and he was restored to his former status as a police officer.

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

Ten years is not a small amount, how many decades can a person have in his life?

It took Ma Kui ten years to prove his innocence, and because of this incident, he saw the true face of his friend and abandoned him in that situation.

The case was never reasonably resolved, and it was not until after Ma Kui was released from prison that Wang Yongge told the truth......

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

Wang Yongge revealed a secret that had been hidden for many years

After Ma Kui was imprisoned, Wang Yongge always went to their house from time to time to take care of his wife and daughter.

Because Ma Kui left, the family was directly left without a pillar, and the economic source was cut off in this way, and his wife Wang Sufang and daughter Ma Yan depended on each other.

Wang Sufang was already in poor health, and the burden of the family fell on her all of a sudden, and she became even more ill.

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

And her daughter Ma Yan was also imprisoned because of her father's arrest and was discriminated against and looked down upon by the school students.

In such a difficult environment, the mother and daughter don't know how to survive.

Of course, over the years, Wang Yongge and Wang Xin, father and son, have also given them a lot of help.

Wang Xin and Ma Yan also helped and got along again and again, and gradually developed feelings.

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

After Ma Kui was released from prison, Wang Yongge visited each other, and the two sat together, drank wine, and chatted.

Wang Yongge had a smile on his face, as if he was currying favor with Ma Kui, but Ma Kui had always held a grudge against Wang Yongge, and he would never be able to forgive the other party.

The atmosphere between the two was a little delicate, and Ma Kui's words were also full of accusations against Wang Yongge.

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

But the two of them didn't say it explicitly, and it passed like this, but Ma Kui's heart could not be put down.

One day, Wang Yongge suddenly had a nosebleed at home, fell to the ground, and fell directly into a coma, but fortunately Wang Xin was at home and hurriedly sent his father to the hospital.

After a series of examinations, it was found that it was a cerebral hemorrhage, and after emergency rescue, fortunately, the person was fine, but he became bedridden.

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

After Wang Xin's meticulous care, Wang Yongge slowly recovered, but unfortunately, the sequelae left behind made Wang Yongge always unconscious.

When he was not awake, he didn't know anyone, and at such an old age, all body functions began to age, so his situation was very dangerous, and he could become Alzheimer's at any time.

At this time, Wang Yongge finally thought clearly, and came to Ma Kui's house at night.

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

Ma Kui didn't want to see him, because he still had hatred in his heart, but Wang Yongge said that he was afraid that he would not have a chance in the future, and he was afraid that his brain would be useless, and no one would know about it at that time.

The reason why Wang Yongge did not stand up to prove his innocence is actually because the real murderer is himself.

He didn't dare to say it, because if he said it, he would definitely go to prison, and then there would be no one in the family.

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

At that time, Wang Xin was only eight years old, and Wang Xin no longer had a mother, if he was imprisoned, there would really be only the young Wang Xin left in the family.

Wang Yongge put all his helplessness and hardships on his son Wang Xin, because he wanted to escape, and he didn't want to admit this fact.

At that time, Ma Yan was only seven years old, and it was because of Wang Yongge that she had no father since she was a child.

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

Wang Yongge ruined another family for his own sake, which is really hard to forgive.

But Ma Kui's wife Wang Sufang chose to forgive Wang Yongge, after all, over the years, if it weren't for Wang Yongge's help, she didn't know what her life would become.

Maybe Wang Yongge's efforts over the years are to make up for the guilt in his heart, but he did help a lot and made Wang Sufang and Ma Yan's lives better.

Look at "South to North" again: I understand why Wang Yongge refused to help him testify when Ma Kui was unjustly imprisoned

In the final analysis, in the situation on the train at that time, no one could calm down in the face of a thief, and when Wang Yongge saw that the thief was about to fall, he wanted to hold him, but he didn't pull it, causing the other party to fall to his death.

In fact, no one can be blamed for this incident, Wang Yongge and Wang Sufang are both for the sake of their families, and they are both forced to do so.