
This "life-saving drug" is the first hot search! The doctor urgently reminded →

author:Dongxiang County Rong Media Center

Original CCTV News Client


Topic #loratadine#

rushed to the first place in the hot search

This "life-saving drug" is the first hot search! The doctor urgently reminded →

Under the topic, many netizens asked

What happened to my "life-saving medicine"?

This "life-saving drug" is the first hot search! The doctor urgently reminded →

Every year in April and May

Willow flying in many places

Super obnoxious

Keywords such as "loratadine" and "allergic rhinitis".

Searches have grown substantially

This "life-saving drug" is the first hot search! The doctor urgently reminded →

Except loratadine

Many netizens pointed out in the Weibo comment area


It is also anti-allergenic

This "life-saving drug" is the first hot search! The doctor urgently reminded →

Doctor's reminder: It is recommended to follow the doctor's advice for a long time

I saw that some netizens regarded loratadine as a "life-saving artifact all year round". Dr. Xu Haibo of the Third Hospital of Hangzhou reminded: "Loratadine is an antihistamine and receptor antagonist after all, and the common side effect is drowsiness, so we generally recommend taking it before going to bed at night." Be cautious for patients with underlying heart conditions and those who drive, especially if antihistamines are used while drinking alcohol to aggravate cognitive and psychomotor disorders!"

Doctor Xu Haibo said that allergic rhinitis is generally divided into seasonal allergic rhinitis and perennial allergic rhinitis, "perennial allergy treatment we mainly use topical drugs and nasal sprays, and when the attack is more severe, for example, at the turn of the season, it will be recommended to take loratadine for a period of time, the time is 2-4 weeks, and after 2 weeks, allergic rhinitis will generally get better slowly, and when it gets better, it is necessary to slowly stop the medicine and turn it into local medicine (nasal spray)." ”

Zhang Yijin, deputy chief physician of the Department of Dermatology of the Third People's Hospital of Hangzhou, suggested that try not to touch pollen and catkins. For example, you can wear a mask and scarf when you go out, and try to wear it as tightly as possible. In case catkins and the like fall on the skin, try not to rub or scratch them, and you can wash them off with water. In addition, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. is the time when catkins are high, and patients with allergies should try to avoid going out during this time. There is an option to travel a little earlier or later or after the rain.

Spring hypoallergenic reminder

1. Stay away from allergens

Common allergens pollen, fly floc, mold, dust mites, ultraviolet rays, etc., try to avoid or reduce contact with allergens. Appropriately reduce outdoor activities, avoid playing in places containing catkins and pollen, and avoid going out in the evening when the pollen count is highest.

2. Take protective measures

Do a good job of protection when you go out, and change your clothes and take a shower in time when you go home. Regular cleaning of the nasal cavity with a nasal aspirator or nasal spray can effectively reduce allergic reactions, prepare medicines to prevent acute attacks of allergic diseases, and seek medical attention in time if allergic symptoms persist.

3. Maintain environmental hygiene

Keep the living environment clean and hygienic. Reduce or avoid the use of any items that may cause allergies, such as carpets, plush toys, and wash clothes, quilts, pillows, curtains, etc. at home frequently, dry them frequently, and pat them frequently to reduce germs and dust mites. Scrub the furniture regularly, and it is best to use a wet towel or damp cloth when scrubbing to avoid dust raising and causing allergies.

4. Eat a balanced diet

In addition to minimizing exposure to allergens and maintaining environmental hygiene, allergies can also be prevented through diet. Pay attention to a balanced diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and appropriately supplement vitamin C and vitamin E to relieve allergies and inflammation. Avoid alcohol and reduce your intake of seafood, beef and lamb, and spicy and irritating foods. Strengthen exercise and strengthen your immunity.

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