
The 61-year-old aunt got up early every day to eat an egg, and a year later she went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: you can try it

author:Wonderful materia medica

"Aunt Li, your bone density is very high, and your health is even better than that of many young people!

The doctor looked at the physical examination report and said in surprise.

A year ago, Aunt Li's bones were not as strong as they are now. Since she started eating a hard-boiled egg for breakfast every day, she feels much better than before, with a steady and strong stride and a straight back, not at all like a person in her 60s.

After hearing this, the doctor showed an approving smile: "Your persistence is really remarkable!"

The 61-year-old aunt got up early every day to eat an egg, and a year later she went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: you can try it

1. Zhejiang University research: Eating one more egg a day increases the risk of cardiovascular disease?

Eggs are everyone's favorite food, packed with nutrients and easy to digest. However, a new study raises concerns: Does eating eggs every day increase the risk of cancer?

In February 2021, PLOS Medicine, a research team at Zhejiang University, published a large study involving 520,000 people, showing that egg and cholesterol intake were associated with higher all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and cancer mortality.

Studies suggest that an additional intake of half an egg per day increases the risk of cardiovascular and cancer mortality by 7%, while an additional intake of 300mg per day is also associated with an increase in all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease.

In contrast, those who chose egg whites/substitutes as a source of protein had lower mortality rates for stroke, cancer, respiratory disease, and Alzheimer's disease.

The 61-year-old aunt got up early every day to eat an egg, and a year later she went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: you can try it

For the sake of health, can't we eat eggs?

Every food has its own nutrition, and it's a bit impulsive not to eat eggs based on just one study. At present, there are many mainstream studies that also believe that eating eggs in moderation is good for health.

In 2023, a study in Nutrients found that eating 5 or more eggs per week was associated with a 28% lower risk of impaired fasting blood sugar/type 2 diabetes and a 32% lower risk of high blood pressure than eating less than 0.5 eggs per week.

In addition, the research team at Peking University also found that eating an egg a day is beneficial to cardiovascular health, and the content of "good cholesterol" HDL cholesterol is higher, and the content of "bad cholesterol" LDL cholesterol is relatively lower.

Therefore, those who love eggs can rest assured that as long as they are not excessive, eggs are still a nutritious superfood.

2. Eat eggs often, and 2 diseases are easy to find?

Does eating boiled eggs hurt the liver?

The answer is no. Hard-boiled eggs are a common way to cook eggs, which retains the nutrients of eggs and is a healthy way to eat them. For liver health, eating hard-boiled eggs in moderation usually doesn't cause harm. In fact, the nutrients in eggs, such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals, are beneficial for maintaining liver function.

However, eggs are high in protein, and if you eat too much of it, it will put a burden on the liver, especially if the liver function is already impaired. Therefore, if you have a poor liver, such as cirrhosis or hepatitis, it is recommended to eat less eggs to reduce the pressure on the liver.

The 61-year-old aunt got up early every day to eat an egg, and a year later she went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: you can try it

Eating eggs raises cholesterol?

Eating eggs does not necessarily cause blood cholesterol to rise. Most of the cholesterol in the body is synthesized by itself, and only a small part comes from food. Moreover, the body has the ability to self-regulate cholesterol, and when the amount of cholesterol ingested through food increases, the body's absorption rate of cholesterol decreases accordingly.

For people with normal blood lipids, eating eggs in moderation is considered safe. However, for patients with dyslipidemia, cholesterol-rich foods should be consumed with caution.

3. Eating these 3 types of eggs often is really harmful

Raw eggs

Raw or undercooked eggs may contain pathogens such as salmonella, which can increase the risk of food poisoning. To be on the safe side, eggs should be cooked until the internal temperature is consistently above 71°C to effectively kill bacteria that may be present.

Dirty eggs

Eggs with dirt such as chicken manure, chicken feathers and blood can have a large number of bacteria and microorganisms attached to them, increasing food safety risks. If you eat these eggs regularly, it may trigger digestive disorders.

The 61-year-old aunt got up early every day to eat an egg, and a year later she went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: you can try it

Eggs that have been stored for too long

The freshness of eggs directly affects their nutritional value and food safety. It is recommended to judge the freshness of eggs by observing the eggshell, feel weight, light transmittance, etc. Stale eggs may turn yellow or change their flavor.

Fourth, how to eat eggs to be healthy? Do 3 points, delicious and nutritious

Eggs are often eaten, but do we really know how to eat them, and how can we ensure that eggs are delicious while still reaping the nutritional value of eggs?

1. Choose organic eggs

Organic eggs refer to the production process without the use of chemical synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, growth promoters and other substances to reduce the impact of chemicals on eggs. When buying, you should choose certified organic eggs, and also pay attention to the shelf life to ensure that they are safe to eat.

2. Control your intake

Jin Hui, chief physician of the Department of Nutrition at Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University, emphasized that the daily intake of 1 to 2 eggs is still regarded as the gold standard for nutritional intake. He reminded everyone not to overeat eggs in pursuit of nutrition, which is not good for the body.

The 61-year-old aunt got up early every day to eat an egg, and a year later she went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised: you can try it

3. Refrigerated storage

Eggs should be refrigerated in the refrigerator every day, and the temperature should be between 0-4 °C. Eggs should not be stored in contact with raw meat, poultry and other foods to prevent cross-contamination. The shelf life of eggs is usually 2-3 weeks, and expired eggs should be discarded in time.

Enjoying eggs in moderation not only satisfies the taste buds, but also adds points to health! Remember, everything should be done in moderation.


[1] "Eating more than this amount of eggs every week will really reduce the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure!". Popular Science China.2024-01-20

[2] "How to Eat Eggs Correctly?", Human Health Health.2023-05-24

[3] "How many eggs a day is good?Can you eat egg yolk?10 Questions about eggs, one time to make it clear".Lilac Doctor.2022-06-24

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