
Wang Songzhou: Four dimensions of classroom evaluation standards under the new curriculum standard

author:Chinese Teacher Magazine

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Wang Songzhou: Four dimensions of classroom evaluation standards under the new curriculum standard

What kind of class is considered a high-quality class? This seems to have become the teaching question that teachers are most concerned about in recent years, and the answer is also the opinion of the benevolent and the wise. However, under the conditions of the current new curriculum standards, the classroom evaluation criteria can be judged from the following four dimensions.

Wang Songzhou: Four dimensions of classroom evaluation standards under the new curriculum standard
Wang Songzhou: Four dimensions of classroom evaluation standards under the new curriculum standard

1. The degree of self-directed learning

Self-directed learning refers to an active and creative learning method in which students determine their own learning goals, choose learning methods, monitor the learning process, and evaluate learning results under the guidance of teachers. The degree of self-directed learning of students depends on the degree of freedom, initiative, time and innovation of students' learning in a lesson.

The degree of freedom is to see the extent to which the students' learning goals, methods, progress and evaluation of the results are determined by themselves, the degree of initiative is to see whether the students are active in learning or passive, the time degree is to see whether the students have self-study time and how much time they have for self-study, and the degree of innovation is to see whether the students are innovative in the lesson.

Generally speaking, students in self-study classes are easy to innovate, but not every self-study class students can be innovative.

2. Validity of cooperative learning

Cooperative learning refers to learning activities that are carried out in groups or teams with shared learning goals. It is based on the principle of heterogeneous grouping within the group and homogeneous between groups, and promotes students' learning by systematically using the interaction between teaching dynamic factors.

The effectiveness of group cooperative learning mainly depends on whether the group's topic selection is scientific, whether the grouping is reasonable, whether it relies on each other, and whether there is preset generation.

The so-called science of topic selection means that the selected topic meets the four criteria of importance, inquiry, openness and life. Reasonable grouping is generally based on the principle of heterogeneity within the group and homogeneity between groups, and the number of people can not be too much, with 4~6 people appropriate, and each person should have a clear division of labor. Mutual dependence emphasizes that the efforts of each group member are necessary and irreplaceable for the success of the group, and they all have their own unique contributions to the joint efforts, and that the success of the group is based on the success of each person, and that if one person does not succeed, the group will not succeed. Interaction emphasizes face-to-face communication, help, and support, and a lesson without a preset is an irresponsible lesson, and a lesson without generation is not a wonderful lesson.

3. Investigate the depth of learning

In essence, inquiry learning is a kind of discovery learning, which is deeply problematic, widely participatory, rich in practice and open-ended. It requires the creation of a scientific research scenario based on problems in the teaching process.

The depth of learning is mainly determined by whether students have problem awareness and ability, and whether the number and quality of questions are high. In a lesson, the more questions students ask, the better, indicating that the teacher is good at inspiring, and the more questions that the teacher cannot answer, the better, indicating that the students' inquiry is deep.

Wang Songzhou: Four dimensions of classroom evaluation standards under the new curriculum standard
Wang Songzhou: Four dimensions of classroom evaluation standards under the new curriculum standard

1. The so-called "one center" is centered on student development

"Focusing on student development" requires us to ask ourselves from time to time in teaching: "Are the knowledge and skills I impart to students useful, when are they useful? Are such methods and abilities conducive to students' lifelong development?, and what kind of emotional attitudes and values do students need as a qualified citizen?"

2. One of the "two basic points" is to insist on "teaching according to standards"

"Teaching by standards" is to carry out classroom teaching activities according to the curriculum standards. Because "the national curriculum standards are the basis for the development of textbooks, teaching, assessment and examination propositions", the basis for teaching cannot be "multiple sets of textbooks", but only a single curriculum standard.

In addition, in the current academic examination proposition, we cannot rely on any textbook. Therefore, when evaluating a lesson, we should mainly see whether it meets the basic requirements and spirit of the curriculum standards, and whether the lesson is "thorough" to the textbook should not be our concern.

3. The second of the "two basic points" is to insist on embodying humanism, comprehensiveness, openness and practicality

The so-called humanism is to adhere to the people-oriented. The teaching content of a class is life-like, personalized (selective), with local characteristics, etc., and the teaching forms are rich and colorful. It is required that a lesson itself should reflect comprehensiveness, which can be a synthesis of relevant knowledge, a synthesis of teaching objectives, or a synthesis of the perspective of looking at problems.

The so-called openness means that teachers' teaching ideas should be open, not just fixed on a certain idea or theory, and should learn from others' strengths and be used by others; the teaching goal is open, and the goal setting is not limited to the completion of the teaching content, but starts from the improvement of the overall quality of students and the cultivation of the humanistic spirit; the teaching content is open, changing the singleness of subject teaching, and reflecting that the comprehensive process of social disciplines is open. On the basis of sublimation, it stimulates students' desire to continue learning about relevant content or problems, and enables students to actively collect information and solve problems after class.

Wang Songzhou: Four dimensions of classroom evaluation standards under the new curriculum standard
Wang Songzhou: Four dimensions of classroom evaluation standards under the new curriculum standard

1. Contact Reading

"Connection" is the synthesis or connection to each other, and "reading" is the process of extracting meaning from the written material and influencing its non-intellectual factors. Connected reading refers to the activity in which students extract information, gain meaning, and influence non-intellectual factors from relevant written materials under the guidance of teachers. Whether a lesson is excellent or not depends on whether students can connect and interconnect relevant knowledge around the goal in the process of reading, so as to improve their comprehensive ability and comprehensive quality.

2. Active Q&A

"Active Q&A" means that students ask and answer questions independently and actively. Some scholars say that "the ultimate goal of teaching is to develop students' ability to ask and answer questions correctly, and students should be encouraged to ask questions at all times", because "asking a question is often more important than solving a problem".

3. Independent discussion

Discussion is the activity of exchanging views or debating an issue. Self-directed discussion refers to the activity in which students choose a question under the guidance of the teacher and freely exchange opinions or debate on the issue to solve the problem or generate a new problem. Discussion is of great significance for cultivating students' language expression ability, dialectical thinking ability, and cooperation consciousness and cooperation ability.

4. Self-evaluation and mutual judgment

Self-evaluation refers to self-evaluation, that is, self-evaluation with oneself as the subject of evaluation, the purpose of which is to fully understand oneself and feedback and regulate; mutual judgment refers to mutual evaluation, which refers to the evaluation of students promoting each other, which attaches importance to mutual learning and mutual improvement. Rogers argues that independence and creativity are fostered when students rely primarily on self-criticism and self-evaluation and take the evaluation of others to a secondary level. At the same time, some studies believe that a prominent feature of the development of junior high school students' evaluation ability is that they attach great importance to their peers' evaluation and perception of themselves. This is rare among students in other grades.

Wang Songzhou: Four dimensions of classroom evaluation standards under the new curriculum standard
Wang Songzhou: Four dimensions of classroom evaluation standards under the new curriculum standard

1. Engaging

"Introduction" means "eliciting issues" and "conducting guidance". "Entering" is to put a person in a certain state or realm. "Introduction" is the means, and "entry" is the goal, which reflects the harmony and unity of the teacher-led and the student-led. Engaging refers to the teaching behavior of the teacher at the beginning of a lesson to create a situation and stimulate interest according to the teaching objectives, so that students can be in the best learning state or state of a certain topic.

2. Subtle guidance

"Jingdao" means careful guidance. "Wonderful introduction" is clever guidance. In the course of a lesson, teachers use a variety of effective means and methods to give careful guidance and skillful guidance to students' learning activities such as reading, questioning, discussion, and critique. Its purpose is to set off a learning climax, mobilize students' enthusiasm and initiative, and promote the realization of classroom teaching goals. Therefore, whether a lesson is excellent or not depends on whether there is a teaching climax.

3. The ending is infinite

"Infinite ending" refers to a teaching behavior in which the teacher guides students to summarize and sublimate the lesson at the end of a lesson, stimulates students' desire to continue learning about relevant content or problems, and enables students to actively collect information and solve problems after class. If the art of the beginning is to lead students into the teaching environment in order to receive the best effect, then the art of the end is to bring the teaching classroom into the big classroom of life, and radiate the best effect from the point of the classroom to the face of society, so a lesson should not only have a fascinating beginning, but also have an endless ending. The teacher's exquisite guidance and artistic techniques can effectively mobilize students' enthusiasm and initiative in learning, enliven the classroom atmosphere, and contribute to the realization of classroom teaching goals. Specifically, the teaching climax set off by teachers has a strong motivational function, a distinct pleasure function, a strong learning promotion function and a subtle aesthetic function. Therefore, in the teaching of a lesson, the teacher should carefully guide and skillfully lead, and strive to set off a teaching climax.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and different people have different characteristics. The success of a lesson depends on whether the teacher can make use of his strengths and avoid his weaknesses and give full play to his or her strengths according to his own habits.

This article comes from the WeChat public account of "Principal Faction" and "Guangming Society Educator", and some of the content has been deleted.

The author is a professor at the School of Education of Hangzhou Normal University

WeChat editor|leaxyi

Wang Songzhou: Four dimensions of classroom evaluation standards under the new curriculum standard
Wang Songzhou: Four dimensions of classroom evaluation standards under the new curriculum standard

Supervisor: Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China Sponsored: Beijing Normal University Publishing: Beijing Normal University Publishing Group Editor: "Chinese Teacher" Editorial Department Submission E-mail: [email protected] Email Subject: Name + Author's Affiliation + Submission Column + Manuscript Title Domestic Unified Serial Number: CN 11-4801/Z International Standard Serial Number: ISSN 1672-2051▌ Cooperative Database

Wang Songzhou: Four dimensions of classroom evaluation standards under the new curriculum standard

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