
European automotive semiconductor giants have settled this important sector in Huangpu

author:Shanghai Huangpu

A few days ago, Jiweicheng Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jiweicheng") held an opening ceremony and settled in Huangpu. Dr. Arne Schneider, CEO of Emers Semiconductor Group (the parent company of Jiweicheng), Dr. Burkhard Von Spreckelsen, Vice President of Group Strategy and Managing Director of Jiweicheng, Xue Feng, Director of Shanghai Foreign Investment Promotion Center, and Lu Xiaojun, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Huaihai Middle Road Sub-district, attended the event.

European automotive semiconductor giants have settled this important sector in Huangpu

Previously, Xu Zhi, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and deputy head of the district, accompanied Dr. Schneider and his delegation to visit Vice Mayor Chen Jie

European automotive semiconductor giants have settled this important sector in Huangpu

At the 2024 Investment Promotion Conference of Huangpu District, Gao Yun, Secretary of the District Party Committee, met with the person in charge of Ji Weicheng

At the beginning of this year, Huaihai Middle Road Street learned that the European automotive semiconductor giant, the German company Elmers, intends to set up a subsidiary in China in order to actively comply with the wave of "localization" of China's intelligent automobile industry chain. The street immediately contacted the person in charge of the company in China, actively promoted the advantages and policy services of Huangpu area, and promoted the company to land in Huangpu.

The person in charge of the enterprise said that the reason why he chose here is not only to look at the location advantages, but more importantly, the open and inclusive service concept of the government and the street, and the meticulous and considerate service attitude, so that the enterprise can invest here, operate with peace of mind, and develop comfortably.

At the opening ceremony, Lu Xiaojun presented Chinese calligraphy works to the representatives of the company, expressing his heartfelt congratulations on the development of the company in Huangpu.

European automotive semiconductor giants have settled this important sector in Huangpu

Schneider expressed his gratitude to the relevant departments and centers for their care, help and support for the establishment of JV, and said that EMS Group will continue to strengthen its confidence in the development of China and Shanghai, continuously strengthen business cooperation with Chinese enterprises, help accelerate the development of China's automotive semiconductor industry, inject new vitality into the improvement of the city's industrial level, and make the company bigger and bigger.

European automotive semiconductor giants have settled this important sector in Huangpu

Since the beginning of this year, Huaihai Middle Road Street has continued to expand investment channels, build a "investment promotion partner" mechanism, strengthen cooperation and linkage with key buildings in the jurisdiction, global business associations, internationally renowned law firms and professional service institutions, and actively participate in exhibition activities to expand the global investment promotion network system.

In the future, Huaihai Middle Road Street will continue to broaden its international investment vision, seize the opportunity of the construction of the "Huaihai Xintiandi Import Trade Promotion Innovation Demonstration Zone", and strive to build a world-class business gateway with international influence.


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