
More than 28% of couples live sexless marriages, and the reasons for life pressure occupy the top of the list

author:Mr. G with dreams

More than 28% of couples live sexless marriages, and the reasons for life pressure occupy the top of the list

1. Introduce the topic: Expose the phenomenon of sexless marriage

More than 28% of couples live sexless marriages, and the reasons for life pressure occupy the top of the list

In today's society, there is often a huge gap between people's expectations of marriage and reality. In particular, a recent survey showed that more than 28% of couples lead a sexless life in their marriage, with life stress being the primary factor contributing to this phenomenon. This number has caused heated discussions on the Internet, and the comment section has presented various real stories in a heartfelt way.

2. Analyze the impact of life stress on the couple's relationship

More than 28% of couples live sexless marriages, and the reasons for life pressure occupy the top of the list

The stress of life is a powerful weapon that destroys the relationship between husband and wife, and it ruthlessly erodes the relationship between once loving couples. The busyness of work, financial constraints, and family trivialities have all become insurmountable obstacles in marriage.

In this case, communication between couples becomes more and more difficult, and the channels of emotional communication are gradually closed. They neglect emotional communication in pursuit of material satisfaction, which ultimately leads to a cold sex life.

More than 28% of couples live sexless marriages, and the reasons for life pressure occupy the top of the list

3. Describe the changes and dilemmas in the couple's relationship

Xiao Li and Xiao Zhang, they used to be a loving couple. However, as the stress of life grows, cracks begin to appear in the relationship between them.

More than 28% of couples live sexless marriages, and the reasons for life pressure occupy the top of the list

Xiao Li: "Xiao Zhang, it seems that we have less and less time to be together lately, and I am getting more and more tired. 」

Xiao Zhang: "yes, so am I. I am so busy with work and housework every day that I don't have the mood to think about anything else. 」

More than 28% of couples live sexless marriages, and the reasons for life pressure occupy the top of the list

4. Join the reversal: The couple is aware of the problem and seeks a solution

After a quarrel, Xiao Li and Xiao Zhang began to reflect on their married life, and they realized each other's problems and decided to face and solve them together.

More than 28% of couples live sexless marriages, and the reasons for life pressure occupy the top of the list

Xiao Li: "We can't go on like this, we need to rediscover our joy and passion for life. 」

Xiao Zhang: "Yes, we should work together to not let the stress of life affect our feelings. 」

More than 28% of couples live sexless marriages, and the reasons for life pressure occupy the top of the list

5. Show a scene of a couple working together

Li and Zhang began to work together to improve their relationship as a couple by increasing communication, care, and understanding with each other.

More than 28% of couples live sexless marriages, and the reasons for life pressure occupy the top of the list

They learned to listen to each other more, share household chores and responsibilities together, and regained an emotional connection with each other.

6. Reflection and Summary: Communication and understanding between husband and wife

More than 28% of couples live sexless marriages, and the reasons for life pressure occupy the top of the list

Through the experiences of Xiao Li and Xiao Zhang, we see that communication and understanding between husband and wife are an important foundation for maintaining a relationship, and the pressure in life cannot be an excuse for the estrangement of husband and wife.

We should learn to pay more attention to each other's feelings and work together to overcome the difficulties of life and make our married life more fulfilling and happy.

More than 28% of couples live sexless marriages, and the reasons for life pressure occupy the top of the list

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