
Wake up your sleeping conscience and be kind to your parents!

author:Sister Min talks about pension

Wake up your sleeping conscience and be kind to your parents!

Filial piety comes first, a virtue inherited by the Chinese nation since ancient times, but now in the fast-paced and high-pressure modern life, it seems to be forgotten by some people. Just yesterday, a friend of mine, who works in a nursing home, told me a heartbreaking story with tears in his eyes.

In the silence of the night, an elderly man in a nursing home quietly completed his life's journey. When the staff eagerly contacted the elderly's children, their response was as cold as the cold wind of a winter night: "You can contact the funeral home directly, just let them handle it, and we will not go." ”

Hearing this, I couldn't help but think of Mencius's teachings: "The old and the old, and the old, and the young, and the young." This is not only a profound exposition of family ethics, but also a lofty expectation of social morality. But the gap between reality and ideals makes people feel sad about this indifference and neglect.

Wake up your sleeping conscience and be kind to your parents!

We often say that "the grace of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring", but can we really repay the nurturing grace of our parents, who are as heavy as mountains and as deep as the sea? They have paid without regrets and built a warm home for us with selfless love. However, when we grow up and spread our wings and fly, we often forget about them.

Wake up your sleeping conscience and be kind to your parents!

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, and the child wants to raise but does not wait. "Time flies like a white horse, when we look back on the past, do we feel deep regret for the indifference and ignorance we once had?

In this world, no one deserves our respect and gratitude more than our parents. They not only give us life, but they also teach us how to face life's challenges. Why do we always forget this kindness and forget to repay them with our love and companionship?

Too many people are obsessed with the pursuit of fame and material comforts, but they ignore the people around us who need our care the most. Have they forgotten that no matter how much we have achieved or how much wealth we have, it is all inseparable from the hard work and selfless dedication of our parents.

Wake up your sleeping conscience and be kind to your parents!

In this noisy world, let's pause and reflect: Do we really care about our parents, do we show up when they need us, do we give them a warm hug when they are lonely and helpless?

"Whoever says an inch is careless, he will be rewarded with three springs. "The nurturing grace of our parents is something we can't repay in our lifetime. We should cherish every moment with our parents and care for them and accompany them with our sincerity.

Remember, nothing in the world is more precious than the company of family and the warmth of affection. So, I beg you, wake up your sleeping conscience and treat your parents well! It won't be long before we too grow old and crave the companionship and care of our children.

Wake up your sleeping conscience and be kind to your parents!

The tears in my friend's eyes were not only for the old man who had passed away, but also for some of the missing filial piety in this era. The stories she tells are like a mirror of the beauty of our time that may be lost.

The ancients said: "The filial son is the best, and he is more respectful." "Respecting and caring for parents is the most basic responsibility and obligation of a child. But in this noisy and impetuous society, this responsibility seems to have been forgotten by some. They pursue material things and freedom, but they ignore the importance of family and the expectations of their parents.

Wake up your sleeping conscience and be kind to your parents!

Life is short but companionship is long, thinking back to the time spent with my parents, who supported us with selfless love. Now that they are old and need our companionship and care, it is our duty and a way to repay them for their parenting.

Family affection is the most precious in this world, and when our parents are still alive, we should cherish the time we spend with them, give them the love and respect they deserve, and don't wait until we lose them to regret it, because then it is too late.

Wake up your sleeping conscience and be kind to your parents!

I beg you once again, please have a little more conscience and care for your parents! Don't let them feel lonely and abandoned in their old age, warm their hearts with your love and companionship, and let them feel the warmth of home and the care of their children in the last stage of their lives, which is not only respect and filial piety to their parents, but also comfort and sublimation of their own hearts. In this highly competitive and stressful society, we must never forget the importance of family, family is always our haven and the destination of our soul, no matter where we are, we should always care about our parents at home, give them the love and companionship they deserve.