
Activate the vitality of China's excellent traditional culture with the spirit of the times

author:Fusion media in the cloud
Activate the vitality of China's excellent traditional culture with the spirit of the times
Activate the vitality of China's excellent traditional culture with the spirit of the times

"Every civilization continues the spiritual bloodline of a country and nation, which needs to be passed down from generation to generation, and more importantly, it needs to keep pace with the times and have the courage to innovate. ”

"Carry forward the cultural spirit that transcends time and space, transcends countries, is full of eternal charm, and has contemporary value, so that the cultural relics collected in museums, the heritage displayed on the vast land, and the words written in ancient books can be brought to life, so that the Chinese civilization and the rich and colorful civilizations created by the people of all countries in the world can provide correct spiritual guidance and powerful spiritual power for mankind." ”

In General Secretary Xi Jinping's important article "Strengthening the Protection and Inheritance of Cultural Heritage and Promoting the Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture" recently published by Qiushi magazine, the General Secretary profoundly expounded the importance of promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of the excellent traditional Chinese culture from the strategic height of the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and the continuous and prosperous Chinese culture, and clearly put forward practical requirements.

Inheriting the flow of hundreds of generations, it will change today. Throughout history, the reason why the cultural bloodline of any nation continues is that it is passed down from generation to generation and guarded from generation to generation, but also that it can always adapt to the development of the times and the needs of the people, keep pace with the times, keep pace with the times, and actively explore the connection point between traditional culture and modern life, so that the historical context can be integrated into modern life, so that traditional culture bursts with new vitality and blooms with the brilliance of the times.

Chinese culture has a long history and Chinese civilization is broad and profound. In this important article, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly emphasized that "it is necessary to make the most basic cultural genes of the Chinese nation adapt to contemporary culture, coordinate with modern society, and promote them in a way that people like to see and have extensive participation", "let cultural relics speak, let history speak, and let culture speak". Combine the excellent heritage of the mainland's agricultural civilization with the elements of modern civilization, give it a new connotation of the times, let the excellent traditional Chinese culture continue to flourish, and let the mainland's long-standing agricultural civilization show its charm and style in the new era", and requires "improving the level of research, interpretation, display and dissemination of cultural relics, so that cultural relics can truly come alive, become a profound nourishment for strengthening the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, and become an important business card for expanding the international influence of Chinese culture".

Only when cultural relics and cultural heritage are "alive" can they be "fired" and "tided". In the new era, local cultural and museum systems rely on digital technology and artistic means to actively promote the activation and utilization of cultural relics, explore the treasures of Chinese culture in an innovative way, and promote the style of the times. "Vitality Forbidden City", "Panorama Terracotta Warriors", "Cloud Tour Dunhuang" and so on have been launched, AI algorithms have realized the restoration of cultural relics, naked-eye 3D restoration of archaeological sites, bronze masks "moved", Yinxu chariots and horses "took a step", "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" stationery, "Yongle Ceremony" letterhead and other cultural and creative products are widely popular...... With the blending of history and modernity, tradition and fashion, the magnificent and splendid Chinese civilization has been more truly and sensibly integrated into public life, and Chinese culture has bloomed with the brilliance of a new era and shown new vitality.


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Statement: Please indicate that the source is Yunzhong Media

Activate the vitality of China's excellent traditional culture with the spirit of the times
Activate the vitality of China's excellent traditional culture with the spirit of the times

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