
A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano


Take photos and be safe

A 31-year-old Chinese female tourist accidentally slipped and died tragically while checking in and taking photos at a famous Internet celebrity place, which is embarrassing.

According to the Indonesian news website "Liputan6", the Chinese woman, known as HL, traveled to Indonesia with her husband. After meeting your local guide at 1:45 AM, start climbing the volcano at 2:15 AM.

A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano
A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano

This is a world-famous itinerary where people hike to the crater to see the strange blue flames. Usually starting at 1-2 a.m., you will climb up the volcano and then descend from the crater to get close to the Ijin Crater Lake, which is known as the "Lake of Death".

Normally volcanic magma is orange-red, but here it is blue because below the crater surface, ignited sulfur gas escapes from the cracks and emits an ethereal blue glow as it burns.

A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano

This phenomenon is unique to Mount Ijen and attracts tourists from all over the world.

The crater lake is a veritable lake with a high concentration of sulfuric acid and a large amount of sulfur and other acids emitted by volcanic eruptions. There are no creatures in it, and if you fall into it, you will have no bones left.

A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano

But the view of the lake is extraordinarily gorgeous, taking on a fascinating blue color.

At around six o'clock in the morning, the couple came to an Internet celebrity tree. The entire sulfuric acid lake can be taken into the shot, and the shape of the trees is also very strange, which is an excellent photo spot.

A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano
A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano
A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano

All are photos of netizens, not parties

According to reports, a Chinese female tourist wearing a long skirt at the time accidentally tripped over her skirt and fell from a 75-meter-high gorge while stepping back to take pictures.

Previously, the tour guide had warned her that it was dangerous to take pictures here.

Because the incident happened at 6 a.m. and the location is remote, it took more than two hours for rescuers to find the Chinese female tourist. She was covered in abrasions, her left leg was broken, and she had no vital signs.

A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano
A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano
A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano

Rescuers secured the body on a stretcher and transported it down the mountain at 11 a.m. It is now parked in the morgue of Blambangan Banyuwangi Regional General Hospital.

There are also many tourists on the Internet who post photos of them near the sulfuric acid lake, and the scenery is indeed extraordinary.

The sulphuric acid lake below is like a large piece of jade, green and moving, but there is the smoke of sulfur acid gas next to it, which makes people love and fear.

A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano
A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano

In fact, there have been many times when Chinese tourists have fallen while taking pictures.

In 2019, a Chinese tourist accidentally fell off a cliff while taking photos at the Grand Canyon in the United States.

The 50-year-old Macau tourist went on a seven-day tour of the West Coast of the United States with a tour group, taking photos overlooking the Grand Canyon at Eagle Point Scenic Area, probably indulging in the stunning scenery here, he ignored the danger under his feet and eventually fell to the bottom of the valley more than 300 meters deep.

A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano
A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano
A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano
A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano

The horseshoe-shaped Skywalk is a glass-fenced skywalk that offers a view of the Grand Canyon from above, but there is no fence around the surrounding cliffs.

After the incident, his body was transported back by helicopter by rescuers from the valley floor.

There has also been a tragedy in which a Chinese female tourist fell into the sea and died in Phuket, Thailand.

According to a male friend of the deceased, before the incident, a group of 15 people came to the villa where the incident occurred, and after breakfast, he and the deceased and three other companions invited to take pictures near the rock wall.

A Chinese woman died tragically in an Internet celebrity attraction, and she wanted to take pictures but accidentally fell into a volcano

While taking pictures, the deceased's feet slid a little, accidentally fell off the cliff and fell into the sea after falling off the rock wall, the waves were very strong at that time, and the companions immediately asked the staff for help, but it was too late, and finally the search and rescue personnel found the female tourist, the female tourist was dead.

When you go out to travel and take photos to check in, you must pay attention to safety to avoid tragedy.

Just now, on the morning of the 21st local time, a Chinese tourist died after diving in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, after diving.

Justin Erasmus, a spokesman for Port Elizabeth, South Africa's National Sea Rescue Society (NSRI), said rescue attempts to rescue the 50-year-old had been unsuccessful.

The Chinese Consulate General in Cape Town confirmed that the tourists killed were Hong Kong nationals.

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