
When I was 7 years old, my father remarried and forbade me to call him dad, but my second aunt raised me, but now my father comes to beg me

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This article declares: This story is pure fiction, and all characters, plots and events are the author's imagination. Any resemblance to real life people, events or places is purely coincidental and should not be seated.

The text is a lot of fun



As the old saying goes: aunt, aunt, half-truth, half-truth, aunt.

But I didn't think so, when I was 7 years old, my mother left, and my father suddenly didn't want me anymore.

Dad left me at my grandmother's house, I was hungry and yellow-skinned, and it was my second aunt who took me away and brought me up.

Now that I have a stable job, I thought I could repay my second aunt well, but my father, who left me at the beginning, suddenly appeared again......

When I was 7 years old, my father remarried and forbade me to call him dad, but my second aunt raised me, but now my father comes to beg me


At that time, my name was Zhao Di, and my name hid the family's expectations for my younger brother, but that wish failed to come true after all.

When I was seven years old, one morning, the sun shone through the window on my new blue and white school uniform, and my mother carried me a new school bag with a cute little rabbit printed on it, which was soft to the touch.

I stood in front of the mirror and turned around, wondering how happy I was.

Finally, on the first day of school, I was so excited that I flew into the school gate like a bird.

When I was 7 years old, my father remarried and forbade me to call him dad, but my second aunt raised me, but now my father comes to beg me

However, when I came home from school and opened the door, I found that my mother was missing the busy figure in the house, and I felt inexplicably panicked.

When I found my father, he had a heavy face and told me that my mother was sick and lying in the hospital.

As soon as I heard this, I didn't bother to take off my school bag, and began to shout that I wanted to go to the hospital to see my mother. My father couldn't resist me, so he took me to the hospital.

In the ward, my mother was lying weakly on the white hospital bed, her face had lost its former ruddyness, but her eyes were still full of love for me.

When I was 7 years old, my father remarried and forbade me to call him dad, but my second aunt raised me, but now my father comes to beg me

She whispered to me: "Zhaodi, if your mother is not there in the future, you have to be obedient, and you have to listen to your father and grandmother." ”

At that time, I understood the meaning of "not there", and innocently asked, "Mom, where are you going?"

Mom barely squeezed out a smile, stroked my head and said, "Silly boy, where Mom is going, you can't go, you have to live well." ”

At that time, I had no idea that my mother was terminally ill and had terminal cancer.

When I grew up, I learned that my mother's illness could have been cured earlier, but the family's economic conditions were not good, my father could not afford the huge medical expenses, and my grandmother was worried about my mother's failure to give birth to a boy, so she resolutely did not agree to use the family's savings to treat her.

When I was 7 years old, my father remarried and forbade me to call him dad, but my second aunt raised me, but now my father comes to beg me

I don't remember my grandmother's kind attitude towards my mother since I was a child, and for as long as I can remember, my home seemed to be a cold battlefield, and my mother's status became extremely low because she didn't give birth to a boy.

At my grandmother's house in other provinces, due to the distance and inconvenient transportation, the news of my mother's serious illness was not conveyed in time.

It wasn't until one day, when my mother was working in a factory, that she fainted due to severe pain, and was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with cancer.

The family hid from my grandmother's family, but just like that, my mother's condition took a turn for the worse in just two months, and she finally left us.

Since my mother left, I have been like a bird that has lost its wings, and I can only learn to fly by force.

When I was 7 years old, my father remarried and forbade me to call him dad, but my second aunt raised me, but now my father comes to beg me

And that sunny school day became my mother's goodbye forever.


Not long after, my father cruelly sent me to my grandmother's house.

I was still a little kid at the time, who knew how much adults thought, but no matter how sad I cried, my father finally turned around and left.

My days at my grandmother's house were like falling into another world, where there was no warmth from my mother, only my grandmother's indifferent eyes and occasional reproaches.

I don't like my grandmother, not only because she always keeps a straight face to me, but more importantly, I don't think she has always been kind to my mother.

When I was 7 years old, my father remarried and forbade me to call him dad, but my second aunt raised me, but now my father comes to beg me

In the world of children, people who are not good to their mothers are bad people.

So I was angry with my grandmother every day, her food was unpalatable, my clothes were no longer neat and fragrant, and I lacked the soap smell left over from my mother's laundry, which made people feel lost.

In this unfamiliar environment, I felt more frightened and uneasy than ever, and every day I found a corner to hide, carefully observing everything around me.

Grandma seemed to have forgotten that I still had to go to school, and I was like a forgotten bird who could no longer find the direction in which I once soared.

Suddenly, one day, my father appeared in front of my grandmother's house, and I was ecstatic, thinking that he had come to pick me up.

When I was 7 years old, my father remarried and forbade me to call him dad, but my second aunt raised me, but now my father comes to beg me

Unexpectedly, my father told my grandmother that an aunt was coming in a while and asked me what to do.

Hearing this, my heart instantly cooled in half.

My grandmother dragged me to my side, and my father lowered his voice and said to me: "Later, an aunt will come, she doesn't know about your existence, so don't call me dad yet, as long as you are obedient, dad will buy you candy to eat." ”

Grandma didn't think so, saying that I was a little girl who could understand anything, let me go out to play, don't go home and get in the way.

I stubbornly resisted: "I don't, I want to be with my dad!"

When I was 7 years old, my father remarried and forbade me to call him dad, but my second aunt raised me, but now my father comes to beg me

At this time, my father's face became gloomy and he threatened me: "If you don't obey, I will beat you!"

This sentence frightened me so much that I immediately did not dare to speak.

My grandmother led me to a small shop on the street, bought me a lollipop, and told me to sit in front of the shop to eat it, and said viciously, "You just sit here and wait, I didn't tell you not to go home!"

With that, my grandmother left with a basket full of vegetables and meat, leaving me alone at the door, lollipop in my hand, staring at the corner of the street, expecting my father to appear again.

When I was 7 years old, my father remarried and forbade me to call him dad, but my second aunt raised me, but now my father comes to beg me


When I had had enough of playing outside and dragged my tired body home, there were still only two people in the house, my grandmother and me.

During that time, I refused to eat almost every day, and my stomach was rumbling with hunger.

My little face is getting more and more yellow, but my grandmother doesn't seem to care much about whether I eat or not.

Suddenly, one day, a second aunt came to the house, whom I had only met once at my mother's funeral.

The second aunt and my mother really look alike, and even the smell on her body is so similar, as soon as I see her, I feel like I see my mother's shadow, and a sense of closeness wells up in my heart.

When I was 7 years old, my father remarried and forbade me to call him dad, but my second aunt raised me, but now my father comes to beg me

As soon as the second aunt saw me, tears fell from her eyes, and she shouted at her grandmother and asked, "This is your own granddaughter! My sister is gone, how can you treat the child like this?"

Grandma pursed her lips and responded, "My own child, can I still treat her badly?" But this child is naturally stubborn and refuses to eat anything, so it is really difficult to serve. If you don't feel at ease, take it away. ”

The second aunt was obviously very dissatisfied with my grandmother's answer, she didn't say anything more, just took my hand and resolutely took me out of my grandmother's house.

Before leaving, the second aunt asked me with concern, "Girl, are you hungry?"

When I was 7 years old, my father remarried and forbade me to call him dad, but my second aunt raised me, but now my father comes to beg me

I nodded silently, I didn't have any resistance or strangeness to this second aunt who made me feel extremely close to each other for a short time.

My second aunt led me to a nearby restaurant and ordered a bowl of noodles for me.

I was so hungry that I picked up the bowl and devoured it.

The second aunt watched me eat so eagerly, and her eyes were full of pity. She said to me softly: "Girl, let's go with the second aunt, and the second aunt will be your mother in the future and take good care of you." ”

I looked up at her, my heart warmed, and without the slightest hesitation, I silently accepted the offer.

When I was 7 years old, my father remarried and forbade me to call him dad, but my second aunt raised me, but now my father comes to beg me


The second aunt's family lives in a building in the county seat, where the windows are bright and clean, and everything is neat.

In addition to the second aunt and second aunt in the family, there is also a younger brother than me, he is smart and clever, the first time he saw me, he asked curiously: "Sister, what is your name?" I told him: "My name is Zhao Di." ”

At this moment, the second aunt came over, and said with gentle and firm eyes: "Girl, from now on, shall we change our name? Your mother didn't like you to call this name when she was alive, and your grandmother and father had to call it that."

What about girls, in this life, the most important thing is to live for yourself, not for the eyes and expectations of others.

When I was 7 years old, my father remarried and forbade me to call him dad, but my second aunt raised me, but now my father comes to beg me

Then, she renamed me Lin Zhu, which means that it is as tough and rising as bamboo.

I love the name very much, it gives me a new part, a new beginning.

With the help of my second aunt, I successfully entered a new school, and my second aunt's husband also regarded me as his own, and I will remember that love.

I always remind myself that I must study hard and have the ability to repay my second aunt and second aunt-in-law for nurturing me in the future.

As time went by, I grew up and was successfully admitted to university, and after graduation, I worked in a large company with a good salary.

When I was 7 years old, my father remarried and forbade me to call him dad, but my second aunt raised me, but now my father comes to beg me

I have never forgotten the kindness of my second aunt's family, and often bought them some food and clothing, even though my second aunt never accepted the money I gave.

When my cousin got married, I did not hesitate to take out more than 100,000 yuan to fund the wedding, which moved my second aunt, but she resolutely refused to accept the money.

In my opinion, this is my duty and heart.

One day I came home and found a man sitting in the living room who was both familiar and strange, yes, it was my dad.

When I was 7 years old, my father remarried and forbade me to call him dad, but my second aunt raised me, but now my father comes to beg me

I walked around him indifferently and went straight back to my room. He stopped me, and the phrase "Zhaodi" was like an invisible thorn, piercing my heart deeply.

He said a little choked: "Zhaodi, Dad knows that he owes you too much over the years, but now he is really desperate." Your brother is sick, he is the only son in our family, you are his sister, can you help him?"

My heart is turning over and my thoughts are full of thoughts.

Thinking of what happened to my mother back then, I was indignant.

If he had pleaded with others like this, maybe his mother's fate would have been different.

However, the words of rejection are stuck in my throat, what should I do?

Author's Statement: At the end of this story, I would like to emphasize that this story is completely fictional. All described characters, episodes, and events are the product of the author's imagination and have nothing to do with any real people, events, or places. Any resemblance to real-life people, events or places is purely accidental, and the pictures are from the Internet and have nothing to do with this story. I hope you enjoy the story, but please don't relate it to anything in real life.

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