
Don't eat eggs and milk for breakfast, it will cause cancer? Fake! These four kinds of breakfast really need to be eaten less

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Xiaokang said popular science

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In modern society, with the acceleration of information dissemination, various food safety rumors are also emerging. Among them, the statement that "eating eggs and milk for breakfast can cause cancer" is a typical example.

This circulation of information reflects the public's concern about food safety and fear of the unknown.

Especially in our fast-paced lives, where we rely on fast food and have little knowledge of what it eats in, unconfirmed news is particularly likely to cause public anxiety.

The truth about breakfast food

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about eggs and milk being carcinogenic, but is this really true? In fact, there is not enough scientific research to support this.

When it comes to the perfect breakfast, it should contain carbohydrates, protein, lecithin, vitamins and minerals, and eggs and milk provide just the right amount of these essential nutrients.

Don't eat eggs and milk for breakfast, it will cause cancer? Fake! These four kinds of breakfast really need to be eaten less

Let's start with milk. Some people may have heard of "milk causes cancer", which is actually a misunderstanding of an experimental study.

Chen Junshi, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, pointed out that the carcinogenic theory originated from a study in which rats were used to ingest food containing aflatoxin B1, a strong carcinogen, to induce cancer.

Studies comparing liver cancer in rats that were fed a casein diet from cow's milk and soy protein showed that rats that consumed casein did have a higher rate of cancer.

However, this does not mean that milk is carcinogenic, as liver cancer only occurs in two groups of rats if aflatoxin is ingested. Moreover, the conclusions of this study cannot be directly applied to humans.

Further epidemiological investigations support this, and the current dietary guidelines, which recommend a glass of milk per day, do not increase the risk of cancer. So, enjoy your milk with confidence and boldness!

The same is true for eggs, and the claim that boiled eggs can cause cancer when eaten after the yolk turns green is also not based on science.

Don't eat eggs and milk for breakfast, it will cause cancer? Fake! These four kinds of breakfast really need to be eaten less

It is a nutritionally complete superfood that provides high-quality protein and other key nutrients such as lecithin and vitamins. Eggs play an irreplaceable role in enhancing the nutritional value of breakfast.

Zhu Yi, an associate professor at the College of Food Science at China Agricultural University, provides us with a reasonable explanation. Eggs are rich in sulfur-containing amino acids, such as methionine and cysteine, which are sulfur-containing amino acids, she said.

As the eggs are boiled, the sulfur in these amino acids is converted into hydrogen sulfide.

Eggs are also rich in iron, and when hydrogen sulfide meets iron, ferrous sulfide is formed. This is the reason for the green color around the egg yolk, and this color of ferrous sulfide is not toxic, let alone carcinogenic.

By understanding these scientific explanations, we can be more confident in enjoying a variety of foods instead of being bothered by unwarranted fears.

So, the next time someone brings up the rumor that green egg yolk may cause cancer, you can boldly tell them the truth and let the light of science dispel the gloom of ignorance.

Don't eat eggs and milk for breakfast, it will cause cancer? Fake! These four kinds of breakfast really need to be eaten less

In this way, we can not only enjoy the food, but also maintain a healthy and rational eating environment.

4 kinds of breakfast to really eat less

Those seemingly delicious and convenient breakfast options, why they might not be the best choice.

Let's take a good look at these desserts, such as cakes, cookies, bread and those tempting jams. although

While they do soothe our taste buds quickly and bring convenience to busy mornings, these little desserts are often nutritionally unbalanced and high in calories, especially for people with kidney disease, and these foods can be a burden rather than a nourishment.

Moving on, raw and cold foods, while they sound refreshing, can put extra stress on your digestive system, especially in the morning, and our gut may not be fully prepared for such a challenge.

Let's talk about acidic fruits, like lemons and grapefruits, which can irritate your stomach lining and cause discomfort when eaten on an empty stomach. So, while they're packed with vitamins, timing and manner matter.

Don't eat eggs and milk for breakfast, it will cause cancer? Fake! These four kinds of breakfast really need to be eaten less

Finally, let's talk about that common shortcut option – an overnight meal. Many people choose leftovers from the evening for breakfast the next day to save time, but is it really safe?

Improper storage of overnight meals can easily breed microorganisms and increase the risk of food poisoning. Secondly, especially leafy greens, nitrite levels may rise overnight, and this substance may be converted into carcinogenic nitrosamines under certain conditions.

Also, some nutrients in overnight meals, such as vitamins, can be lost due to prolonged storage and repeated heating. Finally, for those with poor gastrointestinal function, overnight meals may also cause indigestion or worsen symptoms.

Varied breakfast

From the moment we wake up, we need plenty of energy and nutrients to start the day.

Therefore, the variety and balance of breakfast should not be underestimated. To start your day off to an energetic start, you need to plan your breakfast plates.

Don't eat eggs and milk for breakfast, it will cause cancer? Fake! These four kinds of breakfast really need to be eaten less

Let's talk about cereals. Don't underestimate these common ingredients, whole grains or high-fiber cereal products such as oats, whole wheat bread or brown rice, which are long-term suppliers of energy.

Not only does it help you feel fuller for longer, but it also provides essential B vitamins to keep your body functioning more smoothly.

Next is the vegetable part. You might be thinking that vegetables are a treasure trove of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Not only will this make your breakfast colorful, but it will also add a lot of points.

Don't forget beans, which are a super source of plant-based protein, which can add a lot of protein and fiber to your breakfast, as well as the blessing of iron to make your nutrition more complete.

Of course, when it comes to protein, you can't live without superfoods like eggs, milk, yogurt or nuts, which not only help keep you full for longer, but also provide essential amino acids to keep your muscles healthier and stronger.

Don't eat eggs and milk for breakfast, it will cause cancer? Fake! These four kinds of breakfast really need to be eaten less

So, wake up in the morning with a little thought and a colorful, nutritious breakfast.

Such a breakfast is not only delicious, but also full of energy, so that you can be energized all morning and effectively cope with the challenges of work and life.

A good breakfast is the beginning of a healthy lifestyle. Don't let busyness be an excuse to ignore breakfast, arrange reasonably, eat healthily, and a good life starts every morning!

Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle not only helps us stay away from various diseases, but also improves our quality of life and even allows us to live longer. So, how do you do that?

While eating a balanced diet, try to eat less processed foods, which are usually high in sugar and salt, and long-term consumption is not only easy to gain weight, but may also cause other health problems.

Don't eat eggs and milk for breakfast, it will cause cancer? Fake! These four kinds of breakfast really need to be eaten less

Next is moderate exercise. Regular physical activity can greatly enhance our heart and lungs, improve blood circulation, and boost metabolism.

Then, we have to talk about the importance of sleep. A good quality of sleep is essential for our physical recovery, emotional stability, and cognitive function.

Adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night, and regular sleep schedules can help regulate our body clock and keep us energized every day.

Mental health can't be ignored either. Maintaining a positive mindset, learning to manage stress, and maintaining good social relationships with family and friends are all important components of mental health. Mental health has a direct impact on our daily life and social skills.

The benefits of mental health don't stop there. A good state of mind can make us more efficient in handling daily tasks and more calm in the face of challenges.

Don't eat eggs and milk for breakfast, it will cause cancer? Fake! These four kinds of breakfast really need to be eaten less

When you feel psychologically fulfilled and at peace, your social skills will also improve, as you will be more confident and more willing to reach out and understand the people around you.

Mental health is not just about personal peace of mind, it also profoundly affects how we communicate and interact with the outside world.

Don't overlook the small activities that can help you release stress and strengthen your relationships. These are all important ways to maintain your mental health.

In addition, it is important to avoid bad habits. Quit smoking, limit alcohol, and reduce caffeine and other stimulants.

It may sound a bit challenging, but trust me, once you start implementing it, you'll find that the quality of life really improves a lot!

We all know that smoking is bad for our health, and although this is an old saying, it is not exchanged. The nicotine in tobacco can make you addictive, while thousands of other chemicals can cause everything from heart disease to lung cancer.

Don't eat eggs and milk for breakfast, it will cause cancer? Fake! These four kinds of breakfast really need to be eaten less

Quitting smoking will not only boost your physical health, but it will also improve your breathing and make your skin look better, not to mention save a lot of money.

Next is the alcohol limit. Drinking alcohol in moderation may not be a big deal and may even be heart-healthy, but the key is to control it.

Excessive alcohol consumption can damage your liver, increase your risk of certain cancers, and also affect your cognitive function. So, find a drinking balance that suits you and make your life healthier.

Then there's caffeine. Everyone loves a cup of coffee in the morning, and that refreshing feeling is great, but too much caffeine can cause problems. It may cause anxiety, insomnia, and even irregular heartbeats.

Try reducing your coffee intake or switching to some decaf or decaf alternatives, such as herbal teas, to both keep you awake and avoid the negative effects.

It may take a little time and effort to integrate these good habits into your daily life, but the results are definitely worth it.

Don't eat eggs and milk for breakfast, it will cause cancer? Fake! These four kinds of breakfast really need to be eaten less

Not only will it help you reduce your risk of disease, but it will also significantly improve your quality of life. Set small goals, take your time, and gradually replace those bad habits.

Finally, don't forget to have regular medical checkups. This is an effective way to detect potential health problems early and take preventive measures.

As you can see, building a healthy lifestyle is not complicated, the key is perseverance.

Starting today, try these tips to make yourself healthier and happier every day! Let's work together and enjoy a healthy life!


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