
Technical counterattack: The apprentice's superior record, after the master retired, he received an unexpected surprise from the boss!

author:Week 8 life circle

In the workplace, the mentor-apprentice relationship is a special bond, which is not only the teaching of skills, but also a kind of emotional sustenance. I, as the protagonist of this story, used to be an apprentice, serving tea and cigarettes to my master every day as a sign of respect and determination to learn. However, when I finally became a teacher, I unexpectedly took the position of a master, and the story behind this is complex and tortuous.

Technical counterattack: The apprentice's superior record, after the master retired, he received an unexpected surprise from the boss!

My master is an old smoking gun, and he can't do without that pipe that has been with him for many years every day at work. As his apprentice, one of my daily tasks is to prepare shredded tobacco for him and serve him a cup of hot tea. This life lasted for several years, and I gradually grew from a novice to a skilled worker.

As time went on, I began to realize that the advancement of technology had given me more opportunities. I started taking on projects on my own, and my work was recognized by my boss and colleagues. Until one day, my boss called me into the office and told me that my master needed to retire early due to health reasons, and that I would take his place.

I have mixed feelings in my mind, and the retirement of my master means that I will lose an opportunity to learn and rely on, but it also means that I will take on greater responsibility. I agreed to the boss, but my heart was full of guilt for the master.

On the day the master retired, I helped him pack his toolbox and escort him out of the factory gate. He patted me on the shoulder, smiled and said, "Boy, do a good job, don't embarrass me." I nodded, but I was at a loss.

Technical counterattack: The apprentice's superior record, after the master retired, he received an unexpected surprise from the boss!

When the master returned home, he opened the envelope given to him by the boss. Inside is a letter of recommendation and a check. The recommendation letter is written by the boss to other partner companies, and he highly praises the master's skills and character, hoping that they can give the master a suitable position. The cheque is a compensation for the master's hard work over the years.

The master was stunned on the spot, he didn't expect the boss to be so thoughtful, not only considering his future, but also giving him financial help. He deeply felt the human touch of the boss and the affirmation of his years of dedication.

I stood at the door of my master's house, and my heart was full of emotion. Competition in the workplace is cruel, but the warmth and care in human nature can defuse this cruelty. I have learned that both as an apprentice and as a master should have a grateful heart and be grateful to those who have helped and guided us in our professional life.

Technical counterattack: The apprentice's superior record, after the master retired, he received an unexpected surprise from the boss!

This story teaches us that every experience in the workplace is an opportunity for growth, and every challenge is worth cherishing. If you have a similar workplace story, or if you have your own opinion on the mentoring relationship in the workplace, you are welcome to share your views in the comment section. At the same time, if you like this article, please don't forget to follow our official account "Workplace Reasoning", like, comment and forward for us, so that more people in the workplace can hear our voice. Let's support each other and grow together on the road of the workplace.