
What factors can affect sleep?

author:Healthy Shenyang
What factors can affect sleep?
What factors can affect sleep?
What factors can affect sleep?

Insomnia is the most common type of sleep disorder in clinical practice. So, what factors can affect sleep? Here, let's take a look at the factors that affect sleep.

What factors can affect sleep?

1. What are the main causes of insomnia?

The causes of insomnia are complex, but the main factors can be divided into three categories: environmental factors, disease factors, and psychological factors.

1. Suitable sleeping conditions and environment: For example, jet lag insomnia caused by flying to other places, and insomnia caused by noise, are extremely common in cities.

2. Disease: Insomnia often occurs with diseases and is closely related to the prognosis of diseases, so it is necessary to pay attention to insomnia caused by diseases. For example, sleep apnea syndrome, central sleep apnea syndrome and other diseases are also one of the factors that induce insomnia, especially in elderly patients.

3. Psychological factors: emotional tension, depression, overexcitement, anger and anger can cause insomnia. Psychological factors have an important impact on insomnia, which in turn affects people's psychology. Factors such as anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder can all cause insomnia.

What factors can affect sleep?

2. Why do some children have difficulty sleeping?

Children have difficulty falling asleep for a variety of reasons. 3-6 years old children have difficulty falling asleep, in addition to disease factors, the vast majority of them are due to the child's high energy and like to run and jump in spacious places to vent their abundant energy. If parents are worried that their children will bump and bump and limit the time spent outdoors, their children's energy may be nowhere to vent and they will not fall asleep at night.

In addition, children who do not eat modestly, eat too much meat, fried food, fruits, sweets, seafood, etc., which may be disturbed by the heat accumulation of the spleen and stomach, resulting in "stomach disharmony and restlessness". Such children are also prone to adenoid hypertrophy and other diseases, causing sleep ventilation disorders and reducing sleep quality.

3. Why are there so many insomnia patients in urban areas?

In the city, noise is a common factor that interferes with sleep, living in a busy neighborhood, the late bus runs straight until midnight, and then it is noisy again at 5 o'clock in the morning; Homes at construction sites, factories, railways, and highways endure the roar of machines and vehicles night and night. Some people are sensitive to noise, which can lead to chronic insomnia over time. Living in a group dormitory, the noise in the corridor, the snoring of the dormitory people, the dream talk, getting up late to go to the toilet, and those who go out early and return late all have an impact on sleep, often making people with neurasthenia miserable. Living and working in noise for a long time is not only prone to insomnia, but also makes people restless, tired, difficult to communicate with language, low work efficiency, and even induces neurological and mental diseases. As a result, there are many people suffering from insomnia in urban areas.

What factors can affect sleep?

4. Why are patients with anxiety disorders prone to insomnia?

One type of anxiety manifests as a generalized anxiety disorder, a chronic anxiety disorder characterized by persistent and marked nervous dysphoria, accompanied by autonomic excitement and hypervigilance. Such patients are mainly chronically anxious, and often insomnia is accompanied by head discomfort, difficulty concentrating, poor memory, fatigue, fatigue and weakness, and is often misdiagnosed as neurasthenia. The other manifestation is acute panic disorder, which may manifest as awakening during sleep. These can affect the quality of the patient's sleep.

5. Is there a relationship between insomnia and dreams?

Many people with insomnia are dreamy, and dreams can be recalled, even like a drama. Or nervous in a dream, like a person about to catch it. In fact, mood disorders may be accompanied by symptoms such as insomnia, dreams, pain, etc., and such patients can regulate and improve their mood. Excessive attention to the dream sensation can lead to increased dream sensation, and such patients can divert attention from the dream sensation. Some people wake up during or immediately after a fast-wave sleep period, when the level of dream recall increases.

What factors can affect sleep?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the things in the dream are related to the internal organs. For example, if the liver is deficient, the flowers and plants are shaggy, the liver is really dreaming of mountains and forests, and if the liver is hot, you will be frightened in the dream; if you are evil, you will dream of fighting lawsuits; if you are deficient, you will be frightened and sleepless, and if you are angry, you will dream of laughter and fear, and if you are evil, you will dream of laughter and fear, and if you are evil in your heart, you will dream of fireworks; if you enter the small intestine, you will dream of gathering in the well; when the spleen is real, you will dream of building walls and houses, if your spleen is strong, you will dream of singing and music, if you are deficient, you will dream of insufficient food, and if you are weak in your spleen, you will dream of Daze hills, wind and rain and bad houses; if you are deficient in your kidney, you will dream of drowning people and dreaming of lying in the water. If you are afraid, the kidneys will actually dream of throwing yourself into the water, and if there is convulsion in the bladder meridian, you will not be able to dream quickly. This is consistent with the concept of traditional Chinese medicine that the five internal organs are hidden and the form and spirit are one, which helps to judge the cold, heat, deficiency and reality of the internal organs.

Author: Li Han

Source: Shenyang Health Service Center

Editor: Chen Yameng

Proofreading: Chen Zeming

Preliminary review: Tong Xia

Review: Xu Jiang