
"" the surname father, I don't want the baby to have my surname, the mother casually chooses the name, and the whole family raises their hands in favor

author:Sister Dimple emotional guidance

Hello everyone, I am Sister Dimples, a 40-year-old second-child working mother.

Let me ask you a question first: What's your last name?

I estimate that most people have more common surnames, such as: Zhang, Wang, Li, Zhao, Qian, Sun, etc······

Are there any surnames that stand out to your eyes or have never heard of?

Two days ago, a friend told me that one of their customers had the surname "".

Ah, is there anyone else with the last name of this?

Your first reaction is not the same as that of Sister Dimple, full of curiosity and wondering.

To be honest, I didn't even know there was this last name before.

The friend said that the driver went to deliver the goods to the customer with the surname "", and only one surname was written in the consignee column:. As a result, the next day, the customer scolded the driver: Can't you write your full name?

Indeed, the word "", in people's consciousness, the first reaction is to scold.

But as a polyphonic word, when it is pronounced, it exists as a surname.

There is a female netizen who often shares short videos of her daily life, and one day, she posted the wedding invitation letter between herself and her fiancé on the Internet, but the video exploded, and the data was hundreds of times higher than usual.

At first, she thought that netizens were sending them blessings, and she was quite moved. But when I opened the comment area later, I realized that everyone was attracted by her name, and her name was: Xiaohong.

"" the surname father, I don't want the baby to have my surname, the mother casually chooses the name, and the whole family raises their hands in favor

Xiaohong, this name was originally ordinary and very ordinary! But because it was the surname "" in front of it, it immediately attracted countless netizens to watch.

I still remember that there was a related news before, saying that when the college freshmen arrived, when the counselor got the roll call, he found that there was a classmate named RB (Japanese)······ It's so embarrassing that I pick my toes!

I'm sure no teacher will get this classmate up to answer the question

"" the surname father, I don't want the baby to have my surname, the mother casually chooses the name, and the whole family raises their hands in favor

Indeed, if the surname is "", the name is really a headache.

It seems that no matter what words are added, it reads like a greeting to someone else.

There was a netizen with this surname before, and he was particularly blessed, because his wife gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses for him!

It was supposed to be a great joy, but he was sad.

It turned out that the medical staff urged them to get a birth certificate for the child and asked them if they had a good name for the child.

The husband with a sad face said, "Why don't we go to the Internet to ask for help from the majority of netizens?"

The wife didn't have a good idea, so she agreed to give it a try online.

Not to mention, netizens are very enthusiastic, offering all kinds of suggestions, and they have come up with many names, such as:

Morning, pre-exercise, operation, control, playground······

rich, cute, handsome, high-level······

Hurrying, Pelosi, and being a mountain······

"" the surname father, I don't want the baby to have my surname, the mother casually chooses the name, and the whole family raises their hands in favor

Seeing the names taken by netizens, none of the couples were satisfied.

The husband was helpless, and he said to his wife lightly: Otherwise, don't take my surname, let the baby have your surname!

When my wife heard this, she naturally had no opinion. But the baby's grandparents are not happy, especially the grandfather, he said loudly: Our children and grandchildren of the family, of course, have to be!

Subsequently, the whole family began to brainstorm the name of the baby again.

As the mother of the child, the wife said: Every child is unique, I hope that my daughter can live a simple life, the daughter is either called "Cao Yi", and the son is called "Cao Yue", homophonic "transcendence"!

Cao Yi and Cao Yue, good, simple, and catchy to read, the meaning is not bad, so the whole family unanimously approved and praised the name taken by the mother.

"" the surname father, I don't want the baby to have my surname, the mother casually chooses the name, and the whole family raises their hands in favor


Sister Dimple is very curious: How did this "" surname come about? Could it be related to Cao Cao?

So, I went to check the information, not to mention, it's really a lot of knowledge.

In the mainland, there are more than 1,000 surnames, and the surname Cao is one of the most difficult to choose.

There are three theories about the origin of the surname.

The first theory is derived from the ancient official position, saying that the surname Cao was an official position given to his subordinates by the monarch of the Yin Dynasty, Pan Geng, and later the family took the operation as their own surname to show the emperor's grace. Therefore, the surname Cao may belong to the surname given by the emperor;

The second theory is derived from the surname Ji, which evolved from the descendants of King Ji Fa of Zhou Wu, and belongs to a kind of surname with the name of professional skills;

The third is the most bizarre, calling the surname Cao a descendant of Cao Cao, and there is a small story about this statement.

In the last years of Cao Wei, after the Sima family usurped the imperial power of Cao Wei, the descendants of Cao Cao were persecuted, and the descendants of the Cao family were ready to change their surnames in order to avoid the persecution of the Sima family, but they felt sorry for their ancestors, so they came up with this compromise method, taking Cao Cao's name as the surname, and always remembering the ancestors while avoiding persecution.

In this way, the surname Cao continues to this day.

But later, after the research of Fudan University, the surname Cao is not actually a descendant of Cao Cao.

"" the surname father, I don't want the baby to have my surname, the mother casually chooses the name, and the whole family raises their hands in favor

At present, there are about 120,000 people surnamed Cao on the mainland, most of them in Anhui, Jiangxi and other places, and there is even one village where all the people have the surname Cao.


In fact, in addition to the "" surname is not easy to name, there are some surnames that look quite strange.

Like what:

1. "testicle" surname

It originated from Gaotao and evolved from the surname Gao.

At present, there are only 17 people with the surname testicles in the country, and all of them are distributed in Guangxi, Shanxi and other places.

Although it is a surname handed down from the ancestors, it is somewhat embarrassing.

2. Chicken

Don't be surprised, it's a surname, and it's hard to pick a name.

Now there are only three people in the country with the surname "Chicken", and two of them are still sisters.

But did you know that the surname chicken is one of the four indigenous surnames in Foshan, and it is not clear where it originated. It is said that in the past, there was a general who fled and named himself Xi Niao in order to escape, and somehow evolved into a chicken.

3. Fertilizer

People with this surname are somewhat aggrieved, no matter how thin they are, they will be called fat.

Now there are less than 1,000 people surnamed Fei in the country, and most of them are gathered in Handan, Hebei.

It is said to have originated in the Spring and Autumn Period, when there was a country called Feiguo, and there was a celebrity named Feizi, which sounds quite interesting.


At the first glance of this surname, Sister Dimple thought she was dazzled.

But that's right, this is a surname, and now there are only 18 people with the surname in the country, all of whom are distributed in Hunan.

It is said that this surname originated in the Ming Dynasty, and there was a person named Niu Jiajun, whose surname was feces and urine was not surnamed Niu, so he simply changed his surname to.

Sister Dimple wants to say, how did this Niu surname offend you? No matter what, it's better than the "" surname~

Niu Jiajun, you are really a willful ancestor!


Now there are no more than 1,000 people with the surname poultry in the country, and the origin of this surname is said to be because the eldest son of Zhou Gongdan, the ancestor of the Lu State, is called Bo Yu, and then his grandson used his grandfather's name as a surname, and he has a poultry surname.

What other weird surnames do you know?

As one of the cultural heritages handed down from ancient times in the mainland, we need to respect and inherit the surname culture on the basis of understanding.

But now, there are many people who don't like their surnames, so when they name their children, they make up a random surname.

For example, in Jinan, Shandong, a couple once gave their child a name: Beiyan Yunyi.

It sounds very poetic, but when the police station registered, the police station refused and refused to give it.

The reason is that neither Dad's surname nor Mom's surname is there, and neither of them has this surname.

The couple argued with reason, saying that our surname is Beiyan and our name is Yunyi.

But in the end, the police station dismissed it.

So, the couple sued the police station with a complaint!

The lawsuit went all the way to the Supreme People's Court, and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress gave a special explanation on the names of the children: In principle, the children should have the surname of their father or mother.

In this case, the name Beiyan Yunyi was called without a legitimate reason, which reflected the arbitrariness of the name, so such a name could not be given.

It seems that when naming a child, you should still be cautious.

"" the surname father, I don't want the baby to have my surname, the mother casually chooses the name, and the whole family raises their hands in favor

Reference: Short video creation account: small.. , popular science black box, Qianzhi Xiaoke, Lao Zhou said surname, and the top student in history.

About Sister Dimple:

The 40-year-old second-child workplace mother, lifelong learning advocate. It advocates through emotional guidance, not anxious, not irritable, growing together with the baby, focusing on parenting knowledge and women's personal growth sharing.