
Some people asked: When the peasants begin to "break off their generations," who will do it in the future? Who will undertake agriculture in the future?

author:Xiaoju online 666

The people regard food as the sky, and agriculture is the foundation of the country. However, when you step into today's rural China, a picture of "one old and one young" may make you feel emotional. Behind this picture is the hidden worry of the phenomenon of farmers' "generational breaking", and it is also a practical challenge to rural revitalization.

Some people asked: When the peasants begin to "break off their generations," who will do it in the future? Who will undertake agriculture in the future?

Once, in that vast land, the young and strong labor force was surging like a spring tide, and they watered the hope of a good harvest with their hard sweat. But now, with the advancement of urbanization and the wave of industrialization, more and more young people choose to leave this land and pursue the prosperity and dreams of the city.

Some people asked: When the peasants begin to "break off their generations," who will do it in the future? Who will undertake agriculture in the future?

Numbers are cold, but they are also the truest witnesses. According to statistics, the total number of migrant workers in China has approached 300 million in recent years, but the average age is as high as 41.4 years old. This means that young people who should be wielding hoes in the fields are now more likely to be seen on construction sites and assembly lines in cities.

Some people asked: When the peasants begin to "break off their generations," who will do it in the future? Who will undertake agriculture in the future?

We can't help but ask, when this generation is old, who will carry the banner of "three rural" in the new era?

Agriculture, an industry that once nurtured countless Chinese children, is now facing unprecedented challenges. Sluggish revenues, poor public services, and difficult living conditions...... These problems are like heavy shackles, shackling the development of rural areas and preventing young people from returning.

Some people asked: When the peasants begin to "break off their generations," who will do it in the future? Who will undertake agriculture in the future?

But the light of hope has not been extinguished. The government is making unprecedented efforts to promote rural revitalization, and strive to improve the production and living conditions in rural areas through policy support and capital investment, hoping to attract more young people to return. This is not only to solve the current problem of "peasant generation", but also to ensure the country's food security and protect the deep friendship for the land.

Some people asked: When the peasants begin to "break off their generations," who will do it in the future? Who will undertake agriculture in the future?

We often say, "People are iron, rice is steel, and if you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry." The importance of agriculture is self-evident, and farmers are the foundation of agriculture. Without farmers, even the most fertile land would be barren. Therefore, it is urgent to solve the problem of peasants' "generational severance."

Some people asked: When the peasants begin to "break off their generations," who will do it in the future? Who will undertake agriculture in the future?

Of course, this didn't happen overnight. We need the joint efforts of the whole society, and the concerted efforts of the government, enterprises and all sectors of society. We need to let young people see the hope and potential of the countryside and the future and development of agriculture. Only in this way will they be willing to return to the land that nurtured them and use their wisdom and strength to contribute to rural revitalization.

Some people asked: When the peasants begin to "break off their generations," who will do it in the future? Who will undertake agriculture in the future?

"When I left home and went back, my hometown voice has not changed, and my sideburns have declined. This is the feeling of the ancients about leaving their hometowns, and it is also a portrayal of the current situation in today's rural areas. However, we believe that with the joint efforts of the whole society, the rural areas of the future will certainly radiate new vigor and vitality. Those young people who have left will eventually return to this land full of hope and shoulder the banner of "three rural" in the new era together with the older generation of farmers.

So, how will you look at this problem? Are you willing to be the one who carries the banner of "three rural" in the new era?

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