
A boy with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, when asked about his requirements for his other half, made a series of seemingly harsh demands. These requirements include no small animals, no male girlfriends, and no tattoos

author:Take a walk in style

A boy with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, when asked about his requirements for his other half, made a series of seemingly harsh demands. These requirements include not keeping small animals, no male girlfriends, no tattoos, not going to nightclubs, focusing on living a good life, no princess disease, not advocating the demon of helping brothers, being filial to both parents, never living with a boy, and not living a sloppy life.

People may have different opinions about these requirements. Some people may find these requirements too demanding, and it is difficult to find a significant other who meets all the criteria. Others may understand the boy's thinking and believe that he has the right to demand that the other half conform to his lifestyle and values.

First of all, for the requirements of not keeping small animals and not going to nightclubs, the boy may be motivated by personal preferences and lifestyle habits. For some people, having a pet can be a burden or inconvenience, and going to a nightclub may not be in line with their philosophy of life. Therefore, they want their significant other to maintain a similar lifestyle to their own.

Secondly, the boy mentions that he does not want his partner to have a male girlfriend, a tattoo, or a brother, which may be due to jealousy of the relationship or expectations for a future family. For some people, a pure relationship between a man and a woman is very important, and too many male girlfriends or brother demons can cause unnecessary suspicion and conflict.

Thirdly, the requirements of filial piety to both parents, never living with a boy, and not living a sloppy life reflect the importance that boys attach to family values. For many people, family is the center of life, and filial piety to parents and living a clean and orderly lifestyle are their basic requirements.

In general, everyone's requirements for their other half are a reflection of personal ideas and values. It is important that both parties in a relationship can understand, respect and support each other and work together to build a happy family and a bright future. Therefore, the key to the boy's demands is whether both parties can cooperate and support each other in all aspects of life, rather than simply whether the demands are demanding.

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A boy with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, when asked about his requirements for his other half, made a series of seemingly harsh demands. These requirements include no small animals, no male girlfriends, and no tattoos
A boy with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, when asked about his requirements for his other half, made a series of seemingly harsh demands. These requirements include no small animals, no male girlfriends, and no tattoos
A boy with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, when asked about his requirements for his other half, made a series of seemingly harsh demands. These requirements include no small animals, no male girlfriends, and no tattoos

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