
Fabricating rumors, malicious slander, some people, please stop jumping up and down

author:Luo Min

I am Luo Min, an ordinary doctor who fights the disease every day and strives to bring hope and recovery to the patients. However, last night's cyberstorm made me deeply appreciate the complexity and sinister nature of the online world.

Last night, some black fans accused me of improper treatment for no reason in the live broadcast, and maliciously directed the stream, and organized and premeditated a cyberviolence against me. I was shocked and outraged to see those baseless accusations and abuse. I know that as a doctor, my duty is to save lives, and I have always adhered to the original intention of being a doctor and tried my best to provide the best treatment for every patient.

In the midst of this online storm, some of the patients I have successfully cured have come forward to speak up for me, and they have told their own treatment experiences, which proves my medical skills and medical ethics. However, these voices were drowned out by the invectives of those black fans. I was very saddened to see this.

Fabricating rumors, malicious slander, some people, please stop jumping up and down

I know that the online world is a place of complex information and diverse public opinion. Everyone has the right to express their own opinions and opinions, but this does not mean that they can freely fabricate rumors and maliciously slander others. As a doctor, I am well aware of my responsibility and mission, I will not be knocked down by these cyberstorms, and I will continue to stick to my post to bring hope and recovery to more patients.

At the same time, I am grateful to those who support me and trust me. Your support and encouragement are the driving force for me to move forward, and I will cherish it and continue to work hard.

At present, I have contacted the legal team to protect my rights in accordance with the law. I believe that the law will give me a fair ruling and make those black fans pay the price they deserve. I also hope that through this incident, more people can pay attention to and reflect on online violence, and jointly create a healthy and positive online environment.

Fabricating rumors, malicious slander, some people, please stop jumping up and down

In this online storm, I deeply experienced the power and influence of online public opinion. It can not only be a force for spreading positive energy and promoting social progress, but also a tool for malicious attacks and slander others. Therefore, each of us should maintain a rational and objective attitude, not blindly follow the trend or listen to rumors, and treat others with a kind and tolerant attitude.

As a doctor, I am well aware of my responsibility and mission. I will continue to stick to my original aspiration as a doctor, continuously improve my medical skills and service quality, and bring hope and recovery to more patients. At the same time, I will also actively participate in social welfare undertakings and contribute to the development and progress of society.

Finally, I would like to say to those black fans: please stop this boring and harmful behavior! Although the online world is virtual, words and actions have real consequences. I hope that you will recognize your mistakes, re-examine your actions and words, and express your views and opinions in a more positive and healthy way.

In this cyberstorm, although I was not defeated, I also deeply experienced the complexity and sinister nature of the online world. I believe that as long as we maintain a rational and objective attitude, and treat others with kindness and tolerance, we will be able to create a harmonious and beautiful online environment together.

Fabricating rumors, malicious slander, some people, please stop jumping up and down

I hope my popular science can help you!

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