
The Bodhisattva is "going to get sick" for everyone today, and when I see it, I leave the word "go to the sick"! I don't look for you when I am sick or sick

author:Chen Ai smiled

The shelter of the soul - the healing light of faith

Throughout human history, faith has been like the stars guiding the direction of the Lost Wanderer, warming people's hearts and giving them hope and strength. Today, we will explore a mysterious phenomenon deeply rooted in folk beliefs – "going to the sick". This is not only a call from the heart, but also the beginning of a spiritual journey.

The Bodhisattva is "going to get sick" for everyone today, and when I see it, I leave the word "go to the sick"! I don't look for you when I am sick or sick

The embodiment of compassion - the ritual of "going to the sick" in folk beliefs

In the rich legends of folk beliefs, the bodhisattva represents infinite compassion and wisdom, and is regarded as a divine being who repels illness and calamities. When illness hangs over like a haze, the devotees will fold their palms together and pray for the Bodhisattva to lend a helping hand and remove their sickness. These prayers are often accompanied by rituals such as the smoke of incense, the chanting of scriptures, and the release of life, which are not only an invocation of divinity, but also a process of spiritual purification.

The Bodhisattva is "going to get sick" for everyone today, and when I see it, I leave the word "go to the sick"! I don't look for you when I am sick or sick

The divine power between the lines - the hidden energy of the word "to get sick".

In the corners of the temples, which are immersed in the sound of prayers and incense, devotees leave the words "go to sickness" on the walls, as if carving their inner expectations into the stone tablets of time. Behind these handwritings lies a powerful psychological suggestion and spiritual power. Believers are convinced that as long as the seeds of "disease" are planted in their hearts, they can reap healthy fruits. This unwavering belief became their spiritual backbone in the fight against the disease.

The Bodhisattva is "going to get sick" for everyone today, and when I see it, I leave the word "go to the sick"! I don't look for you when I am sick or sick

Belief in Emotional Healing and Mind-Body Connection from a Scientific Perspective

Modern medicine continues to reveal the close link between mental state and physical health. Positive emotions can reconcile people's physiology and stimulate self-healing ability, while firm belief is like a spiritual arrow pointing directly at the bull's-eye of disease. Under this understanding, "going to the sick" is not only a simple prayer, but also an inner psychological treatment, which stimulates the vitality of life and the possibility of recovery.

The Bodhisattva is "going to get sick" for everyone today, and when I see it, I leave the word "go to the sick"! I don't look for you when I am sick or sick

Witnesses of miracles - people who have experienced the legend of "going to the sick".

From the ancient temples in the north to the small towns in the south, the miracle stories of "going to the sick" are endless. Some people experience an unexplained miraculous recovery after the doctor declares it hopeless, which they attribute to the bodhisattva's blessing and the power of their own faith. These stories are like seeds sown in people's hearts, taking root and growing strongly, making more people convinced of the concept of "going to disease".

The Bodhisattva is "going to get sick" for everyone today, and when I see it, I leave the word "go to the sick"! I don't look for you when I am sick or sick

A haven of faith – finding a balance between reality and dreams

Even if science cannot directly verify the physical efficacy of "de-disease", the spiritual power and positive attitude brought by faith have a non-negligible impact on people's health. In this uncertain world, faith provides people with a haven of their hearts, giving them the courage and strength to face life. Whether it is facing a major illness or a daily ailment, with an optimistic attitude, we can sometimes really keep the disease away from us and let health accompany every bright morning.

The Bodhisattva is "going to get sick" for everyone today, and when I see it, I leave the word "go to the sick"! I don't look for you when I am sick or sick

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