
6 strange phenomena of rural house building, have you been recruited?

author:Ah Hai views the world

When building houses in rural areas, there are always so many "strange phenomena" that make people laugh and cry. Have you ever encountered it? Are you also curious about what is behind this? This question has bothered me for a long time, and today I will take you to reveal the story behind these "strange phenomena".

I have to say that the "strange phenomenon" of building houses in rural areas is really strange. Let's just talk about neighbors, the house is sticky, it's like a brother, and you and I don't distinguish between you and me. And I wondered, what do they think? Don't they think it's too crowded? And what about the light and ventilation? Do they like the darkness of their homes, or do they like the heat of the oven in the summer?

6 strange phenomena of rural house building, have you been recruited?

I once heard a story about two neighbors who were building too close to each other, and as a result, the window of one of them opened directly to the wall of the other. Every night, the lights of the two families "knock on each other", not to mention how embarrassing the scene is. I think this is probably the unique "human touch" of the countryside, and the closeness between neighbors is really laughable.

I have seen a lot of this kind of thing on the Internet, and netizens also have different opinions. Some people say that this is the enthusiasm and intimacy of rural people, while others express their incomprehension and feel that such a construction lacks foresight. If you want me to say, this is probably a manifestation of "short-sightedness". If you think about it, it may seem like nothing now, but what about in the future? Will there still be room for children to move? Wouldn't it be embarrassing to have a guest at home and not even find a place to sit?

6 strange phenomena of rural house building, have you been recruited?

This way of building a house seems to save space in the short term, but in the long run, it may bring a lot of contradictions and troubles. After all, no one wants to live in a depressing, crowded environment. Moreover, with such a tight building layout, in the event of an accident such as a fire, the consequences are really unimaginable.

Speaking of which, I suddenly thought of architectural planning in the city. You see in the city, each building maintains a certain distance from each other, which not only ensures lighting and ventilation, but also reduces safety hazards. Of course, each region has its own actual conditions and customs, and perhaps in some places, building houses close to neighbors is a tradition or out of some practical considerations. But in any case, we should pay more attention to long-term development and living comfort.

6 strange phenomena of rural house building, have you been recruited?

In addition to this "strange phenomenon", I also found another interesting point - the rear window facing the neighbor's house is considered unlucky. I really wondered, isn't the rear window just for ventilation and lighting? How can it be related to bad luck? Can opening a window still attract bad luck? This is ridiculous!

I've heard a story about a family that opened a high window in the back wall to improve ventilation and lighting. As a result, the neighbor quit and felt that doing so would "invade privacy" or "break feng shui". The two sides had a quarrel, and in the end they had to ask the village committee to mediate. Why bother with what kind of fuss you say? What age is this, and you still believe in these superstitious sayings!

6 strange phenomena of rural house building, have you been recruited?

In fact, these are all conflicts between traditional customs and the needs of modern life. We respect traditions, but we can't be immutable and stick to the rules! The times are advancing, and our way of life and living environment should also keep pace with the times. We can't always be bound by these stereotypes in our thoughts and actions.

In fact, I think the comfort of the house is the most important thing, if you build a small western-style building with three or four floors, if the design is unreasonable and the layout is not scientific, it is better to live in a small bungalow with a delicate design!

6 strange phenomena of rural house building, have you been recruited?

In addition to these, there are many ridiculous "strange phenomena" in rural house building, such as some people's houses are ridiculously large in order to save face, but they ignore the importance of the yard, why do you want such a big house? Can you still raise elephants in it? It's really funny! For example, some people build the courtyard wall high and high for security or privacy considerations, I don't understand this, do you want to build a castle or what? Such a high wall not only makes people depressed, but also may affect the lighting and ventilation of neighbors, what are you not selfish?

So, I think that although there are many "strange phenomena" in rural housing construction, we can't generalize, nor can we blindly follow the trend, we should reasonably plan our living environment according to the actual situation and personal needs, not only to respect tradition, but also to pay attention to comfort and practicality, so that our rural life can be more beautiful and harmonious, isn't it?

6 strange phenomena of rural house building, have you been recruited?

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