
Putin has not yet visited China, Russia's 300 billion huge amount of money has a big incident, and the United States wants to force China and Russia to break up, and the consequences are serious

author:Moderator: Liu Meixi

Before Putin boarded the special plane to visit China, Russia's 300 billion yuan had a big incident. In order to force China and Russia to break up, the United States has made a dangerous move, which will lead to extremely serious consequences. What will the United States do with Russia's huge sum of 300 billion dollars? What will be the consequences?

According to a report by the global network, after Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's visit to China, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed that Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit China this year. The outside world generally believes that Putin's visit to China will push Sino-Russian relations to a new height. However, before Putin boarded the plane for his visit to China, the United States passed a bill on April 20 that would involve China and Russia in addition to military aid to Ukraine and Israel. In the bill, it is clearly stated that Russian assets abroad will be confiscated for aid to Ukraine and the reconstruction of Ukraine. At the same time, the bill requires Chinese companies to hand over the U.S. business of the short video app TikTok or take it off the shelves. The U.S. approach has directly broken the rules of the great power game, especially the confiscation of Russia's overseas assets, which will lead to extremely serious consequences.

Putin has not yet visited China, Russia's 300 billion huge amount of money has a big incident, and the United States wants to force China and Russia to break up, and the consequences are serious

After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, in order to drag down Russia's economy, the United States "detonated" a financial "nuclear bomb" after imposing extreme sanctions, that is, all Russian banks were kicked out of the international settlement system (SWIFT). At that time, some financial experts said that the US move was "extremely lethal" and that Russia "could not bear it". Because the US dollar is the world's currency, the SWIFT system has become the largest and most influential platform in the world, and if Russia breaks away from it, it will fall into the embarrassing situation of "having money and nowhere to spend". However, after Putin issued the "ruble settlement order", requiring that imported Russian energy must be traded in rubles, the financial "nuclear bomb" of the United States failed, but made many countries in the world realize that the dollar is extremely risky and have joined the wave of "de-dollarization". However, the United States is not willing to accept defeat and has set its sights on Russia's overseas assets.

Putin has not yet visited China, Russia's 300 billion huge amount of money has a big incident, and the United States wants to force China and Russia to break up, and the consequences are serious

In December last year, at the G7 meeting, the United States proposed to confiscate $300 billion of Russia's overseas assets. On February 20 this year, the European Union could not withstand the continuous pressure from the United States and announced the initiation of legal procedures to allow the proceeds of Russia's frozen assets to be used for aid to Ukraine. However, the EU has only initiated the relevant procedures and does not dare to actually take action against Russian overseas assets, for the simple reason that it will directly undermine the current financial credit system with the West at its core. Since the United States and the West are openly snatching Russia's assets in the name of the Russia-Ukraine conflict today, it is natural that tomorrow they can also use other excuses to embezzle the assets of any other country. As a result, foreign capital will inevitably flee from the West, and no one will dare to invest in Western countries. However, the EU did not expect that the United States would directly pass a bill to take action against Russia's overseas assets!

Putin has not yet visited China, Russia's 300 billion huge amount of money has a big incident, and the United States wants to force China and Russia to break up, and the consequences are serious

Some analysts have pointed out that there are two main reasons why the Biden administration in the United States dares to do this. First, the United States is now very short of money, and its total debt has exceeded $34.5 trillion. However, according to the latest report of the American Accounting Truth Association, the actual debt of the United States has exceeded $157 trillion! This extra $119 trillion is the United States' health insurance and other welfare programs, which have no reserves and can only be realized through borrowing and financing. In order to solve this problem, the Federal Reserve has carried out a large-scale monetary easing policy, and a large number of indiscriminate US dollar bills have flowed into the market. Since then, in order to restore its own credibility and that of the dollar, the Fed has raised interest rates aggressively several times. However, the problems of the United States are still unresolved, so it is eyeing Russia's huge money;

Putin has not yet visited China, Russia's 300 billion huge amount of money has a big incident, and the United States wants to force China and Russia to break up, and the consequences are serious

Second, most of Russia's frozen overseas assets are in Europe, and the United States has only $38 billion in its hands. The United States wants to force European countries to give the money to themselves by introducing a bill to confiscate Russian assets. As for the consequences, the United States believes that Europe can bear the problem. Because although Russia also has a lot of Western assets, the vast majority of them come from Europe. Even if the United States is countered, the impact will not be great.

Putin has not yet visited China, Russia's 300 billion huge amount of money has a big incident, and the United States wants to force China and Russia to break up, and the consequences are serious

In addition, before Putin's visit to China, the United States took action against Russian assets and forced Chinese companies to hand over control of TikTok, with obvious intentions of coercion and inducement. The United States is suppressing China and Russia at the same time, and it also has the intention of forcing China and Russia to break up. However, the blatant seizure of Russian assets by the United States has directly destroyed the transaction structure of the dollar settlement system and dismantled the structure of trust in the dollar. China and Russia are bound to implement strong measures to further promote "de-dollarization" and completely end the hegemony of the dollar. The crazy approach of the United States will only lead to fire!

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