
After raising cats for a long time, you will find these 10 "magical phenomena", I have to believe it!

author:Cute pet war

There are so many people who have cats, but what you don't know is that after raising cats for a long time, these 10 magical phenomena will appear, and I have to believe it, it's too real!

After raising cats for a long time, you will find these 10 "magical phenomena", I have to believe it!


The cat is really a "cheap" creature, when you stick with it, it loves to ignore it, and even impatient, but you ignore it, it farts to provoke you, and even some cats, can not hug, open their mouths to bite.

After raising cats for a long time, you will find these 10 "magical phenomena", I have to believe it!


Cats are so cute, of course, you have to keep taking pictures! After raising cats for a long time, you will find a magical phenomenon, the memory is becoming more and more urgent, open a look at cat photos and videos, and a dozen or so are the same, reluctant to delete at all, is it very real?

After raising cats for a long time, you will find these 10 "magical phenomena", I have to believe it!


Cats are really curious, no wonder curiosity kills cats, you go to the supermarket to buy something back, it immediately gets into the shopping bag, you are eating, it smells there, you say it's greedy, it may lick and walk away, so do you still eat this food?

After raising cats for a long time, you will find these 10 "magical phenomena", I have to believe it!


After raising a cat for a long time, my heart has become softer, I can't see the cat's death or a touching video, I have tears in my eyes when I see it, I think that if it is my own kitten, it is really painful, and I dare not imagine the day when I am separated from it.

After raising cats for a long time, you will find these 10 "magical phenomena", I have to believe it!


Cats really have an obsession with cartons, every time after opening the express carton, it jumped in, whether it is a large, medium or small carton, are jumping in, really that scene, very funny!

After raising cats for a long time, you will find these 10 "magical phenomena", I have to believe it!


In the world of cats, the door must not be closed, especially the toilet, no matter what you are doing in it, it has to guard the door, and it will not come out for a while and slap the door in a hurry, it is really amazing, even if the cat is very sleepy, it must accompany you, afraid that you are in danger, it really loves you very much.

After raising cats for a long time, you will find these 10 "magical phenomena", I have to believe it!


The sleeping position of the cat is really strange, the cat has been raised for a long time only to find that its body is really soft, all kinds of acrobatic sleeping positions can be easily handled, every time I see the diving athlete hugging the knee posture is funny, the key is to sleep so soundly, I may not have a cat I can't imagine.

After raising cats for a long time, you will find these 10 "magical phenomena", I have to believe it!


After raising a cat for a long time, you will understand that cats are creatures that can really sleep anywhere, on the top of the refrigerator, under the table, on the countertop, etc., only you can't think of it, there is no place where it can't sleep, if your cat is like this, it means that it trusts you very much.

After raising cats for a long time, you will find these 10 "magical phenomena", I have to believe it!


Cats' favorite drink is not the water in their own cups, but the water in other people's cups, as well as toilet water, can't be stopped, and they drink secretly every day without paying attention, which is really weird!

Cats drink water for a long time, but it will affect the health of the body, the shovel officer had better correct it in time, you can find a way to let it drink the water in its own bowl, you can add some freeze-dried, it will like the meat more!

After raising cats for a long time, you will find these 10 "magical phenomena", I have to believe it!


After raising a cat for a long time, you find that not only you are raising it, it is also raising you, why do you say that? It is because cats bring you a lot of joy and unconsciously drive away a lot of pressure, so after raising cats, people are a lot happier!

The cat heals us so much, we have to take good care of it, let it stay with us longer, the staple food is best to choose a cat food with more than 36% crude protein for it!

After raising cats for a long time, you will find these 10 "magical phenomena", I have to believe it!

Conclusion: After raising a cat, what magical phenomenon did you find?

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