
Su Min couldn't hold on anymore, and her mother was sick and asked her to serve and uncover the reason why her husband didn't want to divorce

author:Moe Seiko

Su Min, an ordinary woman who shoulders the burden of her family, is now in a deep predicament. Her mother is sick and needs her care, but her husband's attitude makes her feel cold. Behind this seemingly ordinary family, there are many secrets that no one knows.

Su Min couldn't hold on anymore, and her mother was sick and asked her to serve and uncover the reason why her husband didn't want to divorce

Su Min's mother, who has always been in poor health, has recently deteriorated and needs someone to be by her side at all times. As the daughter of the family, Su Min is obligated to take on the responsibility of taking care of her mother. She was busy with work during the day and tired at night at her mother's bedside. However, even in such a difficult situation, her husband did not give her the support she deserved.

Su Min couldn't hold on anymore, and her mother was sick and asked her to serve and uncover the reason why her husband didn't want to divorce

Her husband's attitude made Su Min disappointed and angry. Not only was he indifferent to his mother's condition, but he often quarreled with Su Min over trivial matters. Su Min was exhausted, and she couldn't understand why her husband was so cold. After a heated argument, she finally reveals the reason why her husband does not want to divorce.

Su Min couldn't hold on anymore, and her mother was sick and asked her to serve and uncover the reason why her husband didn't want to divorce

It turned out that the reason why the husband was reluctant to divorce was not because he still loved Su Min, but because he was afraid of facing the pressure of life alone. He relied on Su Min's care and support, and was afraid that he would lose it once he divorced. This truth made Su Min heartbroken, she didn't expect that what she had been doing was just an excuse for him to evade responsibility in the eyes of her husband.

Su Min couldn't hold on anymore, and her mother was sick and asked her to serve and uncover the reason why her husband didn't want to divorce

Faced with such a predicament, Su Min couldn't hold it anymore. She has to take care of her sick mother and deal with her husband's indifference and blame. However, life is always full of uncertainties. At this critical moment, Su Min chose to face it strongly. She believes that as long as she doesn't give up, she will be able to get through this difficult time.

Su Min's story allows us to see the contradictions and dilemmas in the family. When facing difficulties and challenges, we need to be brave enough to face and solve them, instead of running away and blaming. Only in this way can we truly grow and progress.